Hello world, my name is James Bonanno, a student, kind young man and most importantly a filmmaker at the University of Arizona. This is my 4th year now (very sad) in the Bachelor of Fine Arts Program in Film and Video Production. Our Senior year is a special time, the last hoo-rah to make everlasting memories with friends, get the last thrills of college while we still can, and for me specifically, Creating my Senior Capstone Film for the world to see.
For the passed four years of my long-lived college education I have been working on numerous short films, experimental pieces, documentaries and any other work in between. The special thing about my final year is that I have written and will be directing a short film that I have spent hours conceptualizing and even longer hours creating.
My project this year revolves around the life of two charatcers Ben and Leela, co-workers and best friends with a love interest so obvious, the audience will root for them in the end. They have worked at a local video store, practically their whole life. The store is a place where they feel safe and comfortable, a cliche "home away from home" if you will. The conflict of the story is the issue that the store is closing down. A devastating reality to accept, sicne only one charatcer has insight of it happening. In an attempt to save the store and keep Leela safe from heartbreak, Ben keeps the store closing a secret from her, leading to a meltdown in their friendship and relationship and an even bigger burden for Ben to carry.
I was originally inspired to write this film by the current technology situation in our society. Online internet and movie databases have become so common that there are no longer needs for people to rent hard copies of there favorite movie or video game. This saddens me because I look back on my childhood and envy going to a Blockbuster or Hollywood video to rent a movie on a Friday Night. The relationship between Ben and Leela is also a unique yet understandable and common one. Best friends who should be more than best friends but struggle with the reality that they are meant for each other.
So now that i have given you all a sense of my project: Here is why I come to YOU for help:
- This project will cost money, money that I do not have. Wardrobe and costuming will be designed creatively, however many of the props they will use, shoes they wear and their uniforms need to be bought and constructed.
- I will be Writing and Directing this film but I am not the only one on this project. I will have a sizeable crew to help me make this happen and they will be working long hours, needing there bellies filled and thirsts quenched.
- Equipment is the most expensive part of any film. The look of the movie depends upon the camera used, lighting, and production design all of which cost money.
- Lastly, this is a film that i hope to be very proud of, and reach an audience outside of class. Film festivals will be that outlet as I wrap up the final movie next Spring and although it is suprising, these festivals can be very costly.
-Equipment: Lighting, Camera lenses and Sound Gear
-Production Value: Personalized props and set pieces
-Festival Entry Fees
-Craft Services and Costume Design
The remainder of the exceeded money will continue to go toward the production value of the film and entry fees for Festival that I will send the film to in its completion!