Robbie Hart (Robbie Demchuk) is a twenty year old who never wanted to grow up. Orphaned as a little child with nothing more than the hair on his chest and his guitar on his back, Robbie has no family but his best friend Brendan Murphy (Brendan Fitzgerald) and the neighbourhood boys. Each day they partake in the one thing they are best at: lane ball hockey. For all their fun and games, Robbie and Brendan are regarded as young and immature by the community’s parents and authority members. But no torment could be worse than that of their local nemesis, Dane Jermaine (Daniel Doheny). When their arrogant adversary takes the summer of their lives away from them, Robbie and Brendan must prove to the community – and themselves – that they are not just the slackers they seem to be! In a challenge presented by Dane Jermaine, Robbie and Brendan must place first in a Go-Kart race – with only seven days to assemble their kart. Will they be able to rally up with their neighborhood team to challenge their opponent in a week? Or will Ridge City Raceway be laughing at this Harts Stroke?
Hart Attack On Ridge City Raceway is currently in the pre-production phase. We have budgeted our project at $50,000 and need your help as the audience to get this adventure going. We will begin shooting in August of 2010 and be ready to go into post-production by this September. Follow us in our journey to bring this film to the screen by involving yourselves as much as possible. Spread the word, join our sites and get in touch with the cast/crew.
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