Since the beginning, the band has always had one main focus: you. We believe music has a way of connecting people, healing hearts
and creating moments to last a lifetime. We hope our songs can give you
courage when you feel lost, relate to you when you feel broken and celebrate
with you in all your triumphs and victories. This is why we make music:
The truth is, we are hell bent on making it. Success as a band can be
measured in so many ways, but for us, it’s all about delivering on the exact
reason we make music: to build relationships, make friends and
encourage people to be the best they can be. Sure, we would love to
one day be signed by a record label and play with national acts all around the
globe, but our main goal will always be making music and making friends.
To us, that is success.
Since our last few tours, we have put together a collection of songs which
turned into our new EP called "Heart, Stay Whole." This
new record is centered on the idea of "The Wild and Brave." We
define "The Wild and Brave" as a group of people who aren't afraid to
stand up for what they believe in. "The Wild and Brave" are
people who encourage each other to be the best they can be. "The
Wild and Brave" know they aren't perfect, but they don't let that stop
them. All of the songs on "Heart, Stay Whole." are
about adventure, finding yourself and the amazing, ironic and painful emotions
love can put the heart through. We believe these are the best songs we
have ever created and can't wait to share them with you.
But, we can't do this alone. We need your help to make "Heart,
Stay Whole" the best project we've ever done. Everyone
we've met during our journey had a huge part in our story. And for that,
we can't thank you enough. Nothing is more humbling than hearing about
how a song we wrote had an impact on a life and we hope to provide that same
experience to as many people as possible. That's where you come in.
We Need & What You Get
As you may know, making music is really expensive. Because we don't
have a label or investors behind us yet; we are responsible for funding
everything we do. In order to take our next venture to the next level, we
need help.
We are looking to raise $4000 to
finish recording, mixing and mastering "Heart, Stay Whole,"
press physical copies of the record, order new merch (shirts, CD's, material
for bracelets), marketing for our record, van repairs and fuel to hit the road
to see you. The more money we raise, the more we are able to do.
And the more we do, the more we can come out and see you!
We could never just ask for funding without coming up with some unique ways
we can say "Thanks!" By contributing to
our Indie Gogo you could have:
·Free download
of "Heart, Stay Whole" five days before it is
·Special demo of our
song "You Deserve"
·Fun, hand made
items like our one-of-a-kind bracelets, Matt's signature animal drawings or a
custom wood-burned fence post with light bulbs attached.
·A song written
about you, just for you!
·Signed CD's and
first dibs on new merch (Shirts, bracelets, etc)
·Fun outings with
the band such as: mini golf, a secret campfire show, a classy dinner or even a
tour of Seattle!
·And so much
We hope we can provide a fun experience while trying to raise funds for our
project and all the while get the word out about our EP.
Whether you donate $5-$10 or you feel called to support our dream by
donating $1000 or more, your contribution will make a world of difference for
us. What's most important to us is that we can continue to make music for
you and encourage people to be the best they can be.
We want music to be our full-time job and would love to be on the road year
round, but we can't do that without you. Running a campaign like this is
not only a way we can raise the funds we need to roll out our new EP, but it’s
a way we can promote our band and raise awareness about why we do what we do.
& Challenges
Honestly, we are really nervous to do this. We have always tried to
wait to do something like this until we absolutely had to and that time has
finally come.
If we don't raise the funds, it will be very difficult for us to release
our EP in the way it should be done. Like we said, recording is very
expensive and three guys in their early 20's working jobs on top of playing in
a band that requires our entire attention can make things quite hard.
But we won’t focus on can’t. Because we can do this.
Ways You Can Help
So if you have made the decision to be a part of our journey, great! Even
if you aren’t able to donate at the moment, no problem, there are still ways
you can help!
·Please, please,
please tell people about us. The more people sharing that there is a band
in Seattle that's on a brand new adventure and is looking for support, the more
exposure and new people we will get to meet.
·Check out our
music. Itunes, Bandcamp, Spotify you name it. Google Matt
Bacnis Band and you will find something!
·Join our Street
Team. We have an amazing group of people there already. You will
love it. Plus, you will be eligible for even more free stuff ;)
·Share our campaign!
Sharing creates a domino effect. You can share it on our Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram, Email Blast, at your church, school, community group or local bar!
·If you know any
record labels, booking agents, A&R reps, managers or any connection with
someone who can help us break into the next level, please contact us.
·If you know any
venues, churches, colleges or high schools that would like us to stop in and
play, let us know!
Again, this band
is and always will be about you. Thanks for being a part of our journey
and let's be the "Wild and Brave."