Death is a moment that is coming for us all, looming just over the horizon, the march of time never to be bartered or bargained with. But in HTD, the impossible becomes possible in an instant. Death comes for the dregs of humanity, but if these listless souls have embraced the abyss of their lives and let go of everything, they will achieve God-like powers through the spark of evolution. The very qualities that dragged them down in life will become weapons to fight back death, but only if they know HOW TO DIE.
HOW TO DIE: BIRTH OF THE BLACK ICE is the 28-page first issue in a series about the horrors lurking in the dawn of man's evolution.
Man needs struggle, and if he can't find war he will shape one within himself.
HOW TO DIE is the story of superpowers and preternatual horror. If you enjoy tales of profound strangeness such as Sam Keith's The Maxx or Neil Gaiman's Sandman series, HOW TO DIE is the book to back.
HOW TO DIE is...
Written by J.P. Plack
Drawn by Bogdan Ristea
Lettered by Federico Corsini
Anthony is just a boy going hunting with his father, wiping the sleep from his eyes as he climbs into his father's pickup. Stopping for a chocolate milk and a coffee. But they aren't tracking a stout buck in the dew-glistened dawn, their prey is man. Those pathetic amongst us that dangle perilously from the lowest rungs of society.
The hunt is a lesson in thinning the herd for the benefit of man, a skill passed down from father to son, the learning of a trade weaved through the family for generations.
But this generation will bring something new, a child nurtured in unimaginable pain that rages like a soul on fire. His hunt will be like no other when he uncovers the power that lurks in the depravity of man and he is reborn as the Black Ice.
Bishop’s murder draws closer like darkness swallowing the horizon. He manages a video store, screws, eats take-out and watches movies. He is treading water, going perfectly nowhere, and clinging to what can barely be called life.
He knows this, so when the hull of this lifestyle is breached by looming unemployment, he chooses to accelerate his demise, steering into failure rather than correcting its course.
For Bishop, anything would be better than to carry on like this. Little does he know that at the bottom of his descent awaits something far worse than overdue bills or even homelessness. Beyond his most terrible imaginings, his failures make him floating prey for the Black Ice, a remorseless being that skims the surface of mankind, shearing it for the betterment of the herd. His murder is coming and he will only survive if he learns how to die.
HOW TO DIE #1 Variant Cover
by Ralph Barrientos
What you're backing
This is the beginning of a wild and twisted series. It's the very first issue, the one where the creator dumps out the pieces of the universe and sets things in motion. It is heavy on characterization and motivation, with one of those final moments that sends a blood rush to the reader's head and gets them excited for the next issue.
For the reader it's also an investment, so when the next issue comes and the fanbase builds you don't need to play catch up. You'll be ready because you got in on the ground floor.
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