Ten years have passed since the sudden and mysterious end of a hidden war that led the world to collapse. The ancient Sanctuaries, once bastions of pride and security, are now nothing but dust and ashes. The old figures have fallen into battle for betrayals, duels or lack of will. The ideals that many fought for, today are just empty slogans.
The Aurora is approaching and with it a new awakening. Deviants sleep among the humans, unaware that in the shadow of the night, those who already woke up are doing the preparations for a new rebirth.
The light reveals four factions believed to be missing, Corporation, The Abyssal, Chimera and Acracia, which gradually unfold on a new battlefield, preparing for the abrupt dawn that is looming.
Order, supremacy, peace or freedom?
The factions are looking for new recruits, humans who have awakened and that are willing to join this crusade for directing the humanity’s future.
A Struggle begins with each player putting their respective Sanctuaries into play and then drawing 6 cards. Then, if a player wants to, he or she may shuffle his or her Hand back to draw a new Hand of 6 cards. If that player wishes to repeat the process, he or she may do so, with the condition of drawing 1 card less each time he or she changes hands.
A player is then chosen at random to start the game. Whenever a player takes a turn, he or she must do so by following these Steps:
1. Communion
Every card controlled by the Active Player is untapped by putting them in vertical position. Then, any Volition Point left from the Active Player’s last turn is eliminated. Finally, every Technology controlled by the Active Player loses a Durability Point.
2. Meditation
First, Enhancements and Technologies controlled by the Active Player generate Volition points according to their printed numbers. Then, every effect that depends on the beginning of the turn triggers. Finally, the Active Player draws a card.
During the first turn of the game, the Passive Player’s Sanctuary also generates Volition and the Active Player does not draw a card.
3. Volition Harvest
During his or her Volition Harvest, the Active Player may play any number of cards and activate any ability that can be activated. Keep into account that you can’t play more that one Enhancement card each turn.
4. Duel
This step is optional and the Active Player may choose to skip it. To start the Duel Step, tap an untapped Character you control and challenge an opposing Character. The controller of the challenged Character gets 2 Volition points. Both the challenger and the challenged Characters are considered to be engaged in personal conflict and deal Duel Damage to each other according to their respective Forces. At the end of the Duel Step, if only one of the two Characters remains in the Struggle, then its controller has won the Duel. The player that lost the Duel draws a card.
Both players can play Manipulation cards during this Step. Characters can’t challenge to a Duel in the same turn they entered the Struggle.
5. Combat
This step is optional and the Active Player may choose to skip it. The Active Player selects any number of untapped Characters he or she controls and declare them attackers. You must tap Characters declared as attackers. The Passive Player then declare his or her blockers. Blocking is optional and can be done by simply declaring any number of untapped Characters as blockers. Each Character may block or be blocked by only one Character.
Then, attackers and their respective blockers deal Combat Damage to each other at the same time. Characters destroyed during Combat are removed from the Struggle and taken to their owner’s Limbo. Finally, each blocked Character that remained in the Struggle deals Sanctuary Damage equal to its Force minus the Force of its blocker. Simultaneously, each unblocked attacker deals Sanctuary Damage equal to its Force.
Both players can play Manipulation cards during this Step. Characters can’t attack in the same turn they entered the Struggle.
6. Contemplation
This Step is defined as the instant in which the Active Player’s turn end. Both players can play Manipulation cards.
- "Pain destroys humanity. To avoid this, we must destroy every source that causes it.“
- "Humans are a scum that needs to be eliminated. If you get to interact with them, you will succumb to their same fate.”
- "Join the doctrine that will achieve peace and social union. Otherwise, let us liberate your evil through death."
- “The asleep are our means to reach the deviant future. Come on, this is for all of us.”
Is there any launch date for Humankind the Awakening?
- The estimate launch date is second semester of 2017.
Will there be a beta-testing phase?
- Yes, we will have a beta-testing phase after our crowdfunding campaign is finished.
Can I be a beta tester?
- All tiers starting from Faction Soldier will have access to the beta.
Will the game be free?
- The game download will be free and every new player will receive a playable deck. Then the player can buy more boosters from us, buy single cards from the marketplace or win new cards in the daily missions and events.
Will it have card trading?
- We will provide a card marketplace where players will buy and sell cards at a desired price. The game will not have direct card trading between players.
How many cards do I get in one booster pack?
- A booster pack contains 1 rare card, 3 uncommon cards and 6 common cards.
- So far the minimun system requirements are (they may vary):
Windows 7 or newer
CPU: Intel i3 o equivalent
2Gb of RAM
3Gb of available space in hard drive
4mb/s internet conection
Apple Mac
OS X 10.8 or newer
CPU: Intel i3 o equivalent
2 Gb of RAM
3 Gb of available space in hard drive
4 mbps internet connection
iPhone 5 or newer
3Gb of available space
3G or higher internet connection
Android 4.4 or higher
2 Gb RAM
3 Gb of available space
3G or higher internet connection