What is it About?
Originally written as a 6 episode series, "I MEow Back" follows Zipporah as she has to learn to traverse though high school and her personal life after getting diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue; also know as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis. Although a dark comedy, both the series and this proof of concept short film shows the importance of community and the need to belong with it's writer (Sacha Kenton) basing Zip's journey off of her experiences after getting diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue herself. Please take a look at the FAQ if you want to learn about what Chronic Fatigue is.
Who is Involved with this Film?
But no matter how great of a script is written, it's nothing without a cast that helps add depth to the material, and a crew that helps bring the vision to life.
The Film's Cast
What Do You Need the Money For?
Making sure cast and crew are fed and paid for their efforts take top priority for us, and while we will be making sure they get paid for their efforts no matter what, it'll be easier on all of us if we're able to pay them sooner rather than later. With there also being some minor expenses needing to be made regarding props and equipment purchases/rentals. Here's an approximate breakdown: