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Injurious movie

A psychological horror/thriller Short film that will take you on the edge of your seat.

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Injurious movie

Injurious movie

Injurious movie

Injurious movie

Injurious movie

A psychological horror/thriller Short film that will take you on the edge of your seat.

A psychological horror/thriller Short film that will take you on the edge of your seat.

A psychological horror/thriller Short film that will take you on the edge of your seat.

A psychological horror/thriller Short film that will take you on the edge of your seat.

Tonny Vanderavert
Tonny Vanderavert
Tonny Vanderavert
Tonny Vanderavert
1 Campaign |
Antwerp, Belgium
$268 USD $268 USD 4 backers
2% of $13,135 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal


Hello, my name is Tonny Vanderavert and I am a beginning writer and director in Belgium. I gained my film making knowledge by participating various courses and working as an internship and freelancer on different projects for Television and independent film productions.

Movies have been, and shall always be, an important part of my life. Like any other form of art, it makes you think, makes you wonder, or even makes you dream. Some people believe that real life and movies are two entirely different things, but I believe that one can affect the other.

I grew up watching horror movies because of my father, who in fact was a huge horror fanatic himself. I was about 10 years old when I first watched Steven Spielberg’s ‘Jaws’. I was horrified but at the same time fascinated. It took me several years of getting over my phobia of swimming in the ocean.

The fact that movies in general can provoke so many different emotions and honest reactions in its audience, or even make you think about life and death or yourself as a human being, has inspired me to make movies myself.


Horror movies are usually portrayed as movies with little or less character development, a poor story and gallons of blood. Luckily, great filmmakers, such as Alfred Hitchcock (The birds, Psycho), Stanley Kubrick (The Shining), William Friedkin (The Exorcist) and many others have proven the opposite. The first step in making a good movie, and this counts for any genre, is finding or writing a good story!

I began writing the first draft of the short movie ‘Injurious’ in 2012. At that time the working title was simply ‘The Apartment’. My main focus on the script was to tell a believable, yet authentic good story involving witchcraft and the supernatural. I have always loved movies like Poltergeist or The Exorcist because they deal with the supernatural and religion. They deal with one of the biggest questions of mankind, what happens when you die and do you believe in the devil?

Although the synopsis seems simple or recognizable, I can assure you there is a lot more to it than that. As a matter of fact, the whole idea is to surprise the audience and let them discover the deeper story themselves as they watch the film. How annoying is it when you practically already know a movie before you have even seen it. What’s the fun in that? You can rest assured, ‘Injurious’ will surprise you!

After going through several stages of rewriting and adapting the screenplay to perfection, it was time to find the right people that could help me make this movie. Anouk Van de Merlen and Mark Van de Looverbosch, were the first two people I could think of. After explaining my ideas about the project, they were immediately enthusiastic and joined the project.


In order to gather the funds we needed for the project, a professional approach was necessary. Setting up a NPO (Non-Profit Organization) that could carry the project, seemed like the best idea. Anouk, Mark and me are the founders of ‘Close Company Media’. A subdivision called ‘Close Company Pictures’ is responsible for the production of our debut short movie ‘Injurious’.

Our main goal is to make quality independent films for a wider audience. Our company slogan ‘Because the sky is the limit’ perfectly describes the company’s vision. We believe that everything‘s possible as long as you put your heart and mind to it. Our main objective is not to make money but to create opportunities and experiences that give talented and motivated people a chance to work together and create something special.

As proven in the past, the quality of a film doesn’t necessarily depend on the amount of money that is spent. When you don’t have the biggest budget, it forces the filmmakers to be creative. Unfortunately making a film is still expensive no matter how creative you are. The budget for each film we intend to make will only be made possible by personal investors, sponsorships, collaborative partners and you, the audience. Without your support we will not be able to make the quality films you deserve. All our projects will be released on Blu-ray, DVD and online demand. We will also participate international film festivals to create more opportunities.

The last few years, Belgium actors and filmmakers such as Matthias Schoenaerts (Bullhead, The Loft, The Drop, De rouille et d’os), Michaël R. Roskam (Bullhead, The Drop), Erik van Looy (The Loft, The Memory of a Killer), Nicolas Karakatsanis (Bullhead, The Loft, The Drop, Cup) Nico Leunen (The Broken Circle Breakdown, Mis Fortunates, Waste Land), and many others have shown the world of our talent, motivation and capabilities. We are of course very proud of their accomplishments and in time wish to follow in their footsteps. Because of you, this might be possible.


Two foreign students, a talented art painter and a passionate photographer, met each other at the University of Arts in London during their first Bachelor year. They have been friends ever since. During their final Master year, they travel to Belgium where they apply for a six months exchange program at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp. Together they rent a duplex apartment nearby the Academy. Little do they know of the sinister past of their new home nor the presence of the evil entity waiting for their arrival.

-  Duration: About 30 minutes

-  Languages: English and French

-  Genre: Horror/psychological thriller

-  Release date: spring 2015


There are different ways in which you could help our project. The most important one is to help us gather the funds needed for the project. There are many perks that covers any budget you may have. I am honestly grateful with any perk you prefer because every step, no matter how small, is one step closer to our goal.

Because of crowd funding, the sponsors do not only generously donate money, they will also receive some great incentives in return. We have tried to make as many creative awards as possible for your donation. Again, because of you, we can make this film made.

The total budget to make this movie with a certain comfort is estimated at around 18.000€. We hope to reach this amount partly from external companies that wish to sponsor, subsidies, other initiatives and of course crowd funding.

We are trying to raise 12.000€ by crowd funding. It’s important to know that we have to pay a 4% fee to Indiegogo (9% if we don’t reach our goal) and a 3% processing fee for the funds. So if we raise our 12.000€ goal, after the fees (840€) we will actually get 11.160€. 


First of all, you should know that none of your money will be spent on cast or crew wages, as we are all working for free. Even our supporting actors are working for free. We’ve created a list of some of the production aspects that your contribution will help pay for:

-  Catering

A hungry person can become an angry person. We don’t want that on a film set! Help us feed the hard working cast and crew members.

-  Renting equipment

Although we have some basic equipment, we still need to rent other important equipment such as a Professional Camera (ARRI ALEXA), Lights, filters, lenses, dolly, crane, etc. All these things are expensive but necessary to make a better and professional film look.

-  Production design and props

There are a few amazing sets that need the right decoration in order to tell the story. Even though we would visit a lot of flea markets to search for the right and inexpensive props, the costs could run up easily. A good production design makes situations more believable and in turn the audience is more invested in the story.

-  Special make-up FX

Don’t you hate it when the evil character of a horror movie looks fake? Or when you are supposed to see someone being killed, the blood looks like cough syrup? Well this important aspect of a horror film deserves the right investment.

-  Transportation

Driving around for equipment and getting everyone on the set is an expensive cost which is easily overlooked.

-  Post production

Shooting a film is one thing, but putting it together is something different. From the cutting room to the colouring room, adding sound and special-effects, composing the soundtrack, etc. All these aspects are so important and need the proper funding.

-  Promotion

Besides you, the sponsors, we would also love for other people worldwide to finally see the result wouldn’t we? Making sure we still have a little budget to promote our film is very important. After all, a film is made for an audience and not only for ourselves.

-  Indiegogo Perks

Don’t forget we also have to pay for the perks you have chosen such as DVD’s, Blu-rays, CD’s, Albums, etc. (including the transfer costs.)

Everyone in our crew is exited to work for free, but electricity and all the other aspects mentioned above are lousy investors. That’s why we need your donation to benefit the final result. Hoping you will become part of this amazing project, we thank you in advance for your kind and generous consideration.

Another way in which you can help the project is by spreading the word. Talk about the project, share and like us on Facebook, follow us on twitter, visit our websites. Be an active supporter and take a few minutes to share our project online. This will only contribute in achieving our goal.

Find our campaign on Facebook, twitter and our websites


We are pleased to inform you of the support and trust we received from a few professional actors. Not only will they help us behind the scenes, they will also play a character in our movie. Because we are currently still casting for leading roles and a few other characters, as well as a few crew members, we cannot provide you with the entire cast and crew list. Last but not least, because we don’t want to give any spoilers, some character will remain anonymous for a while. This will be updates on our websites and social media platforms in the coming weeks.



As we don’t want to give any spoilers, we will not be able to give you details about her character in the movie. I can only say she has an important part in it.

Liliane Dorekens was born on October 29, 1950 in Antwerpen, Flanders, Belgium. She is an actress, known for Familie (1991), Slisse & Cesar (1996), Gaston Berghmans Show (1995), Mega Mindy (2008), Fiddler on the roof (2011), Pauline en Paulette: een muzikale praline (2014), and many more.

For more information go to


I can tell you he plays an evil member of a satanic cult with no empathy for mankind what so ever.

R.Kan Albay was born on September 1, 1975, in Antwerp Belgium as Erkan Altunbay. Albay made small roles in television series before landing his breakthrough role as a gangster in the Flemish success movie Dossier K. He was nominated for the Flemish Ensors (Oscars) and won the Silver horse award for best male actor 2011. The following years, he appeared in many television shows in Belgium and Turkey. Albay performed in a number of theatre productions as the leading part and does occasionally commercial work.

For more information go to


Jasmijn plays the character Laurie, a Fashion student from Sweden at the academy of fine arts.

Jasmijn Van Hoof has studied at the Antwerp Conservatorium and finished her degree at RITS. She is known for her work on Familie as the character Stefanie (2012), Binnenstebuiten (2013) and Trouw met mij (2014).

For more information go to


As we don’t want to give any spoilers, we will not be able to give you details about his character in the movie. I can only say he has an important part in it.

Philippe Dijckmans is currently an unknown but very talented actor who performed in many independent theatre companies. He is very enthusiastic to play his part in this movie.


Director of photography

CEDRIC VANKERCKHOVEN is a very artistic Director of photography and set lighting technician. He studied ‘Audiovisual techniques’ at RITS (Brussels) and ‘Direction’ at Sint Lukas (Brussels). He worked on various feature films, short film, music videos and commercials.

Watch his REEL

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Soundtrack Composer

ADI MEHIC was born on October 25th 1981. He began playing the piano at age 12. He grew up in Regensburg (Germany), a typical little city filled with classical influences. His passion for music was born. In the beginning he was an autodidact. He graduated at the famous College of music in Regensburg. Afterwards he played on many concerts and gigs, in theatre productions, big bands, musicals, piano concerts, composed music for Television, conducted bands, choirs and many more. Music has always been and shall always be an important part of his life.

Special make up fx

In 2012-2013, SOFIE COENEN, participated a Master course program for 5 months at the Cinema Make Up School in Los Angeles (USA). Different aspects such as beauty, airbrush, special FX and many more were dealt in the course program. After returning from LA she worked as a special make-up assistant on the Television-series ‘CORDON’ for Eyeworks NV and VTM.

She also participated a specialized course program for Special FX in London by Neill Gordon (Saving Private Ryan, Children of Men, Doctor Who, The Wolfman, etc.) and worked on many short films.

More updates soon on


Without a good cast and crew, you can’t make a movie, but without the support and motivation of your sponsors you can’t either. Because of your generous contribution we will get the chance to prove our dedication and passion in filmmaking.

There is a beautiful proverb that covers the meaning of working as a team, whether you’re making a movie or living together in a society.

“If you want to go fast, go alone… If you want to go far, go together.”

Our heart and soul has grown fondly to this project and our deepest gratitude goes to the many friends who participated so far and to those who will continue their participation on this epic journey. 


You can transfer your donation directly to our Close Company Media account. Just add your full name and desired perk in the comment section, and we’ll do the rest. Don’t forget to mail us for further contact details in case your incentives should be send by post. Mailto:


IBAN: BE43 3631 3425 3801


Thank you for your consideration.

Please use the Indiegogo share tools to let people know you contributed and you think they should too!


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Choose your Perk

PERK 1 - One step closer.

Currency Conversion $11 USD
€10 EUR
Your contribution has provided a day's meal for one of the cast and crew members. We are eternally grateful!
2 claimed

PERK 2 - A shout on Facebook

Currency Conversion $16 USD
€15 EUR
Besides our deepest thanks, your name will get a shout out on the Official Injurious Facebook page.
0 claimed

PERK 3 - Digital download

Currency Conversion $27 USD
€25 EUR
You will get a shout out on the Official Injurious Facebook page + a digital HD download of INJURIOUS.
1 claimed

PERK 4 - On the credits + DVD

Currency Conversion $55 USD
€50 EUR
All previous perks + Your name will be mentioned in the SPECIAL THANKS section of the ending credits! + A free copy of the DVD.
0 out of 35 of claimed

PERK 5 - DVD+extra's + T-shirt

Currency Conversion $82 USD
€75 EUR
All previous perks + You receive a DVD with exclusive behind the scenes bonus material + An exclusive INJURIOUS T-shirt with your name on it. How cool is that.
0 out of 20 of claimed

PERK 6 - The Silver Sponsor

Currency Conversion $109 USD
€100 EUR
All previous perks + A signed copy of the script (at the end of production to avoid spoilers) by the entire cast, producers and director + An exclusive 50x70 cm official INJURIOUS poster signed by cast and crew.
0 claimed

PERK 7 - The Golden Sponsor

Currency Conversion $164 USD
€150 EUR
All previous perks + You receive a Blu-ray copy of the film with exclusive bonus material with DVD + The soundtrack signed by the composer and the director with a personal handwritten thank you note.
0 out of 15 of claimed

PERK 8 - The Platinum Sponsor

Currency Conversion $219 USD
€200 EUR
All previous perks + A VIP pass at the premiere of the movie on the big screen with after party.
1 out of 10 of claimed

PERK 9 - The Royal Seat

Currency Conversion $547 USD
€500 EUR
All previous perks + You will be invited at an exclusive dinner with the leading cast and crew on our costs. + A complete day on the set during production. (all travel costs not inclusive!)
0 out of 5 of claimed

PERK 10 The Kings Throne

Currency Conversion $1,095 USD
€1,000 EUR
All previous perks + an exclusive photo album, made by a professional photographer and signed by leading cast and crew + a special PROP used in the movie by one of the leading characters + You are the ASSOCIATE PRODUCER on the opening and ending credits and on IMDB.
0 out of 1 of claimed
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