Our campaign has ended!
Principle Production of this film is complete!
When was the last time you saw a feature film starring a person with albinism? When was the last time you saw a character with albinism portrayed in a positive, human way? For a lot of us, the answer is "never".
We'd like to introduce you to Jasmine.
She's funny. She's ambitious. She's driven. She makes corny jokes with her best friend. She yearns for independence from her overprotective, but totally loving parents. She makes dumb mistakes like any other teenager. And she wants to be a model.
JASMINE STAR tells the story of a determined 16-year-old with albinism (lack of pigment in the hair, skin, and eyes) who makes it her mission to become a professional model in her hometown of Minneapolis, while attempting to go unnoticed in every other aspect of her average teenage life.
When modeling, she goes by the name, "Jasmine Star". Her philosophy: if people are going to stare at her anyway, she might as well make art from that. But her high school persona is a lot more timid—like all teenagers, Jasmine can’t help but want to fit in.
Over the course of a frigid Minneapolis winter, Jasmine strives for independence, while tackling love, work, loss and self-acceptance.
People with albinism have been negatively and/or inaccurately portrayed in Hollywood for a long time. Highly successful films have depicted people with albinism as villainous characters.
We’re well overdue for a coming-of-age story like Jasmine’s where she’s an empowered, fully functioning member of society and every aspect of her life is portrayed realistically.
This is more than just a movie.
We're building a community.
There are people who have been waiting their whole lives to be represented in a film like this. There are people who love coming of age stories about young women empowered to take on the world. There are people who love to support female filmmakers. That's you, our audience. By backing this project, you join a community. A community that believes everyone deserves to see their stories told on screen.
As a backer, you will see every step of the journey. You will be with us from Day 1 of filming to watching it in a theater or on your laptop at home. The world has never seen a film like this one. With your support, it will.
There are people who will say that the film industry isn't ready for a story like this. We will prove them wrong.
Iyana LeShea, Jordan White, Jennifer Renee, Anup Kulkarni, Jo Rochelle, Regina Hoyles, EG Bailey, Sha Cage. For team bios, please go to our official website: www.jasminestarmovie.com
A Statement from the Director:
Flights & Lodging (15%):
We searched high and low for the right actors to portray Jasmine and Christian in this film. They both live in Atlanta. We will fly them and a few key crew members to Minneapolis and provide lodging for them. This film will employ crews and actors local to the Minneapolis/St. Paul area.
Camera & Equipment (20%):
We would like to film in 6K, so the film looks beautiful and defined on the big screen. We will be renting a camera for our entire 16.5 day shoot. We will also be renting lighting equipment.
Cast & Crew (45%):
It's very important to us to pay our cast and crew members. Our team is full of diverse, hard-working people who, we believe, are future of filmmaking.
Food (15%):
During all 16.5 days of filming, everyone will be well fed so we have the energy to keep going!
Insurance (5%):
We need production, general liability, and equipment insurance. We will also be paying for permits so we can film in public parks and on the light rail.
Filming begins in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area in late October of this year!
We'll begin to edit—piece it all together. Then, color grading. Then sound mixing & music! This process is just as (if not, more so) important than production!
The movie has been edited and it looks great! Now we'll submit to targeted film festivals and also have a private screening at the 2020 NOAH Convention (National Organization of Albinism and Hypo-pigmentation) in Orange County, CA.
Pull out the red carpet. Get photo ready! JASMINE STAR premieres January-March of 2021.
This film is happening. This film is going to be made.
Let's make it happen together.
Thank you to our LA team for working so hard on the concept trailer:
Concept Trailer Crew: Director: Jo Rochelle, Cinematographer: Anup Kulkarni, Producer: Josh Roark, Producer/Casting Director: Regina Hoyles, 1st AC: Tarun Hansen, 2nd AC: Teagan Morin, Gaffer: Ken Whiting, Key Grip: Angel Interiano, Production Assistant: Ryan O'Leary, Location Manager: Fred Leach.
Concept Trailer Cast: Iyana LeShea, Jace Taylor, Erin Brownett, Andy Dubick, Denis Yolen, Frank Faucette, Dionne Neish, Jordan White, Regina Hoyles.
Concept Trailer Music: "Dawned on Me" by Brewer (spotify:album:1t9g1ZwBOn2EvDFc1copoe) and "Pill" by Heuse & Zeus x Crona (feat. Emma Sameth) ( https://soundcloud.com/emma-sameth)
If you'd like to privately invest in this film, please email jasminestarmovie@gmail.com.