Jetta is back with a new look!
Hi gang, Jimmy T here, back for the second edition of Jetta Raye Adventures! This issue will be a 32 page first comic format edition (Pages may be added if we do better than our goal) featuring writers Craig "Mr. Reliable" Boldman, Angelo "Bossman" DeCesare, and new writer, Tony "The Tiger" DiGerolamo. And what would a comic be without artists to bring these characters to life? So once again we're featuring some of the best in the biz-- Jeff Shultz, Pat and Tim Kennedy!
We are all passionate about the Jetta comic and are pouring in a lot of work so that you will get the most for your entertainment dollar. Just to liven things up a little, we're leaning on the mighty shoulders of the Kennedy's for a fantastic new look to Jetta and the gang. But, of course, also keeping her in the traditional art style of the great Dan Decarlo.
I just finished the regular cover. A gag cover written by Jeff Shultz!
Here is a variant Kennedy Brothers Jim Tournas cover.
To write, draw, letter, ink, color, and produce a comic of legendary status.
An awesome variant cover by Jim Calafiore is just one of the cool features of this campaign. We will feature another variant cover by the Kennedy brothers as well.
We look forward to comments and suggestions. We will be updating our readers as often as possible.
Stories are being written and pages are being penciled as I write this. We are so excited and proud to give our readers the best comic we can put out.
As for perks, besides the limited edition variants, we have spots to have yourself, family or friends (priced per person) drawn into a story. For the bold, have yourself yourself drawn on the cover with the option to own the pages you are drawn into. What a spectacular gift, so check that out early. You can message us during pre-launch or launch for info..
We will also have original hand lettered art from this edition or from Jetta Raye Adventures hard cover available. These are really great one-of-a-kind gifts.
Since you can only get these books via crowdfunding, we will also feature a dealer package with a surprise gift for each package we have listed. Dealers will appreciate this, I am sure.
More perks to be added as we grow.
Other Ways People Can Help
We hope everyone will share this campaign on social media, and with friends and family, to help us reach our goal.
Here is a quick peek at the Kennedy Brothers and Jim Tournas cover.
I will post as we get pages.
Jimmy T