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Join MILES AHEAD - A Don Cheadle Film

Miles Davis busts out of his silent period with an unlikely partner in crime

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Join MILES AHEAD - A Don Cheadle Film

Join MILES AHEAD - A Don Cheadle Film

Join MILES AHEAD - A Don Cheadle Film

Join MILES AHEAD - A Don Cheadle Film

Join MILES AHEAD - A Don Cheadle Film

Miles Davis busts out of his silent period with an unlikely partner in crime

Miles Davis busts out of his silent period with an unlikely partner in crime

Miles Davis busts out of his silent period with an unlikely partner in crime

Miles Davis busts out of his silent period with an unlikely partner in crime

Miles Ahead
Miles Ahead
Miles Ahead
Miles Ahead
1 Campaign |
Los Angeles, United States
$344,582 USD by 2,174 backers
$343,494 USD by 2,103 backers on Jul 11, 2014


Music has always been one of my passions.  Since 6th grade, when I started listening to my parents’ Miles Davis records, his artistry has been an inspiration to me; he was someone who only ever followed a path as a runway to create a new one. 

Surprisingly, Miles’ life, his passion, his creativity, his fire have never been brought to life in a film and the fact that his family has chosen me to do this now is an honor.

I want to tell a story that Miles himself would have wanted to see, something hip, cool, alive and AHEAD.

I’ve taken my marching orders from Miles’ mandates (“Play what’s not there.” “Fear no mistakes. There are none.”) and focused in on a very specific point in his life to explore his relationship with his muse, his voice, his fears and challenges to come out of his silent period and return to the music. I'm hopefully making a movie that tells a story many people can relate to, jazz fan or not. 

MILES AHEAD is not just about the music. It’s about what we all face at one time or another in our lives; questions about who we really are, what we have to say and how will we say it. How will we ultimately be defined and who gets to say so?

Speaking of defining, in Miles’ illustrious career, he played everything from show tunes to acid rock. That’s why he rejected the term “jazz” and preferred to have his work defined as “social music.” 

It makes perfect sense therefore to make MILES AHEAD a

Social Experience. 

I’m here on Indiegogo to invite you to connect with us NOW. 

This film is being produced independent of any major studios, so every dollar raised by this campaign is going directly towards the budget. MILES AHEAD has been in development since 2008 and many variables have changed over the years. Location, crew and timelines have impacted the overall budget tremendously. We have an incredible cast now that we're really excited about, including Ewan McGregor. We need the money that we’re asking for to make the film we want to make. If we weren’t crowdfunding, we would have to cut out scenes or characters that we feel really need to be in the movie. That’s why we’re here on Indiegogo and that’s why 100% of the money raised by this campaign will go towards making this film the best film it can possibly be. 

I want you to be a part of our journey, our story.  Be a part of bringing a great story to life and help us take that experience to the next level. Here are some of the "Thank You" perks for being a part of MILES AHEAD:

Rejoignez Miles Davis rompant avec sa période de silence grâce à un complice peu probable, tirant sur tout ce qui bouge, pour reprendre possession de sa musique, et évoquant son amour perdu depuis longtemps

La musique a toujours été une de mes passions. Depuis la 6e, lorsque j'ai commencé à écouter les disques de Miles Davis de mes parents, son art m’a inspiré; c’était quelqu'un qui suivait un chemin dans le seul but d’en créer un nouveau. 

Etonnamment, la vie de Miles, sa passion, sa créativité, sa flamme n'ont jamais pris vie dans un film, et c’est un honneur que sa famille m'a choisi pour le faire maintenant.

Je veux raconter une histoire que Miles lui-même aurait voulu voir, un film branché, cool, vivant et avant-gardiste.

J'ai suivi les instructions de Miles ("Joue ce qui n’existe pas encore." "N’ai pas peur des erreurs. Il n’en existe pas."), et je me suis concentré sur un moment très précis de sa vie afin d’explorer sa relation avec sa muse, sa voix, ses craintes, la difficulté de s’en finir sa période de silence, et son retour à la musique. J’espère créer un film qui raconte une histoire dans laquelle de gens peuvent s'identifier, fan de jazz ou pas.

MILES AHEAD ne concerne pas seulement la musique. Il s'agit des questions auxquelles nous sommes tous confrontées à un moment donné de notre vie; questions sur qui nous sommes vraiment, ce que nous avons à dire et comment allons-nous le dire. Comment allons-nous nous définir finalement et qui a le droit de nous définir?

Au sujet de définition, pendant son illustre carrière, Miles a joué toute sorte de musique, de la comédie musicale à acid rock. C'est pourquoi il a rejeté le terme "jazz" et a préféré definir son travail en tant que “musique sociale.” 

Il est donc parfaitement logique de faire de

Miles Ahead une expérience sociale.

Je suis ici sur Indiegogo afin de vous inviter
à interagir avec nous maintenant.

Ce film est produit en dehors des grands studios, de sorte que chaque dollar recueilli par cette campagne participe directement au budget. MILES AHEAD est  en développement depuis 2008 et de nombreuses variables ont changé au fil des années. Le lieu, l’équipe, la distribution et le timeline ont eu un impact énorme sur le budget global. Nous avons besoin de l'argent que nous demandons pour faire le film que nous voulons réaliser. Si nous n'avions pas lancé un appel au crowdfunding, il aurait fallu couper des scènes ou des personnages qui, selon nous, devraient absolument faire partie du film. C'est pourquoi nous sommes ici sur Indiegogo et c'est pourquoi 100% de l'argent amassé par cette campagne servira à faire de ce film le meilleur film possible.

Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Choose your Perk


YouTube Thanks from Don!

$1,000 USD
Don will thank you in a personalized YouTube video! + MILES Hoodie! + MILES AHEAD t-shirt! + Everything in the $50 pledge level! + We'll thank you in the end credits of MILES AHEAD FOR INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING: Add $15 to your pledge.
5 out of 10 of claimed


$5 USD
You’ll receive exclusive video updates about MILES AHEAD from Don Cheadle throughout our campaign. Get the inside scoop from Don (and special guests!) as he gets ready to direct and star in MILES AHEAD!
253 claimed


$15 USD
If you didn't already add $15 to your original payment, and you are outside of the U.S., please contribute the additional fee so we can get you your perk in a timely manner.
65 claimed


$20 USD
Can't wait for a taste of the musical stylings of MILES AHEAD? You'll receive an advance opportunity to hear music from the set of MILES AHEAD. PLUS you'll get the inside scoop from Don (and special guests!) as he gets ready to direct and star in MILES AHEAD!
73 claimed


$35 USD
You'll receive a Private Pre-Theatrical Streaming Link* granting you access to view MILES AHEAD simultaneous to its Film Festival World Premiere, prior to its release in theaters! *Streaming powered by VHX. PLUS you'll get the inside scoop from Don (and special guests!) as he gets ready to direct and star in MILES AHEAD!
147 claimed

You ARE Miles Ahead!

$50 USD
JOIN, LISTEN and WATCH AHEAD! At this pledge level you'll get a Private Pre-Theatrical Streaming Link! PLUS You'll receive an advance opportunity to hear music from the set of MILES AHEAD. PLUS you'll get the inside scoop from Don (and special guests!) as he gets ready to direct and star in MILES AHEAD!
83 claimed

MILES AHEAD iPhone Cover

$55 USD
NEW PERK! Call, text and listen to music in style. You'll receive your choice of MILES AHEAD iPhone* cover designs, made especially for this campaign. One of the designs features original artwork by Miles Davis, the other features our official MILES AHEAD logo. + Everything at the $35 pledge level *Protective iPhone 5/5s Cases FOR INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING: Add $15 to your pledge.
25 claimed


$65 USD
You won’t be able to find this exclusive T-shirt anywhere else. Join MILES AHEAD and flaunt it, with this amazing t-shirt designed especially for this Indiegogo campaign. + Everything in the $50 pledge level! FOR INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING: Add $15 to your pledge.
319 claimed

Thank You!

$75 USD
Thank you for joining ahead - let's make it official! Your name will be listed on the MILES AHEAD film website! + MILES AHEAD T-shirt + Everything in the $50 pledge level! FOR INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING: Add $15 to your pledge.
105 claimed

The Miles Davis Artbook

$80 USD
Miles Davis was a man of many talents. Around 1980, he turned to sketching and painting. This hobby quickly turned into a serious passion, and Davis approached it with the same obsessive creativity he applied to music. At this pledge level you’ll receive a copy of the Miles Davis Artbook. + Everything in the $50 pledge level! FOR INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING: Add $15 to your pledge.
Only 8 left

ACT HIP Hoodie

$100 USD
The famous sentence that will be rolling off your tongue (and your chest!) from now on: IF THEY ACT TOO HIP YOU KNOW THEY CAN’T PLAY Shhhhhhh…This sweatshirt can be yours! + Everything in the $50 pledge level! FOR INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING: Add $15 to your pledge.
76 claimed


$150 USD
Want to show how big a Miles fan you are? Wear this sweatshirt out with a "MILES" and trumpet image on it. This *limited edition* sweatshirt is ONLY available to supporters of this campaign! + Everything in the $50 pledge level! FOR INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING: Add $15 to your pledge.
64 out of 150 of claimed


$250 USD
You'll receive a DVD of MILES AHEAD, signed by Don Cheadle, as soon as it's commercially available. + MILES AHEAD t-shirt! + Everything in the $50 pledge level! FOR INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING: Add $15 to your pledge.
12 out of 25 of claimed

Miles' Sketches * EXCLUSIVE*

$500 USD
The Miles Davis family has expressed a tremendous amount of support for MILES AHEAD. One of their ways of putting their stamp of approval on MILES AHEAD is by providing our campaign with a LIMITED EDITION, out of print collection of Miles’ sketches. + You'll receive a MILES AHEAD t-shirt! + Everything in the $50 pledge level! FOR INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING: Add $15 to your pledge.
13 claimed

ICONIC Miles on Silver

$550 USD
*LIMITED EDITION* An ICONIC image of Miles Davis printed on brushed silver aluminum (16x24) for an incredible one of a kind look! + You'll receive a MILES AHEAD t-shirt! + Everything in the $50 pledge level! FOR INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING: Add $15 to your pledge.
2 out of 10 of claimed

"Thank You" In Our Credits

$750 USD
You'll be "thanked" in the official end credits for MILES AHEAD. That's right: YOUR NAME ON THE BIG SCREEN! + MILES Hoodie! + MILES AHEAD t-shirt! + Everything in the $50 pledge level! FOR INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING: Add $15 to your pledge.
19 out of 50 of claimed


$1,250 USD
This classic poster (18 x 25, mint condition, 1990) is out of print and the only place to get one is HERE! + MILES Hoodie! + MILES AHEAD t-shirt! + Everything in the $50 pledge level! + We'll thank you in the end credits of MILES AHEAD FOR INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING: Add $15 to your pledge.
3 out of 25 of claimed


$1,500 USD
Receive a Miles at the Fillmore box set SIGNED BY DON CHEADLE with a personal inscription made out to YOU. + MILES Hoodie! + MILES AHEAD t-shirt! + Exclusive MILES' SKETCHES + Everything in the $50 pledge level! + We'll thank you in the end credits of MILES AHEAD + MILES IN CONCERT poster *RARE MINT CONDITION* FOR INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING: Add $15 to your pledge.
6 out of 8 of claimed

MILES AHEAD Trumpet Case

$1,500 USD
Trumpet case, loaded with goodies including the Columbia records CD sets (384 recordings), a custom designed T-shirt, a lithograph of one of Mile’s paintings and an exact replica of the “Gustat” mouthpiece used by Miles himself. The case will be SIGNED BY DON CHEADLE and members of the Davis family! + MILES Hoodie! + Everything in the $50 pledge level! + We'll thank you in the end credits of MILES AHEAD FOR INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING: Add $15 to your pledge.
1 out of 3 of claimed

Lunch with Don!

$7,500 USD
You and a guest will be treated to lunch with Don Cheadle at Wilshire Restaurant, his favorite spot in LA! Travel and accommodation not included. + MILES Hoodie! + MILES AHEAD t-shirt! + Everything in the $50 pledge level! + We'll thank you in the end credits of MILES AHEAD FOR INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING: Add $15 to your pledge.
1 out of 2 of claimed

Round of Golf w/ DON CHEADLE

$8,500 USD
You and a guest will play a round of golf with Don Cheadle in the LA area! Travel and accommodation not included. + MILES Hoodie! + MILES AHEAD t-shirt! + Everything in the $50 pledge level! + We'll thank you in the end credits of MILES AHEAD FOR INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING: Add $15 to your pledge.
1 out of 2 of claimed

Post-Production Day

$15,000 USD
You'll receive an ALL EXPENSES PAID TRIP to join the post production team for a day (in LA or NY, TBD), and watch the editing of MILES AHEAD in real time. You'll get to preview some footage before anyone else, and see how it all comes together. (Domestic flights only.) + MILES Hoodie! + MILES AHEAD t-shirt! + Everything in the $50 pledge level! + We'll thank you in the end credits of MILES AHEAD FOR INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING: Add $15 to your pledge.
1 out of 2 of claimed
sold out


$25 USD
Only -279 left
sold out

Instagram Thank You from Don!

$45 USD
20 out of 20 of claimed
sold out

Skype Call With Don Cheadle!

$100 USD
5 out of 5 of claimed
sold out

Screening w/ Don IN Cincinnati

$100 USD
100 out of 100 of claimed
sold out


$200 USD
8 out of 8 of claimed
sold out

Listen to Miles on SONOS!

$200 USD
5 out of 5 of claimed
sold out


$300 USD
5 out of 5 of claimed
sold out

Cincinnati Reds Ball SIGNED

$300 USD
1 out of 1 of claimed
sold out

Miles at The 92Y!

$300 USD
1 out of 1 of claimed
sold out

Miles on SONOS! Plus more

$300 USD
5 out of 5 of claimed
sold out

Music Supervisor Day!

$500 USD
1 out of 1 of claimed
sold out

NEW: Music Supervisor Day!

$500 USD
1 out of 1 of claimed
sold out

Cincinnati Reds CHEADLE Jersey

$600 USD
1 out of 1 of claimed
sold out


$1,000 USD
1 out of 1 of claimed
sold out

Meet Robert Glasper!

$1,000 USD
1 out of 1 of claimed
sold out

Hollywood Rock Walk Poster

$1,300 USD
2 out of 2 of claimed
sold out

Meet Nas!

$2,000 USD
1 out of 1 of claimed
sold out

The *COMPLETE* Collection

$2,250 USD
1 out of 1 of claimed
sold out

Don's Trumpet from MILES AHEAD

$2,500 USD
1 out of 1 of claimed
sold out

Associate Producer

$12,500 USD
2 out of 2 of claimed
sold out

Associate Producer + Set Visit

$15,000 USD
2 out of 2 of claimed
sold out

Associate Producer + Set Visit

$15,000 USD
2 out of 2 of claimed
sold out

AP + Set Visit + Post Prod

$20,000 USD
2 out of 2 of claimed
sold out

DELUXE: AP + Set Visit + Post

$25,000 USD
1 out of 1 of claimed
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