The Journal of Roman Military Equipment
name is Mike Bishop and I am the founding editor of the Journal of
Roman Military Equipment Studies (JRMES). This campaign
aims to publish two volumes of the journal (14/15 at the end of April
2015 and 16 at the end of July 2015). At the same time, Arma,
the Newsletter of the Roman Military Equipment Conference will be
restarted. These events will herald the creation of the Association
of Roman Military Equipment Studies (ARMES) to act as publisher for
future volumes of the journal and coordinator for future Roman
Military Equipment Conferences (ROMECs). By contributing to the
campaign, anybody with an interest in Roman military equipment can
help secure a future for both the journal and the newsletter.
Background and the target
video provides some detail of the background to the foundation of
this campaign is specifically aimed at raising funds to print volumes
14/15 and 16 of the
Journal of Roman Military Equipment Studies,
it will lay the foundations for the establishment of a learned or
academic society to take over publication in the future and enable
contributors to become subscribers, should they wish to do so, from
2016 onwards.
14/15 is a general issue with a range of papers (including the siege
of Pompeii, lorica segmentata, scale armour, swords, the
manufacture of caltrops, and Late Roman equipment in Britain), whilst
16 contains papers from ROMEC XV held in Budapest in 2005 on the
theme The Enemies of Rome.
funding target (£6,000) is designed to allow the printing of a
minimum of 200 copies of both volumes 14/15 and 16 which could be
achieved with 200 Legionarius or 400 Eques
subscriptions (or any combination of the two). That figure of 200
copies is important because of the printing costs (which
paradoxically spiral upwards as the number printed reduces: in other
words, the unit cost increases) and the need to provide paper
journals for libraries (and all others who want it).
range of perks are outlined below, offering both digital and physical
(dead-tree) versions of the journal and newsletter. It is of course
possible to combine perks by adding (for example) Legionarius
(paper journals and PDF newsletter) with Auxiliarius (paper
newsletter), which is especially useful if you prefer dead-tree
versions of everything.
Open access
addition to providing digital options for current volumes,JRMES
will now be pursuing an Open Access policy whereby, 5 years after
publication, all content from the journal and newsletter will be
released as PDFs under a Creative Commons licence. Back issues (from
volume 1 onwards) will gradually be made available over a period of
time to bring them up to date (conversion of older issues takes a lot
of time and effort).
The perks
perks on offer are as follows:
newsletter only [2 PDF issues of Arma]
newsletter only [2 issues of Arma]
subscription [PDF journals, 2 PDF issues of Arma]
subscription [paper and PDF journals 14/15 and 16, 2 PDF issues of
subscription [paper and PDF journals 14/15 and 16, 2 PDF issues of
listing as founder member in journal
Legatus legionis
subscription [paper and PDF journals 14/15 and 16, 2 paper and PDF
issues of Arma]
listing as founder member in journal
paper journals signed by editorial committee
Legatus Augusti pro praetore
subscription [paper and PDF journals 14/15 and 16, 2 paper and PDF
issues of Arma]
listing as founder member in journal
paper journals signed by editorial committee
dinner with the editor of JRMES at Claridges (travel to and
from your responsibility).
What happens if the campaign does not reach its
the end of JRMES, basically.
has to be an all-or-nothing campaign. As print-runs decrease in size,
so unit costs increase, and current printing technology means that
both offset-litho and digital printing still dictate a minimum
print-run of 200 to make the perks affordable. This may change in the
future; in years to come, if print-on-demand (POD) technology
continues to improve (and decrease in cost) the possibility exists
that digital will become the normal type of subscription but with an
option for an affordable POD version as an addition to the
subscription. We are not there yet, so we must work with what we
have: offset-litho printing for dead-tree journals and PDF for
As a
contributor, you have the chance to be directly involved in securing
the future for the Journal of Roman Military Equipment Studies
and establishing an association dedicated to furthering the study of
a subject that matters to you. Make a difference: bring back JRMES!
Don’t want to part with cash but still want to
You can still help JRMES even if you can’t
afford to contribute financially. Share our campaign through social
media or email details to somebody who might be interested. All help is most welcome and truly appreciated.