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KALAFON short film support

Support us to bring this short film about Serbian Roma musicians to life! Based on true stories!

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KALAFON short film support

KALAFON short film support

KALAFON short film support

KALAFON short film support

KALAFON short film support

Support us to bring this short film about Serbian Roma musicians to life! Based on true stories!

Support us to bring this short film about Serbian Roma musicians to life! Based on true stories!

Support us to bring this short film about Serbian Roma musicians to life! Based on true stories!

Support us to bring this short film about Serbian Roma musicians to life! Based on true stories!

ETM Production
ETM Production
ETM Production
ETM Production
1 Campaign |
Beograd, Serbia
$1,199 USD $1,199 USD 22 backers
5% of $21,899 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

The short feature film “KALAFON”

The fiery baptism of a Roma boy as the first violin of a folk orchestra: music,
laughter, fun and joy... but also money, easy women, weapons, and drunken fury.
How will the boy cope - and will he even survive the night?




ETM production presents Vuk Bogdanović’s short feature film “KALAFON” a film for
which we need your help to make it see the light of day.

The film follows a boy of Roma nationality who becomes the orchestra’s first violin
that plays during a controversial businessman’s private party. It is a true story of
Roma musicians, presented in a new, honest way, without caricaturing Roma
people. This film would present the difficulties that a national minority faces in our
environment, their attitude toward life as well as their unusual character traits.

The National Council of the Roma National Minority of the Republic of Serbia
recommends the “KALAFON” project for any further support, as it contributes to the affirmation of Roma music, culture, and language, as well as the diversity and
cultural richness that the Roma bring to our world.

The film was also supported by the Film Center Serbia, whose commission
emphasized in its explanation that it was a particularly high-quality project that
stood out due to its knowledge of the material and milieu in which the film took
place and the author’s great love for the leading actors.

The film has great festival potential, its musical background is attractive, and since
it is short, it can say a lot with very little.

Roma music, played with soul, is woven into every pore of this film and conveys
emotion to the audience (joy, sadness, pain, celebration...). The film will feature
original Romani music, which will in this way be preserved from oblivion and presented to a wider audience. The music for the film will be composed by prominent Roma musician Aca Nikolić Čergar.


Vuk Bogdanović is a screenwriter and director, born in Belgrade, Serbia.  Professional experience working on many films, TV shows and commercial directing. With this film he wishes to present his vision of the life stories of Roma musicians using the authentic language of the film and to point out this social phenomenon. 

By collecting funds for this short feature film “KALAFON” he would make his debut as a director. This would be a stepping stone in his career and open the door to other potential
projects for which he already secured some funding. 


We need funds to complete the film’s shooting, where some of the cost would cover rental of equipment and crew, but most of your help would cover the cost of film postproduction: editing, sound & soundtrack postproduction, color grading and marketing campaign. 

I’m sure we can make a film that everyone who contributed would be proud of!

We offer you interesting and creative gifts as a sign of gratitude for your financial
support! We will use all raised funds to improve the quality of our short film.


Thank you for your time - you have already helped us with your interest!

1. We would appreciate your financial help so that “KALAFON” sees the light of day
with our joint effort!

2. If you can’t support the film financially - it would also help us a lot if you spread the
about this campaign to everyone you think would like to participate!

3. If you are interested in volunteer work in one of the sectors during the filming
process, feel free to contact us - this kind of help is very useful!


Why is this film important?

The Roma community has long been marginalized and misunderstood, with their cultural heritage often overlooked or misrepresented. By supporting this project, you can play a crucial role in amplifying their voices and creating a more inclusive world.

Together, we can break down barriers and foster understanding through the universal language of music and film!


By clicking on the OPTION button you can put the amount that is suitable for you. The payment is made by card. Please notice that you can give a tip to the Indiegogo platform. Although we support this, it is not obligatory. If you don't wish to give any tip for Indiegogo platform, put 0 (zero) in the Indiegogo tip bracket.


Kratki igrani film "KALAFON"

Vatreno krštenje romskog dečaka kao prve violine orkestra: muzika, smeh, provod i veselje... ali i novac, lake žene, oružje i pijani bes. Kako će se dečak snaći - i da li će uopšte preživeti tu noć?


ETM produkcija Vam predstavlja kratki igrani film Vuka Bogdanovića ,,KALAFON”, film za koji nam je potrebna Vaša pomoć da postane stvarnost.

Film prati dečaka romske nacionalnosti koji postaje prva violina orkestra na privatnoj proslavi kontraverznog biznismena. To je istinita priča romskih muzičara, predstavljena na jedan nov, iskren način, bez karikiranja Roma. Ovaj film bi predstavio poteškoće sa kojima se jedna nacionalna manjina susreće u našoj sredini, njihov odnos prema životu kao i njihove nesvakidašnje karakterne osobine. 

Nacionalni savet romske nacionalne manjine preporučuje projekat ,,KALAFON” za svaku dalju podršku, jer doprinosi afirmaciji romske muzike, kulture i jezika kao i različitosti i kulturnog bogatstva koje Romi donose u naš svet.

Film je podržao i Filmski centar Srbije, čija je komisija u svom obrazloženju istakla da se radi o posebno kvalitetnom projektu koji se izdvojio poznavanjem materije i miljea u kojem se odvija radnja filma i velikom ljubavlju autora prema vodećim akterima.

Zbog svojih umetničkih i zanatskih kvaliteta veruje se da će ovaj film ostvariti značajan uspeh na svim relevantnim domaćim i stranim festivalima kratkog metra na kojima će ,,KALAFON” biti predstavljen.

Privlačan je zbog muzičke pozadine koja prati film, saradnika koji bi na filmu radili a zbog kratkog trajanja u mogućnosti je da sa malo kaže mnogo.

Romska muzika koja se svira dušom, utkana je u sve pore ovog filma i prenosi emociju na publiku (radost, tugu, bol, slavlje..). U filmu će biti zastupljena originalna romska muzika koja će na ovaj način biti sačuvana od zaborava i predstavljena široj publici. Za potrebe filma muziku će komponovati istaknuti romski muzičar Aca Nikolić Čergar.



Vuk Bogdanović je scenarista i reditelj rođen u Beogradu, u Srbiji. Profesionalno iskustvo na mnogim filmovima, TV serijama i režiji komercijalnog materijala. Sa ovim filmom želi da prikaže svoju viziju životnih priča romskih muzičara služeći se autentičnim jezikom filma i da kroz svoju estetiku ukaže na ovaj društveni fenomen.

Prikupljanje sredstava za kratki igrani film „KALAFON” i zaokruživanje finansijske konstrukcije ovog projekta bi mu pomoglo da debituje kao reditelj. To bi bila odskočna daska u karijeri i otvaranje vrata za druge, potencijalne projekte za koje su neka finansiranja već ostvarena.



Sredstva su nam potrebna za završetak snimanja filma gde bi nešto od troškova pokrilo  rentiranje tehničke opreme i ekipe, ali većina vaše pomoći bi pokrila trošak postprodukcije: montažu, postprodukciju zvuka i muzike, kolor korekciju i marketing.

Sigurni smo da možemo napraviti film kojim će se ponositi svako ko je doprineo njegovom ostvarenju!

U znak zahvalnosti za Vašu novčanu podršku nudimo Vam zanimljive i kreativne poklone. Sve uloženo iskoristićemo kako bismo podigli kvalitet našeg kratkog filma na još veći nivo. 


Hvala Vam na izdvojenom vremenu – svojom zainteresovanošću već ste nam pomogli!

1. Ukoliko ste u mogućnosti film pomozite novčano kako bi ,,KALAFON” zajedničkim trudom ugledao svetlost dana!

2. Ako ipak ne možete da podržite film novčano - velika pomoć nam je i da podelite vest o ovoj kampanji svima za koje mislite da bi voleli da učestvuju!

3. Ukoliko ste raspoloženi za volonterski rad u nekom od sektora na snimanju filma, budite slobodni da nam se obratite – i takav vid pomoći nam je i te kako od koristi!


Zašto je ovaj film značajan?

Romska zajednica je dugo bila marginalizovana i neshvaćena, a njihovo kulturno nasleđe često je zanemareno ili pogrešno predstavljeno. Podrškom ovom projektu, možete odigrati ključnu ulogu u osnaživanju njihovih glasova i stvaranju inkluzivnijeg sveta.

Zajedno možemo srušiti prepreke i podsticati razumevanje putem univerzalnog jezika muzike i filma!


Klikom na dugme OPTION možete staviti iznos koji vam odgovara. Plaćanje se vrši karticom. Imajte na umu da možete dati bakšiš Indiegogo platformi (Indiegogo tip). Iako ovo podržavamo, to nije obavezno. Ako ne želite da date bakšiš za Indiegogo platformu, stavite 0 (nula) u "Indiegogo tip" kućicu.

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Choose your Perk

Thank you note

Thank you note

Currency Conversion $11 USD
€10 EUR
Thank you note on the social networks of the film “KALAFON” (FB and Instagram) ~~~ Story zahvalnica na društvenim mrežama filma „KALAFON” (FB i Instagram)
Included Items
  • Thank you note
Estimated Shipping
September 2023
7 claimed
 Personalized  thank-you video

Personalized thank-you video

Currency Conversion $33 USD
€30 EUR
Personalized video thank-you message from one of the actors or director of the film “KALAFON” on the official pages (FB and Instagram)~~~ Personalizovana video poruka u kojoj vam se zahvaljuje neko od glumaca ili reditelj filma „KALAFON” na zvaničnim stranicama (FB i Instagram)
Included Items
  • Personalized thank-you video
Estimated Shipping
September 2023
1 claimed
Thank-you credits + video

Thank-you credits + video

Currency Conversion $55 USD
€50 EUR
Thank you note in end roll of the film + personalized video thank-you message from one of the actors or director of the film on the official pages (FB and Instagram) ~~~ Zahvalnica u odjavnoj špici filma + personalizovana video poruka u kojoj vam se zahvaljuje neko od glumaca ili reditelj filma na zvaničnim stranicama (FB i Instagram)
Included Items
  • Personalized thank-you video
  • Thank-you credits
Estimated Shipping
September 2023
5 claimed
VIP premiere tickets

VIP premiere tickets

Currency Conversion $109 USD
€100 EUR
VIP tickets to the premiere of the film “KALAFON" + personalized thank-you video + thank-you credits ~~~ VIP karte za premijeru filma „KALAFON” + personalizovana video zahvalnica + zahvalnica u odjavnoj špici filma
Included Items
  • VIP premiere tickets (2)
  • Personalized thank-you video
  • Thank-you credits
Estimated Shipping
April 2024
3 out of 20 of claimed
CD with the original music

CD with the original music

Currency Conversion $164 USD
€150 EUR
CD with the original music from the film with the signature of the authors of the film “KALAFON” and a dedication inside the covers + personalized thank-you video + thank-you credits ~~~ CD sa originalnom muzikom iz filma sa potpisom autora filma „KALAFON” i posvetom unutar omota + personalizovana video zahvalnica + zahvalnica u odjavnoj špici
Included Items
  • CD with the original music
  • Personalized thank-you video
  • Thank-you credits
Estimated Shipping
April 2024
0 out of 20 of claimed
Ships to European Union
Film set visit

Film set visit

Currency Conversion $219 USD
€200 EUR
Film set visit - unique experience that allows you to see the magic that happens behind the camera + personalized thank-you video + thank-you credits ~~~ Poseta filmskom setu - jedinstveno iskustvo koje vam omogućava da vidite magiju koja se dešava iza kamera + personalizovana video zahvalnica + zahvalnica u odjavnoj špici filma
Included Items
  • Film set visit
  • Personalized thank-you video
  • Thank-you credits
Estimated Shipping
February 2024
0 out of 10 of claimed
Associate producer credit

Associate producer credit

Currency Conversion $328 USD
€300 EUR
Special Associate Producer Credit in the credits of the film + VIP tickets to the premiere of the film “KALAFON" + personalized thank-you video ~~~ Specijalno priznanje producenta saradnika u odjavnoj špici filma + VIP karte za premijeru filma „KALAFON” + personalizovana video zahvalnica
Included Items
  • VIP premiere tickets (2)
  • Personalized thank-you video
  • Associate producer credit
Estimated Shipping
April 2024
1 out of 20 of claimed
VIP party invitation

VIP party invitation

Currency Conversion $547 USD
€500 EUR
SPECIAL COMBO - An invitation to a VIP party with the crew of the film + film set visit + thank-you credits + VIP premiere tickets + personalized thank-you video ~~~ SPECIJALNA KOMBINACIJA - VIP pozivnica za žurku sa ekipom filma + poseta filmskom setu + zahvalnica u odjavnoj špici + VIP karte za premijeru + pesonalizovana video zahvalnica
Included Items
  • VIP premiere tickets (2)
  • Film set visit
  • Party invitation
  • Personalized thank-you video
  • Thank-you credits
Estimated Shipping
April 2024
0 out of 10 of claimed
Extra acting role

Extra acting role

Currency Conversion $547 USD
€500 EUR
Extra acting role - unique opportunity to be part of a creative process and see yourself on the big screen + VIP premiere tickets + personalized thank-you video ~~~ Uloga statiste - jedinstvena prilika da budete deo kreativnog procesa i vidite sebe na velikom platnu + VIP karte za premijeru + pesonalizovana video zahvalnica
Included Items
  • VIP premiere tickets (2)
  • Extra acting role
  • Set of photos
  • Personalized thank-you video
Estimated Shipping
February 2024
0 out of 5 of claimed
Original film prop - violin

Original film prop - violin

Currency Conversion $2,190 USD
€2,000 EUR
The original prop from the movie - the violin used in the filming + VIP party invitation + thank-you credits + VIP premiere tickets + personalized thank-you video ~~~ Originalni rekvizit iz filma - violina korišćena na snimanju + VIP pozivnica za žurku + zahvalnica u odjavnoj špici + VIP karte za premijeru + pesonalizovana video zahvalnica
Included Items
  • Original film prop
  • VIP premiere tickets (2)
  • Party invitation
  • Personalized thank-you video
  • Thank-you credits
Estimated Shipping
April 2024
0 out of 1 of claimed
Ships to European Union
Co-Producer credit

Co-Producer credit

Currency Conversion $10,949 USD
€10,000 EUR
Special Co-Producer Credit in the credits of the film + Set visit + VIP tickets to the premiere of the film + VIP party invitation + Personalized thank-you video ~~~ Specijalno priznanje KOPRODUCENTA filma u odjavnoj špici filma + Poseta setu + VIP karte za premijeru filma + VIP pozivnica za žurku + Personalizovana video zahvalnica
Included Items
  • VIP premiere tickets
  • Film set visit
  • Party invitation
  • Personalized thank-you video
  • Co-Producer credit
Estimated Shipping
April 2024
0 out of 2 of claimed

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