『仮面アメリカ:サーガ2』完結! 『仮面アメリカ: オムニバス2』(5~8巻収録)もございます!
- Art by Timothy Lim
- Written by Mark Pellegrini
- "Kamen America" created by Timothy Lim and Mark Pellegrini
- 100% Complete
- Japanese translation edits by Sudapiko and Yoshida-san
- イラスト:ティモシー・リム
- 作者: マーク・ペレグリニ
- ティモシー・リムとマーク・ペレグリニによる「仮面アメリカ」
- すだぴこさんと吉田さんによる日本語通訳のお手伝い
"Charlotte 'Carly' Vanders was a fashion designer whose fateful encounter with a cosmic collision transformed her into a supercharged henshin heroine! Shedding her corporate overlords and driven by good ol' American grit and determination, she is the patriotic paladin known as KAMEN AMERICA!"
Kamen America, Volume 8 finds a fractured Kamen Corps having to reconvene in Nevada to stop a destructive plan from the Zenerengers and a mob of Dark Suit hooligans! That's easier said that done, however, as they'll have to coordinate their efforts while facing an onslaught from a team of Otomotons who have their own set of tricks!
It's an all-out battle royale as the two henshin-hero groups fight for this piece of ground! Who will emerge victorious and what repercussions will this have on our heroine and her world?
Charlotte "Carly" Vanders は意欲的なファッション デザイナーでしたが、彼女の人生は宇宙の残骸に襲われた日から変わりました! 彼女は人間のバッテリーになり、スーパーチャージされたステータスを使用して変身ヒロインになります! しかし、KAMEN AMERICA として知られる愛国的なパラディンとして、悪の勢力と戦うために最善を尽くしているため、正しいことを行うことが常に流行であるとは限らないことを彼女はすぐに学びます!
「仮面アメリカ 8」では、敵によって散り散りになった仮面コアがネバダ州に再集結し、邪悪な変身ヒーローチームの破壊計画を阻止します。カーリーとその友人たちは、ダークスーツのギャング、殺人ロボットのオトモトン、そして仮面ユニティの陰謀と戦わなければならないので、それは簡単な仕事ではありません!
- 64 pages (64ページ)
- Hardcover (ハードカバー)
100% Fully Finished (100%完成済み)
- Cover B by Kionaoki 2501 -- Limited 500 (Kionaoki カバー: 500 部限定)
- Back Cover by Nami (裏表紙:ナミ)
KAMEN AMERICA OMNIBUS 2 (『仮面アメリカ: オムニバス2』)
- Contains 250 pages that collects KAMEN AMERICA VOLUMES 5, 6, 7, and 8 (250ページ、仮面アメリカ5巻~8巻収録)
- Hardcover (ハードカバー)
100% Fully Finished (100%完成済み)
- Cover by Hachifusa (八房さんによるカバー)
BADGER the CAPYBARA BEANIE (あなぐまくんビーニー帽)
- Warm Acrylic Beanie (暖かいアクリルビーニー帽)
- One size fits all! (ワンサイズですべてにフィット!)
KAMEN RAMEN RESIN FIGURE (仮面ラーメン樹脂製カップヌードルストッパー)
- Limited Edition out of 250 (250個限定)
- Stands at just under 6 inches tall (高さ15cm)
- Designed by Amarillo Arts (デザイン: アマリロ・アーツ)
- In scale with the Kamen America maquette (仮面アメリカ樹脂マケットとのスケールで)
- Comes with exclusive Kappa Kappu trading card (カッパカップの限定トレーディングカードが付属します?
ADD-ONS (Available at Checkout | チェックアウト前にご利用いただけます)
10 inches tall (高さ10インチ)
- Super cute! (彼女はかわいい!)
- Designed by Nunchan (ヌンチャンさんのデザイン)
Digital Downloads:
"When will I receive my PDF?"
- PDFs are delivered via e-mail using ORANGEDOX, DOCSEND, BACKERKIT, or SENDOWL. We always post an update before the PDFs are sent out, and during the campaign we post updates regularly. If you are not seeing updates in your e-mail, please check back weekly during the month of fulfillment or you might miss this crucial delivery time.
"Can I download my PDF more than once and share the link with my friends?"
ORANGEDOX, SENDOWL, DOCSEND, and BACKERKIT files are password protected and can only be downloaded one time and on on device. We can see, backstage, if files have been downloaded and at what time per user. If we see that files have been downloaded, we will not resend a link.
"Hey ha ha it's been 3 months / 6 months / a year since I checked my e-mail and I see that I missed the link. I know you're busy but can you please send me the link again?"
Links are only active for 30 days. Links will not be re-sent after 30 days is over except under special circumstances
Physical pledges come with a FREE but LIMITED TIME ONLY PDF. If you do not download the PDF within 30 days, we will NOT re-send the link.
Shipping and Fulfillment:
"I just received an email about fulfillment, but I haven't received a tracking number yet."
- The start of fulfillment is always announced via update once it begins, and at the end of fulfillment once it concludes. If you haven't received a tracking number, it's probably because your package has not been shipped out yet.
"I received an email about fulfillment ending, but I haven't received a tracking number yet."
- If you haven't filled out a survey, make sure you have completed that first (see this link for more information).
- If you have filled out a survey, please make sure the tracking number is not in your SPAM, Trash, or PROMOTIONS folders. Search your e-mail for words like "ICONIC" and "STAMPS" to expedite this process.
- If you have done these and still cannot find your tracking number, please e-mail ""
"I received my tracking number but it says the item was delivered and I never received it. What should I do?"
NOTE TO ALL BACKERS: you ONLY have 3 months since the time of delivery to file a claim for missing parcels. Tracking numbers only exist for 3 months, after which they're re-allocated for other packages. It then becomes your word against ours that a package was sent out. This is why it is important that you check your updates & e-mails regularly to ensure that you are receiving all communications: make note of our estimated fulfillment date and check that you are receiving our updates via e-mail.