About Topsy: our Amazing Team & Unique Culture
Topsy Games is a lean startup in the mobile gaming space, with grand visions. We aim to be a world leading game development company, and with your support we will positively disrupt the gaming industry. Our amazing team of artists and developers have formed an what we believe is the best possible startup culture, entirely focused on you.
Our team puts your user experience first, and we do that by putting our dreams and ideas into practice through innovation & disruption whis is the heart & soul of our focus; leveraging our great ideas and our unique approach to game design & development, and the integration of digital currencies like Bitcoin, into mobile gaming.
When you play Kings vs Queens, you will instantly see that we have handcrafted every single aspect & element of this game, with the greatest possible Love, Passion, Creativity and Dedication, to give you an amazing and unique user experience.
If you have a strong mind and a soft heart like our giant in Kings vs Queens, we ask that you join us and please support this campagin - help us take this game to the world, we want you to be part of this amazing project, we want you to come with us on this exciting journey.
Kings vs Queens
An EPIC mobile strategy game that you will love and play for very long time. We put User Experience at the core and center of our focus and attention to deliver a high quality product to our respected user and ensure they love it and play it for many days to come.
Once upon a time, in a cyber space universe far far away, there was a magical kingdom lead by a legendary King and beautiful Queen. Unfortunately although life in the kingdom appeared blissfully peaceful from the outside, over time the King and Queen inevitably fell out of love due to constant arguements and bickering about who was more powerful, who was the most intelligent, and who was best suited to wear the crown and lead the kingdom.
Our beautiful Queen, an insanely smart, super confident leader with a love for her people, and a life long passion for improving life in her kingdom, was a little naive in some aspects of political life, but when angered - you don't want to be the one standing in her way! She is fierce, loyal and skilled with a mace, and her eyebrows are the stuff of legend and are an important tool of expression - one frown can convey a very clear message mere mortals from far and wide.
Our legendary King, famous for his leadership and prowess on the battlefield, is as you might expect, a firecely narcissistic character, he's very full of himself and he has an ego the size of a planet. He is as famous for his sword skills in battle, as he is for stopping in front of every shiny reflective surface to flex his muscles and admire his ripped physique.
As are so many kings, ours is brave in a kinda stupid way, in typical male style, he just charges at things because he knows he is too good to be killed in the battlefield, with the view that he is destined for great things and legendary deeds. Throughout the kingdom he's known for saying out loud to anyone who will listen "I'm the most handsome and most powerful person in this kingdome".
One day the King and Queen were yet again arguing fiercely and loudly with each other in the throne chamber of the castle, yet again about who did something wrong, who got it right and who should lead the kingdom. But this time the argument ended in the inevitable decision that they should separate, and go their own ways before they did something terrible to each other or their loyal subjects.
After years of bickering and arguing, the inevitable happened and they finally decided to go their own ways, to go off and build their own Kingdoms, to engage in epic battles, and finaly prove once and for all, to the each other and their clans, just who really was the strongest, the most intelligent, and the greatest leader in the kingdom.
They have been separated and each of them decided to start their own kingdom and build their own empire. At the beginning of the game, you'll are given option the select your side and lead the army of your choice.
So now that you know the background of the story let us introduce you to our company, our team, and our technology and why you should join us by backing our campaign and coming along with us on this exciting journey and in turn recieving your personal rewards in the process.
Influencer Early Access Programme
So you’ve invested time & effort in developing a loyal community of followers across social media, youtube, forums or blogs? We salute you! We admire your drive & we would love to work with you.
Join our early access Influencer Programme and get to work closely with our developers, designers, and gain early access to the latest editions of Kings vs Queens in return for advertising and promotion of the game.
If you think you have what it takes to be an Influencer, and are interested in participating in our early access Influencer Programme, we would love to hear from you - please register your interest now with an email to influencers@topsygames.com
Game Engine
We are developing this amazing game using Unity Game Engine.
Platform Availability
For the initial release we are making the game available on both iOS and Android devices; moving forward we do plan to make it available on other platforms depending on player demand.
The Game
The Rules of Battle
Despite their separation, the King and Queen were not crazy and both still shared a sense of fair play. So to ensure there was no possible risk of either of them claiming the other had gained an unfair advantage in any Battle, they both agreed on common set of rules of engagement and both agreed to play fairly and adhere to the rules at all times. Those rules are:
Rule #1
Your most valuable asset is the Town Hall, if an attacker destroys an opponents Town Hall, the attacker is considered to be the winner and is awarded the Town Hall Destruction medal (shown above).
Rule #2
An attacker must to inflict more than 50% damage upon the opponents Kingdom in order to be a winner; if you inflict damage between 50% and 75%, you will also receive the Bronze Medal of honor (shown above).
Rule #3
Any attacker who inflicts more than 75% damage, and less than 100% damage, will be awarded a Silver medal (shown above).
Rule #4
Any attacker who inflicts 100% damage, will be awarded the Total Destruction Gold medal; this medal comes with VIP Points which allow you upgrade your VIP status (shown above).
Rule #5
Depending on the level of opponent's Town Hall, if you inflict 100% damage within 90 to 120 seconds, you will receive the Rapid Destruction medal, as well as VIP points (shown above). Timing of any damage inflicted is subject to change during updates and are based on a player's feedback.
Building your Kingdom
Upon seperationg, the King and Queen immediately began building their own Kingdoms. They both decided to select an area of land with magical properties, which can rebuild any damaged building (called the Terrain), but before building anything, they have to remove a set of obstacles to then be able to start building.
They each soon discovered that building their respective kingdoms was not an easy job, and not one which could be completed alone. They quickly learn that they need help. Luckily a group of resident Goblins offered to join in the challenge, to help remove the many obstacles, and construct new buildings, but would only agree to do this work in return for a Goblins most prized delecacy, magic Clovers, which help Goblins to energize themselves so they can quickly finish the work they undertake for either the King or Queen.
The Builder's hut
You will quickly learn that Goblins and Villagers are settled in the builder's hut. Your villagers collect Clovers for the Goblins, to incentivise them to work faster.
The Town Hall
As you would expect, your Town Hall is your Command Center, everything is centered around your town Hall. The Town Hall is the main building of each kingdom, not only because it is the command center, but also because by upgrading it you can unlock new features, building and knowledge.
There is a huge dependency on this building and its level; more importantly, in every battle as soon as you destroy the opponent's Town Hall you get one star and you are considered winner while continuing the remaining battle time making more damages for more stars.
During the battle, if attacker destroys your Town Hall, you' lose the battle and if you destroy opponent's Town Hall, you'll win the battle.
As you upgrade the Town Hall, you'll unlock new troops and new features.
The Barracks
Your Barracks are where you train your troops; you can have more than one depending on the level of your Town Hall. As you play, you can upgrade your Barracks to unlock new Troops and increase the training queue of your barrack.
Army Camp
Your Army Camp is where your trained troop will gather together to get ready for you to take them to the battle. population of your army is controlled by level of your Army Camps; upgrade your Army Camps to increase population of your army.
You'll need to upgrade your troop's Armor and Attack Power; we designed Blacksmith that you can use to upgrade your troops and make your army stronger; as you upgrade your Blacksmith new troops upgrades will become available.
Mighty Knight: He is a narcissistic individual, fond of himself and with big ego. He is the type that will flex his muscles in the mirror. Think Johnny Bravo - type.
He is brave in a kinda stupid way - he just charges at things because he knows he is too good to be killed at the battlefield. He is destined for legendary deeds.
Dwarf: He's a dwarf and when you are born a dwarf, there are only couple of occupations you can choose in life - and they all focus on gold and treasures. Started his career as a jeweler but discovered he is way too energetic for life behind the desk. He ditched his job, trained for couple of months, made himself a one-of-a-kind shoes... and became a professional thief. Not many people expect his speed and sneakiness. Those people pay the price.
Paladin: Paladin is a confident character, with an internal need of making world better. She is kinda naive in some aspects of life, but when angered - don't stand in her way!
Fierce, loyal to her Queen and skilled with her mace (seriously, this thing is HEAVY). Her brows are important tool of expression (think: Emilia Clarke reference).
Red: sometimes called Redei, Oh, what a nice child you are! Where is your mum? Oh, you are all by yourself here? Please be careful. Have this candy, bye! Wait, where is my wallet?
You'd never suspect her and that's her selling point. She knows her assets and she knows her business. I know, I know, children are growing too fast these days. And they are way too clever.
She is still a kid though. She has a weak spot for long midday naps and stuffed toy animals.
Her favorite are dogs and wolves.
Ranger: Ranger is one of those girls that always bump into something. You know, the one that will always have bruises on her elbows and knees, knock the polka-patterned vase you like and smash your mug that you kinda liked but not that much. The fact that her fringe is obscuring her eyes might be a factor.She loves animals and can befriend beasts that would scare others. She's the outdoor type.
Viking: “Sweet girl that you don't want to cross” would be probably the best description. She likes pretty dresses, makeup and flowers but her occupation as warrior prevents her from manifesting this as much as she would like to.
She's tough and reliable for her friends. And, boy, she can really swing that hammer of hers!
The bear's name is Bojo and people are joking he should have been born a panda bear - he likes to munch on veggies and is kinda slow. Watch out during a fight though!
Barbarian: Not very intelligent, this one. You can kinda tell when looking at his face. Big forehead, small eyes, forward jaw. He should have been born in times where muscles were all that mattered (so, I guess, 80s?). He likes crude clothes and jewelry, preferably made from parts of his dead enemies. Only one thing was able to penetrate his thick skull and discover the fragile heart within - it happened the moment he saw the Viking for the first time.
Wrecker: Wrecker is...ah, hard to describe. It's not that he likes destroying things, nothing simple and crude like that. I guess he is just very angry at, well, most of the world.
He's not young but his speed and toughness will surprise you. He is like the living memory of this old neighbor that you were underestimating and making fun of while being a kid until you accidentally hit his window while playing.
You know what this big, green guy says? "That's my secret, I'm always angry".
I think it fits Wrecker very much.
Boomer: Sweets is the girl that dresses as if Halloween is a year-round event. She's in love with candy-themed stuff, cute dresses, striped stockings, bright colored hair...oh, and explosives.
Mind you, she likes her explosions to be pretty too. That's why she spends a lot of time designing them so you really want to keep the distance from her workshop. The New Year fireworks are majestic though.
And she's not crazy, if that is what first look is telling you. She's just...very focused on things that sparkle and have potential to destroy a city.
Dragon and Squire: Young, scared of his steed (hey, it’s a dragon!), inexperienced. Big front teeth. He is a squire of the Knight. Looks up to the Knight and wants to be like him, despite already handling much more (he is riding a DRAGON, remember?). Knight is very happy with the fact that the Squire admires him and wants to keep it that way. He will show the Squire (mostly useless) tricks like throwing his sword up in the air and catching it (barely). Squire would sit on the grass and his eyes would be all shiny because Knight is such a hero for him. Knight is afraid of the dragon, that’s why he makes Squire do the job. He will never admit that Squire is doing it great, because he wants to keep Squire admiration - it feeds his vanity, so Squire doesn’t really believe in himself.
The Dragon - angry, mean beast. It will use every opportunity to try to escape or play a trick on the Squire, because it thinks he’s annoying. Much like a horse when it decides it doesn’t like you, but stronger and breathing fire.
The Summoner: Nobody really know who and what Wizard is. There must be a face somewhere below his hood, right? Right? And did anyone ever heard him talk?
Actually, yes. Wizard likes to talk and likes for people to listen to him. He will give a lot of advice, mostly unsolicited. Lots of topics too, from mechanics of best swordfight style to preferable way of peeling potatoes.
People will roll their eyes when he’s mentioned but will listen when he talks to them, because they fear of being turned into frogs. He can do pretty powerful magic, that Wizard.
His magic is a little out of this world - rays of light and green lighting
The Witch: Born with power to control the Fire, she grew up with not a lot of friends, because people were scared. She is very confident, even cocky, because of her (reasonable) belief she is able to defend herself. Likes to show her abilities. Kinda vain too, very obsessed with her looks. She eats only veggies and nobody really knows where does her strength really comes from.
Deeper inside, she wants some people to acknowledge and like her - this is why she is very proud of her companions and will fight by their side till the very end.
Quote: “Fire, walk with me”
And many more unique and amazing characters, some of which will be designed by help from our respected Backers.
The Power of Magic
We blended the power of troops with power of great and powerful magics that you can leverage to increase the power of your army and increase your chance of winning.
Magic Hall
You prepare the magics in magic hall, upgrade your magic hall to unlock new magics and to increase the speed and queue of the magics.
Magic Spells
we tailored great and powerful magics for the game play to increase the fun and power of your army.
This magical building is used to upgrade the power of your magics; make sure to build and upgrade it to unlock new magic upgrades and increase the power f our magics.
Defense Units
We game you any kind of defense unit you may need to protect your kingdom from Cannon to Mortar to Air Defense, Ground and Air Bombs, Archer Tower, Freeze Tower, Lighting Tower, Walls and more to come in the updates.
Upgrade your defense units to increase their Attack Power and HitPoints, make them stronger against enemy attacks to protect your Kingdom.
We added traps in the game, so you can trap the enemy troops and defend your village against their raid. you have all kind of options, hidden bombs, freeze trap, fire trap, so feel free to learn them a lesson, freeze them, burn them, toast them, ??????? and wait for more new Traps to come.
The Kingdom is now in your capable hands and smart brain; implement a great strategy to protect your Kingdom, attack your enemies and move up to the ladder of leader board for our great prizes.
Empire & Empire Castle
Nothing is more important than teaming up with great players and establish your great Empire; it all starts with your Empire Castle, build it and establish your Empire.
You can support your alliance by sending them troops and magics to help them protect their kingdom and to increase the power and strengths of their army.
You Can build an Empire to invite your friends and alliances to the Empire, together you can fight against other alliances and Empire for pride and victory.
Create your own Empire or join an existing Empire.
Search the existing Empires based on many different factors and find the one that suits you to join.
Or Create your own Empire from scratch and lead others to join your Empire and team up together for success:
Design a stunning and stylish flag for your empire; so everyone can recognize your Empire.
Game Economy
Collect Gold from unlimited underground resources by building and upgrading your gold mines; you can also collect golds in the battler by attacking opponent's gold mine and gold storage. You can use Gold to:
- Upgrade your Town Hall
- Build and upgrade your defense units
- Find an Opponent
- Upgrade your traps
Gold Mine:
Build and upgrade them to collect Gold from underground resources.
Gold Storage:
Store your gold in the storage and keep them safe from Dwarf and Redei; thy just look for your Gold and Mana.
You can also buy clovers in different packs from the shop to speed up their building and upgrade process, or you can watch optional ads to get extra clovers without spending money.
A gist of User Interface:
Our talented and committed team is partnered with few different talented studios for finishing the touches of game art and it's trailer to bring you the best and most amazing game and user experience.
3D Brigade
3D Brigade is a creative studio trusted by many different big names in Gaming industry including but not limited to EA (Electronic Arts), Microsoft, Activision, UbiSoft and Disney; 3D Brigade's talented artists are working with us on texturing the buildings, texturing the characters for sprite animations and animating the troops for creating the troops sprite animations.
Gold Tooth Creative
Gold Tooth Creative is a creative and talented studio based on Vancouver that is currenctly helping us for making great promotional images and creating the game trailer. Gold Tooth Creative is trusted by many of the big brands you may know including but not limited to Machine Zone, Activision, CAPCOM, Disney, Disney and many more; watch some of their cool and great game trailers below; we will be working with them to make the game trailers for Kings vs Queens.
Sound FX & Music
Legendary producer Greg Dombrowski will produce musics of the game; checkout his portfolio at www.secessionstudios.com/ and some of his works here.
We are also giving you a copy of Greg's Lock Buster Music tracks to our backers to enjoy plus it's ring tone.
Principal Audio
Principal Audio is also working with to produce the game sound effects (SFX) and some of the musics. Here's an example of their work for your review:
With these amazing partnerships working with our talented and experienced team, we are focused on delivering the best mobile strategy game you've ever played.
Fortunately the precedent of funds it’s pretty straightforward: virtually all of the initial $500,000 will go into developing the game, with the exception of the 8% we need to pay for IndieGoGo service fees.
From the total amount, $40,000 will go to IndieGoGo for their platform services and transaction fees; the remaining amount of $460,000 will be spend on finishing and publishing Kings vs Queens, this includes:
- Finishing final stages of product development
- Finishing 3D modeling, texturing and animating of the remaining troops
- Remaining In Game Visual Effects
- Finishing and Rendering Game Logo
- Localization
- Finalizing SFX and Musics
- Pre-Production Testing and QA
- Publishing
Toe Dipper
$5: Wallpapers
Show you for your support, we’ll send you a set of limited edition and beautiful wallpapers to decorate your desktop with.
$10: Wallpapers, Music track
Show you for your support, we will send you a set of limited edition and beautiful wallpapers to decorate your desktop with plus the Block Buster music track produced by legendary sound producer Greg.
Pledge $15 and we will send you:
- Limited Edition Wallpapers
- One of the Game's Music Tracks
- Kings vs Queen Ring Tone
Pledge $25 and we will send you:
- Limited Edition Wallpapers
- Kings vs Queen Ring Tone
- Full Album of Musics of the Game (we will send you invite code for iTune store or Google Music)
Pledge $35 and we will send you:
Pledge $50 and we will send you:
Pledge $75 and we will give you:
- $150 In-Game Credit
- We will post you a thank you card with personal Thank You message
- Limited Edition Wallpapers
- Kings vs Queen Ring Tone
- Full Album of Musics of the Game (we will send you invite code for iTune store or Google Music)
- Backers Exclusive Wallpapers we design for IndieGoGo Backers Only
- Backers Exclusive Wallpapers we design for IndieGoGo Backers Only singed by our team
Pledge $100 and we will give you:
- $200 In-Game Credit
- Exclusive Personalized Facebook and Twitter Backers Cover Photo with your name
- Limited Edition Wallpapers
- Kings vs Queen Ring Tone
- Full Album of Musics of the Game (we will send you invite code for iTune store or Google Music)
- Backers Exclusive Wallpapers we design for IndieGoGo Backers Only
- Backers Exclusive Wallpapers we design for IndieGoGo Backers Only singed by our team
- We will post you a thank you card with personal Thank You message
Pledge $150 and we will give you:
- $300 In-Game Credit
- Receive a Digital copy of Kings vs Queens Art Book
- Instantly become VIP Level Bronze Level 1
- Your Name will be Credited in the Game
- Limited Edition Wallpapers
- Kings vs Queen Ring Tone
- Full Album of Musics of the Game (we will send you invite code for iTune store or Google Music)
- Backers Exclusive Wallpapers we design for IndieGoGo Backers Only
- Backers Exclusive Wallpapers we design for IndieGoGo Backers Only singed by our team
- We will post you a thank you card with personal Thank You message
- Exclusive Personalized Facebook and Twitter Backers Cover Photo with your name
TBA 10
Pledge $175 and we will give you:
- $350 In-Game Credit
- A Thank You message or VA recording message, by Voice Over Artist of your selected character of the game
- Exclusive T-Shirts we design only for IndieGoGo Backers
- Limited Edition Wallpapers
- Kings vs Queen Ring Tone
- Full Album of Musics of the Game (we will send you invite code for iTune store or Google Music)
- Backers Exclusive Wallpapers we design for IndieGoGo Backers Only
- Backers Exclusive Wallpapers we design for IndieGoGo Backers Only singed by our team
- We will post you a thank you card with personal Thank You message
- Exclusive Personalized Facebook and Twitter Backers Cover Photo with your name
- Receive a Digital copy of Kings vs Queens Art Book
- Instantly become VIP Level Bronze Level 1
- Your Name will be Credited in the Game
Pledge $250 and we will give you:
- $500 In-Game Credit
- Get access to the game 1 week before public release
- Get your name Credited on the Hall Of Fame page of Kings vs Queens website
- Receive Exclusive version of Digital copy of Kings vs Queens Art Book signed by our team with a personal thank you
- Get your name and photo credited in your exclusive version of Kings vs Queens Art Book
Instant VIP Silver Level 1
- Limited Edition Wallpapers
- Kings vs Queen Ring Tone
- Full Album of Musics of the Game (we will send you invite code for iTune store or Google Music)
- Backers Exclusive Wallpapers we design for IndieGoGo Backers Only
- Backers Exclusive Wallpapers we design for IndieGoGo Backers Only singed by our team
- We will post you a thank you card with personal Thank You message
- Exclusive Personalized Facebook and Twitter Backers Cover Photo with your name
- Receive a Digital copy of Kings vs Queens Art Book
- Instantly become VIP Level Bronze Level 1
- Your Name will be Credited in the Game
- A Thank You message or VA recording message, by Voice Over Artist of your selected character of the game
- Exclusive T-Shirts we design only for IndieGoGo Backers
Pledge $500 and we will give you:
- $1,000 In-Game Credit
- Reserve your Player Name in the Game (First come first serve rule applies)
- Get access to the game 2 week before public release
- Instant VIP Gold Level 1
- Get your name Credited on the Hall Of Fame page of Kings vs Queens website
- Receive Exclusive version of Digital copy of Kings vs Queens Art Book signed by our team with a personal thank you
- Get your name and photo credited in your exclusive version of Kings vs Queens Art Book
- Instant VIP Silver Level 1
- Limited Edition Wallpapers
- Kings vs Queen Ring Tone
- Full Album of Musics of the Game (we will send you invite code for iTune store or Google Music)
- Backers Exclusive Wallpapers we design for IndieGoGo Backers Only
- Backers Exclusive Wallpapers we design for IndieGoGo Backers Only singed by our team
- We will post you a thank you card with personal Thank You message
- Exclusive Personalized Facebook and Twitter Backers Cover Photo with your name
- Receive a Digital copy of Kings vs Queens Art Book
- Instantly become VIP Level Bronze Level 1
- Your Name will be Credited in the Game
- A Thank You message or VA recording message, by Voice Over Artist of your selected character of the game
- Exclusive T-Shirts we design only for IndieGoGo Backers
Pledge $750 and we will give you:
- $1,500 In-Game Credit
- Instant VIP Crystal Level 1
- Reserve your Player Name in the Game (First come first serve rule applies)
- Get access to the game 2 week before public release
- Instant VIP Gold Level 1
- Get your name Credited on the Hall Of Fame page of Kings vs Queens website
- Receive Exclusive version of Digital copy of Kings vs Queens Art Book signed by our team with a personal thank you
- Get your name and photo credited in your exclusive version of Kings vs Queens Art Book
- Instant VIP Silver Level 1
- Limited Edition Wallpapers
- Kings vs Queen Ring Tone
- Full Album of Musics of the Game (we will send you invite code for iTune store or Google Music)
- Backers Exclusive Wallpapers we design for IndieGoGo Backers Only
- Backers Exclusive Wallpapers we design for IndieGoGo Backers Only singed by our team
- We will post you a thank you card with personal Thank You message
- Exclusive Personalized Facebook and Twitter Backers Cover Photo with your name
- Receive a Digital copy of Kings vs Queens Art Book
- Instantly become VIP Level Bronze Level 1
- Your Name will be Credited in the Game
- A Thank You message or VA recording message, by Voice Over Artist of your selected character of the game
- Exclusive T-Shirts we design only for IndieGoGo Backers
Pledge $1,000 and we will give you:
- $3,000 In-Game Credit
Your Name & Photo Credited on Hall Of Fame Page of Kings vs Queen website
- VIP class and VIP Badge for our players forum
- Access to the game 4 weeks before public release
- Instant VIP Crystal Level 1
- Reserve your Player Name in the Game (First come first serve rule applies)
- Instant VIP Gold Level 1
- Get your name Credited on the Hall Of Fame page of Kings vs Queens website
- Receive Exclusive version of Digital copy of Kings vs Queens Art Book signed by our team with a personal thank you
- Get your name and photo credited in your exclusive version of Kings vs Queens Art Book
- Instant VIP Silver Level 1
- Limited Edition Wallpapers
- Kings vs Queen Ring Tone
- Full Album of Musics of the Game (we will send you invite code for iTune store or Google Music)
- Backers Exclusive Wallpapers we design for IndieGoGo Backers Only
- Backers Exclusive Wallpapers we design for IndieGoGo Backers Only singed by our team
- We will post you a thank you card with personal Thank You message
- Exclusive Personalized Facebook and Twitter Backers Cover Photo with your name
- Receive a Digital copy of Kings vs Queens Art Book
- Instantly become VIP Level Bronze Level 1
- Your Name will be Credited in the Game
- A Thank You message or VA recording message, by Voice Over Artist of your selected character of the game
- Exclusive T-Shirts we design only for IndieGoGo Backers
Pledge $5,000 and we will give you:
- $10,000 In-Game Credit
- Link your Hall Of Fame profile to your Blog/Site and your Social Media Profile
- Join our private Pre-launch live streaming session as VIP guest
- Your Name & Photo Credited on Hall Of Fame Page of Kings vs Queen website
- VIP class and VIP Badge for our players forum
- Access to the game 4 weeks before public release
- Instant VIP Crystal Level 1
- Reserve your Player Name in the Game (First come first serve rule applies)
- Instant VIP Gold Level 1
- Get your name Credited on the Hall Of Fame page of Kings vs Queens website
- Receive Exclusive version of Digital copy of Kings vs Queens Art Book signed by our team with a personal thank you
- Get your name and photo credited in your exclusive version of Kings vs Queens Art Book
- Instant VIP Silver Level 1
- Limited Edition Wallpapers
- Kings vs Queen Ring Tone
- Full Album of Musics of the Game (we will send you invite code for iTune store or Google Music)
- Backers Exclusive Wallpapers we design for IndieGoGo Backers Only
- Backers Exclusive Wallpapers we design for IndieGoGo Backers Only singed by our team
- We will post you a thank you card with personal Thank You message
- Exclusive Personalized Facebook and Twitter Backers Cover Photo with your name
- Receive a Digital copy of Kings vs Queens Art Book
- Instantly become VIP Level Bronze Level 1
- Your Name will be Credited in the Game
- A Thank You message or VA recording message, by Voice Over Artist of your selected character of the game
- Exclusive T-Shirts we design only for IndieGoGo Backers
Pledge $10,000 and we will give you:
- $20,000 In-Game Credit
- Join our Private Slack Group with the team
- Get your name credited in our first 3 Press Releases
- Work with our art team to desing one of the up coming game characters
- Link your Hall Of Fame profile to your Blog/Site and your Social Media Profile
- Join our private Pre-launch live streaming session as VIP guest
- Your Name & Photo Credited on Hall Of Fame Page of Kings vs Queen website
- VIP class and VIP Badge for our players forum
- Access to the game 4 weeks before public release
- Instant VIP Crystal Level 1
- Reserve your Player Name in the Game (First come first serve rule applies)
- Instant VIP Gold Level 1
- Get your name Credited on the Hall Of Fame page of Kings vs Queens website
- Receive Exclusive version of Digital copy of Kings vs Queens Art Book signed by our team with a personal thank you
- Get your name and photo credited in your exclusive version of Kings vs Queens Art Book
- Instant VIP Silver Level 1
- Limited Edition Wallpapers
- Kings vs Queen Ring Tone
- Full Album of Musics of the Game (we will send you invite code for iTune store or Google Music)
- Backers Exclusive Wallpapers we design for IndieGoGo Backers Only
- Backers Exclusive Wallpapers we design for IndieGoGo Backers Only singed by our team
- We will post you a thank you card with personal Thank You message
- Exclusive Personalized Facebook and Twitter Backers Cover Photo with your name
- Receive a Digital copy of Kings vs Queens Art Book
- Instantly become VIP Level Bronze Level 1
- Your Name will be Credited in the Game
- A Thank You message or VA recording message, by Voice Over Artist of your selected character of the game
- Exclusive T-Shirts we design only for IndieGoGo Backers
Pledge $20,000 and we will give you:
- Become a Game Hero character
- Work with our art team to design your character
- Join our private game launch party and meet the team in person
- Join our private monthly update meeting for 1 year and get the latest news and updates not only about Kings vs Queens but also the other games that we work on
- $40,000 In-Game Credit
- Join our Private Slack Group with the team
- Link your Hall Of Fame profile to your Blog/Site and your Social Media Profile
- Join our private Pre-launch live streaming session as VIP guest
- Your Name & Photo Credited on Hall Of Fame Page of Kings vs Queen website
- VIP class and VIP Badge for our players forum
- Access to the game 4 weeks before public release
- Instant VIP Crystal Level 1
- Reserve your Player Name in the Game (First come first serve rule applies)
- Instant VIP Gold Level 1
- Get your name Credited on the Hall Of Fame page of Kings vs Queens website
- Receive Exclusive version of Digital copy of Kings vs Queens Art Book signed by our team with a personal thank you
- Get your name and photo credited in your exclusive version of Kings vs Queens Art Book
- Instant VIP Silver Level 1
- Limited Edition Wallpapers
- Kings vs Queen Ring Tone
- Full Album of Musics of the Game (we will send you invite code for iTune store or Google Music)
- Backers Exclusive Wallpapers we design for IndieGoGo Backers Only
- Backers Exclusive Wallpapers we design for IndieGoGo Backers Only singed by our team
- We will post you a thank you card with personal Thank You message
- Exclusive Personalized Facebook and Twitter Backers Cover Photo with your name
- Receive a Digital copy of Kings vs Queens Art Book
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- Your Name will be Credited in the Game
- A Thank You message or VA recording message, by Voice Over Artist of your selected character of the game
- Exclusive T-Shirts we design only for IndieGoGo Backers