The KYRIE adventure CONTINUES!
Your favorite Sword-and-Sandal, Romance-of-the-Sands graphic novel series has a new entry for your bookshelf! In KYRIE Book 3: Robbers in the House of a Hundred Gates, Marcus, Myra and Tersius race across the Sahara Desert to find and destroy an ancient oracle shrine, before a Roman senator and his death cult can seize it for themselves. In this story, you'll be getting:
- More action!
- More historical lore!
- More twists, turns and surprises!
As always, KYRIE is written, drawn, colored and lettered by Matt Crotts, with supplemental art is created by some of your favorite artists working in comics today, including mapmaker Stephen Hesselman.
150+ PAGES of incredible visual storytelling!
You'll be getting the highest quality in full-color comic book product. For the duration of the campaign, you'll get:
- A signed Thank You note in each KYRIE Book 3
- A personalized drawing in each KYRIE Book 3
- Hand-packaged random bonus merch surprises for each KYRIE Book 3 order
You'll want to get in as soon as possible! The more support I raise for this campaign, the better and more voluminous the bonus content will be!
New ANNOTATED 2nd Edition of KYRIE Books 1 and 2!
The first edition is SOLD OUT!
But this new, annotated edition is now available!
With it, you'll get header and footer notes about the research and history behind KYRIE!
EPIC perk available!
Get in on this amazing perk! For a donation of $59, you'll get as thanks:
- KYRIE Book 3
Making Of KYRIE booklet
- a real Ancient Roman coin
- 4x6" original art portrait
- Three pixel art magnets
- Custom mailer box
CHEAPER shipping!
I am pleased to announce that we are working with Critical Blast to get you cheaper international shipping. For KYRIE Book 3, we can offer:
$10 UK Shipping
$15 EU, AUS, CA Shipping
That's 50% less than what you're normally charged for individual orders!
Stretch goal #1: MIXTAPES!
QR code will send you to an .mp3 list of original and licensed songs for the book!
Stretch Goal #2: DIY Catapult!
I'm not kidding !
WHY are you still scrolling?
You already know you want this comic!
Back KYRIE Book 3 today!