The "Indiana Jones in Ancient Rome" adventure continues! Get ready for a high-adventure trek through 3rd century North Africa, as a team of treasure hunters and outcasts uncover the secrets of Alexander the Great on the frontier of the Roman Empire!
KYRIE tells the story of a curious band of thieves, cutthroats, bookworms and traitors as they attempt to outsmart the North African authorities, while navigating their own dark and competing desires as outlaws of a dying Roman Empire.
Book Two of this unique graphic novel series is ready to be put into your hands!
And once again - all 152 pages are already finished and print-ready!
Book 2: Exiles in Wasteland
116 story pages
(already published)
Chapter 1: Prologue
The book opens with an unlikely troupe of thieves, a duo called the Thunder Brothers and led by the treasure hunter Myra, as they race to escape Alexandrian Egypt with the Red Lady of Babylon - an infernal ruby coveted by both Roman and Persian Empires, containing an encrypted message from civilization's dawn.
Chapter 2: The Red Lady of Babylon
The robbers escape by stealing Senator Valerian's sailing ship, only to discover a prisoner aboard named Marcus, who knows how to reveal the Red Lady's message, and a scroll from Macedon which explains it. But is this mysterious prisoner more dangerous than the Roman naval authorities who are already hunting them down?
116 story pages
(To be published with this campaign!)
Chapter 3: The Garamantian Desert
Exiles in Wasteland opens with the prisoner (Marcus), the treasure hunter (Myra), and a surviving Roman soldier (Tersius) washing up on the Libyan shoreline. Myra and Marcus agree to a temporary alliance, in order to hunt for the Red Lady of Babylon's origins - a forgotten oasis somewhere in the south Egyptian wastes. Tersius is dragged along as their unwilling prisoner.
Back in Alexandria, Gallienus explains to his father what he saw at Siwa after excavating the oasis, as well as what (or who?) possessed him.
Chapter 4: Jackal's Rest
Marcus reads the Macedonian scroll, and explains that the Red Lady was originally intended for Alexander the Great, on his quest to defeat the ultimate enemy - his own mortality.
Valerian hurries out from Alexandria with his son Gallienus and a military attachment. Marcus and Myra recount a bit of their childhood, and discover they both grew up in the same town, although at different times. The traveling trio enter a dangerous border town, in search of a wandering Berber tribe that can take them to Siwa.
This is an independently published graphic novel - meaning this book can only be printed with your pre-orders!
Securing a minimum number of pre-orders allows us to hire the printer, so that we can then distribute them to you.
⚔️ 12 pt matte UV cover
⚔️ 80 lb matte coated interior pages
⚔️ 6.25"x8.574" at 128 pages
The more pre-orders we receive, the lower the cost of each book becomes. This in turn allows us to invest those savings back into the length of the book itself.
~ Printing 500 books - $4,200
~ Shipping 200 books - $900
~ Printing 250 posters (two types) - $250
~ Shipping Red Variant poster - free (included with book shipping)
~ Shipping Matt Cossin poster (50) - $250
~ Crowdfunding fees, artist commission fees, other misc. fees - $900
Total funds needed for printing and shipping: $6,500
(added for free to each printed book order):
Already achieved:
✔️ Map of KYRIE's Ancient North Africa by illustrated map expert Stephen Hesselman, to be printed across the inside cover of the book:
✔️ Spot gloss cover
~ like we achieved for Book 1!
✔️ Deluxe vinyl stickers:
~ illustrated by Will Tommo and Otto Arantes!
~ illustrated by Karat @karatnshtick:
KYRIE is a richly crafted longform comic, following in the best traditions of the classic high adventure storytelling. It's also a love letter to Ancient North Africa.
And graphic novels like this one just aren't (yet) available your local comic book shop or bookstore!
Purchasing this book helps get stories like this one onto the bookshelves of readers of all ages, all over the world. We just can't do it without your backing!
A crowdfunding campaign is the only available way to print Book 2 of KYRIE. Though every page of this book is finished, we cannot produce a printed version without your invaluable support.
We've successfully funded and delivered a Kickstarter campaign for KYRIE's prologue back in 2014, as well Book 1 on Indiegogo in 2019. We are confident we can do so again.
Thanks to the printer, we can get this book efficiently and reasonably printed and delivered to myself or the distributor in just a few months.
No one is charged if this Indiegogo campaign doesn't fund. If for some reason the campaign funds but I cannot deliver the book, I will fully refund the campaign.
We're sure you'll love this book! And we are making every effort to ensure your book will get to you safely and on time. We want you to be more than satisfied with your purchase.
Have questions or concerns?My contact info is in the Q&A section. Just ask!
Some people just can't contribute. We understand ! But that doesn't mean you can't help:
⚔️ Help get the word out and make some noise about this campaign. Tell your friends!
⚔️ Social media works! Share this campaign online.
⚔️Use the Indiegogo share tools!
So that's the pitch! Let us know if you'd like any more info. See you after the campaign!