Lake of Dust
by Steve Winter
Deep in the trackless wastes of an arid desert lies the dusty bed of an ancient, dried-up lake. It's home to a clan of feisty gnolls who don't exactly lay out the welcome mat for outsiders. But the adventurers are on a mission -- the dead lake also hides the ruins of strange, forgotten temples, places that even the ferocious gnolls fear to tread.
Who built these labyrinthine passages and dusty chambers, and what secrets do they hide? Once the adventurers have won the gnolls' respect (or at least their tolerance), the ruins lie open for exploration. Inside are the answers to the mysteries of the temples' origins, and the fate of their builders, but even armed with this knowledge, can the heroes survive the challenges that lie beneath the Lake of Dust?
Written by the prolific and talented Steve Winter (Complete Psionics Handbook, Horde of the Dragon Queen, The Scarlet Citadel, The City that Dripped Blood, Orcus in a Winter Wonderland, and much more), with cover art by Martina Scafa, and interior illustrations by Hector Rodriguez and Terry Pavlet, Lake of Dust is an adventure for 5th level characters, available in both OSR and 5e versions.
Softcover Perks
Softcover perks will be mailed via Indiegogo to the address provided to us from our warehouse. Both OSR and 5e versions of this adventure will be full-sized 8-1/2 x 11 inch saddle-stitched books.
Overseas Shipping
For the past year, as those of you who follow us on Discord know, we have been grappling with the issue of high costs on shipping to locations outside the USA. We decided that the most cost-effective way for our overseas customers to get their books is by using the print-on-demand format.
The print-on-demand books that international customers receive are high quality, but please be aware that they are printed differently than books in the USA, which are saddled stitched.
We have tremendous love and respect for our international customers, and this is the most efficient method we have found to provide you with books at a reasonable price with reliable delivery times.
PDF Fulfillment
Contributors have told us that they prefer having their digital rewards in a unified library. For this project, the default PDF distribution will be via We use DriveThruRPG's fulfillment tools which will send you an email originating from their site that the PDF has been added.
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