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Lazer Team by Rooster Teeth

Rooster Teeth is making its first feature length movie and we need your help!

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Lazer Team by Rooster Teeth

Lazer Team by Rooster Teeth

Lazer Team by Rooster Teeth

Lazer Team by Rooster Teeth

Lazer Team by Rooster Teeth

Rooster Teeth is making its first feature length movie and we need your help!

Rooster Teeth is making its first feature length movie and we need your help!

Rooster Teeth is making its first feature length movie and we need your help!

Rooster Teeth is making its first feature length movie and we need your help!

Rooster Teeth
Rooster Teeth
Rooster Teeth
Rooster Teeth
1 Campaign |
Austin, United States
$2,480,334 USD 37,493 backers
381% of $650,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

February 21, 2015: The Official Lazer Team Teaser has been released to the public.

July 5, 2014: We just added an update! We are within $100,000 of the record! Check the Update tab for more info.

Rooster Teeth needs your help to make a feature!

The lovable and undeniably good looking team from Rooster Teeth Productions is making their first ever feature length movie, Lazer Team. That's right, the online video sensations behind:

  • Red vs Blue, the web's longest running series
  • Achievement Hunter, a group of charismatic gaming scamps
  • The RT Podcast, focusing on current events and accurate science
  • RWBY, the world's newest anime sensation

are going bigger and better than ever before with their first full length theatrical production.

In the late 1970's, the Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence project received a one time signal from outer space. It looked exactly as theorists thought a communication from an alien civilization would -- unfortunately it has never been decoded. Or so we were told. Unbeknownst to the general public the signal was translated and told us two things:

  1. We are not alone.
  2. The galaxy is a dangerous place.
Our story is live action sci-fi comedy that takes place decades later in the aftermath of this event. We will be holding a conference call for all our BTS-level and higher supporters on Tuesday June 17, 2014 during which will we cover the plot in greater detail.

We are ready to make this next big step, but we need your help to make it as big as we possibly can! Funds from Indiegogo will be used for:

  • Bigger and better visual effects. Lazer Team is a science fiction movie. The sky is the limit on what we could do with post effects. Actually the sky isn't the limit, space is the limit. And space is infinite. But our perks only go up to $10,000.
  • Cast and crew. In addition to the familiar faces of Rooster Teeth, we will be casting talent from all across the country and recruiting some great people for behind the camera as well.  The more money we raise, the bigger the project becomes and the more talent we can attract. That's just math.
  • Locations, locations, locations. With more money we can add better locations for our shoot days. Money will be used to haul all those cast, crew and the buckets of visual effects to exotic locales. Like the Nevada Desert. In August. 

Here's a breakdown of the budget and their relative portion in Lazer Team:

We know. You've backed a crowd-funded project before and that was the last you heard of it. Plus producing movies is far more expensive than making web content, even the content that RT makes. So how do you know backing this project will actually lead to a finished product?

  • We have always made the most of our resources and made some of the best quality content on the Internet over the past 11 years. We are going to do this on a bigger scale.
  • We have the infrastructure to produce the content, the funds we are raising are for production and production quality. That means most of the dollars will end up on the screen, which is exactly where you want them.
  • Rooster Teeth is uniquely qualified to move from web content to feature filmmaking. Over the course of the last decade we have grown into some of the biggest productions the internet has ever seen and we want you to be a part of this next step!

Once the campaign starts, we will begin behind the scenes perks right away. Here's a list of planned events during the campaign:

  • Wednesday June 11, 2014 -- First Supporter update goes out.
  • Tuesday June 17, 2014 -- Conference call for all early BTS and up supporters in which we will cover pre-production including concept art and more detailed plot description. Spoiler alert. 
  • Saturday June 21, 2014 -- Special livestream from Rooster Teeth HQ to support the crowdfunding campaign.
  • Sunday July 6, 2014 -- Special campaign wrap up at RTX 2014

And we will have new events and stretch goals announced as the campaign progresses.

We have tons of great Perks for our supporters. Most of these items and experiences have never been offered by Rooster Teeth before. For all the details, check the column on the right or look at our cheat sheet below for some of the basics.

We have added a Challenge Coin Perk. These coins are a highly collectible item. If you are not familiar with them, check out the Wikipedia article which tells you all about them. Our tune into the Lazer Team backer call when we show off an example of one. It's a very cool item and we are happy to be able to introduce it to the campaign. If you have already donated or want to add the Challenge Coin to a different package, just select the Standalone perk. The CC is not included with any other Perks, so grab it while you can!


Thanks for checking out our IndieGoGo campaign and thanks for supporting Lazer Team!

UPDATE: Thank you for all for taking us to a MILLION DOLLARS IN JUST TWO DAYS! And we broke the record for quickest funded film on the platform! We are now the #2 Film all time on IndieGoGo and we still have 27 days left in the campaign! 

Adding new stretch goals to the section at the bottom: Orchestral Score and Podcast Let's Plays!


UPDATE: We hit our goal in ten hours! So, we have added a Stretch Goals section at the bottom of this section. Check it out for the latest Perks and additions!

Updated June 22, 2014

$1,875,000 Return of RT Shorts

Our next RT stretch goal will be to produce a run of RT Shorts (six to eight)  in the style of our old school Season One shorts. These will be shot in the office setting, run-and-gun style. No big effects, no huge budgets -- just pure Rooster Teeth antics.

$1,750,000 VFX Upgrade & Featurette

We will add a critical scene that will take a significantly higher Visual Effects budget to produce. We can't say much more, other than we are very excited about being able to make this. We will also produce and release a VFX Featurette showing how we made Lazer Team's effects!

$1,625,000 Pilot a TV & Film Podcast UNLOCKED!

The RT Broadcast team behind the RT Podcast and The Patch will produce a pilot for a podcast focusing on TV & Film discussions. 


Lazer Team will hold a theatrical screening in the (non US) country that has contributed the most amount by the end of the campaign! City and date to be scheduled after the end of the campaign.


Lazer Team gets an orchestral score! Special perk to ATTEND RECORDING OF THE SCORE unlocks!


The podcast crew will produce one month of weekly Podcast Let's Plays. This will be publicly available on normal Rooster Teeth channels. Estimated delivery in July 2014.

Our $1,000,000 stretch goal is coming!  UNLOCKED!

At that milestone, we will have two rewards. First, exclusive Lazer Team concept art will be added to all the Digital and higher supporters. And by popular demand, we will make an all new RT Stage 5 Office Tour video. We just need to find Burnie that jacket. 

Let's hit a million!

$750,000 New Game Time Episodes  UNLOCKED!

If we hit that goal, we will produce six (6) new episodes of the popular retired show Game Time for and our Let's Play channel. This run of Game Time will feature people working on (or around) Lazer Team.

$650,000 Hit The Goal Bonus UNLOCKED!

Amazing! We hit our goal in just ten hours after we started the campaign! The show of support in the first day has been so incredible and the first day isn't even over yet! In celebration we will be adding a digital PDF of the shooting script to all the digital downloads of the movie for everyone who has contributed at those levels. Thank you so much everyone!

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Choose your Perk

Go Go Go

$5 USD
Perks are great but you don't have time for all that. You just want to see this project get done. We understand and thanks for helping!
1619 claimed

BTS Backer

$10 USD
The Behind The Scenes supporters get full access to all production updates and behind the scenes info on the production. Get a tweet from @roosterteeth thanking you for your support!
Estimated Shipping
March 2015
3105 claimed

Digital Supporter

$25 USD
A digital copy of Lazer Team once it is ready for release. Indiegogo supporters will receive their digital copies of the movie before anyone else. Includes a free three month Sponsorship account on so you can enjoy all of our other content while we shoot Lazer Team!
Estimated Shipping
March 2015
6710 claimed

Blu Ray/DVD

$35 USD
Get the Lazer Team Blu-ray or DVD. The discs will ship as soon as we finish the movie. Includes Digital and BTS perks. Add $5 for international shipping.
Estimated Shipping
March 2015
8115 claimed


$50 USD
Get the special, limited edition poster for Lazer Team. This poster will only be available to crowd funding supporters. Includes all previous non-limited perks. Add $10 for international shipping.
Estimated Shipping
March 2015
2761 claimed

Challenge Coin Standalone

$50 USD
This perk gets you the fancy Lazer Team Challenge Coin as a STANDALONE perk, not included in other perks. This is the coin added to our Perks during the livestream. Select this if you already have another perk and just want to add the Challenge Coin or if you want just the coin and nothing else. Add $5 to your donation amount for International Shipping
Estimated Shipping
March 2015
773 out of 1000 of claimed


$75 USD
A special t-shirt that recognizes you as one of Lazer Team's supporters during the crowd funding campaign. Includes all previous non-limited perks. Add $10 for international shipping.
Estimated Shipping
March 2015
3277 claimed

Signed Script (Standalone)

$75 USD
Get a handsome Lazer Team script autographed by the creators of the film. Have you ever wanted to enjoy a movie without all those pesky images and sounds? Well, this is the Perk for you. This is a Stand Alone Perk not included with any other Perk (except the Mega Ultra Sponsor package). Warning: script contains lots of words. Literacy not included. Please add $10 if you need international shipping.
Estimated Shipping
March 2015
Only 72 left

Signed Poster

$125 USD
Ever wanted a signed POSTER from the Rooster Teeth gang, but don't have a way to see us in person? This perk includes a signed Lazer Team POSTER as well as the exclusive t-shirt and the Blu-Ray/DVD. Includes Digital and BTS perks. Add $10 for international shipping.
Estimated Shipping
March 2015
379 out of 500 of claimed

Signed DVD

$125 USD
Ever wanted a signed DVD from the Rooster Teeth gang? Now is your chance to get one without all the hassle of getting on a plane and going places. This perk includes a signed Lazer Team DVD as well as the exclusive t-shirt and poster. Includes Digital and BTS perks. Please add $10 to your donation if you need international shipping.
Estimated Shipping
March 2015
68 out of 1000 of claimed


$150 USD
Get the Lazer Team Mug along with a DVD, Poster and T-shirt. Includes all previous non-limited perks. Add $15 for international shipping.
Estimated Shipping
March 2015
310 claimed

Challenge Coin

$200 USD
Get the Lazer Team Challenge Coin along with the Mug, DVD, Poster and T-shirt. Includes all previous non-limited perks. Add $15 to your donation if you need International Shipping.
Estimated Shipping
March 2015
148 out of 1000 of claimed

Crew Hoodie

$250 USD
Get the exclusive Lazer Team hoodie, designed by our crack team of hoodie designers. Hoodie will be black or dark grey. Includes all previous non-limited perks. Add $15 for international shipping.
Estimated Shipping
March 2015
245 claimed

Ultra Sponsor

$300 USD
Get the hoodie, the signed DVD, mug, the poster and the exclusive shirt and have your name in the credits of Lazer Team. Plus, you can sleep well knowing you made this movie possible. Includes all perks from Digital and BTS Supporter as well. Add $15 for international shipping.
Estimated Shipping
March 2015
1521 claimed

Mega Ultra Sponsor

$375 USD
Get the autographed script! The hoodie! The signed DVD! Mug! Poster! Exclamation Points! Exclusive Shirt! Get your name in the credits! Plus, you can brag to your friends that you made this movie #1 on IndieGoGo. Take that, friends. Includes all perks from Digital and BTS Supporter as well. Add $15 to your donation if you need international shipping.
Estimated Shipping
March 2015
88 claimed


$400 USD
Your favorite Rooster Teeth personality will record a 20 second voice mail message/greeting for you or a friend. Includes Digital Supporter level.
Estimated Shipping
March 2015
39 out of 250 of claimed

Associate Producer

$3,000 USD
Get a credit as an Associate Producer of Lazer Team. We will assist you in creating an IMDB entry for this process. Includes all the benefits of Premiere level and Ultra-Sponsor level.
Estimated Shipping
March 2015
13 claimed

Walk on role

$6,000 USD
Appear as a featured extra in Lazer Team. Shooting will take place in August and September in Austin, TX and/or New Mexico. Includes all benefits of Premiere and Ultra Sponsor level. Dates subject to scheduling. Travel and accommodations not included.
Estimated Shipping
September 2014
0 out of 2 of claimed


$6,500 USD
Co-Producer credit in film and profile creation on IMDB. Make a visit to the Lazer Team set. Includes all benefits of Premiere and Ultra Sponsor level. Set visit date subject to scheduling. Shooting scheduled to take place in August and September in Austin, TX and/or New Mexico. Travel and accommodations not included.
Estimated Shipping
September 2014
2 claimed

Executive Producer

$10,000 USD
Executive Producer credit in film and profile creation on IMDB. Make up to three visits to the Lazer Team set. Choose from an RvB walk on role, RT Podcast visit or AH for a day. Includes all benefits of Premiere and Ultra Sponsor level. Set visit dates subject to scheduling. Shooting scheduled to take place in August and September in Austin, TX and/or New Mexico. Travel and accommodations not included.
12 claimed
sold out

Loot Crate (Standalone)

$50 USD
Estimated Shipping
October 2014
Only -4 left
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