Hi, my name is Sheriden and I'm the creator (and now editor, director, producer) of "Love Notes", a docu-series about love.
March 14, 2014 was a beautiful day for me. It marked the debut of a film project that has been brewing in my brain for a little over a year now. The series is called "Love Notes". And it is a docu-series that I hope will not only teach me a thing or two about love but anyone else who chooses to join along on the journey as well. It began with simple photographs acting as inspiration, evolved to written interviews, and now at its final and permanent stage is a series containing interviews.
The response to the videos have been a lot more positive than I ever thought it could be, but I have hit a lot of roadblocks behind the scenes due to having to depend on myself to become a jack of all trades, which I don't mind because I wholeheartedly believe in the project, but unfortunately that takes funding as I do not have all of the materials necessary to push a finished product that I can be proud of, which is hopefully where you come in!
What We Need & What You Get
I really want this vision to become successful and I really want to cultivate a product much like the premiere video where I had the assistance of people who had a lot more resources than I did to make the final product look as exquisite as it did. In a perfect world, I'd like that to be the rule. My goal is to close the gap between videos and post a video bi-monthly, as I originally intended but in order to do that, I need to upgrade my life tech-wise.
Your donations will go directly toward building my docu-series arsenal. I hope to eventually run a site, but first things first, a breakdown for funds needed asap:
A New Lens for my Rebel: $200
An External Digital Recorder: $200
Video Editing Software: $70-$100
A Track for the Series: $250
Whatever's left over, if anything, can go toward graphics, business cards, and the early stages of web building. Thanks guys!
The Impact
Love Notes began as an ode to romantic love. I think this journey is an important one and I think that if people are able to relate to it and also grow from something I'm growing from, that's a beautiful thing. May we all learn and grow from this project.
Risks & Challenges
It's a little difficult beginning with a team and then becoming a literal one-man show, but this dream is really important to me and I am dedicated to giving my everything to bringing this to fruition, even if it means learning all the necessary stages of video in order to become great at it. I think the challenges make it worth it.
Other Ways You Can Help
If money isn't something you can contribute, please subscribe to my Youtube channel for updates on content (in the very near future I hope, fingers crossed lol), and just spread the word about this project. I think it's a really positive project so if nothing else, just becoming a supporter would be really amazing to me. Thankies!