Up to now, our inspired (and inspiring!) core team have been contributing their time and expertise without reward and we have been inviting select people to support and sponsor the production -- but now we also need your help.
We have set our goal at $54’000, which when combined with those other contributions and our equity investments is enough to get us over the finish line, allowing us to make this a truly independent film, free from any limitations that might be set by the usual financiers of films. If you are donating from the U.S., remember that your contribution is tax deductible. Your contributions will help pay for:
- Additional technical crew and equipment
- Production support staff
- Some travel and accommodation
- Post-production services like editing facilities, colour correction and sound mixing
- Professional fees for essential legal services and insurance cover.
This crowdfunding drive has been realized with the assistance and support of the Call and Response Foundation, (dba. Magic House, Inc.) a registered nonprofit devoted to serving and expanding the mantra music community.
There are plenty of perks to choose from; signed CDs from the artists, festival and concert tickets, some of Wari Om's beautiful photography prints. Of course we are offering a number of ways to see the film including downloads and DVDs but look out especially for our Featured Perk: A Limited Edition Double DVD - An advance copy of a limited edition, double DVD of the film with extended interviews and extra concert performances. And also our World Premiere Simulcast perk - This is an “as live” stream of the film at exactly the time of the World Premiere.
You could also join us in person at the World or North American Premiere, the venue for which is yet to be announced. We have to limit the number of people we can invite, so if this is the one for you, don’t wait too long to secure your place!
You can also be an Associate Producer, but please note there is only room for eight of these production credits.
And, of course, if you just want to donate, IndieGoGo allows you to contribute any amount you like.
Whatever your preference, please do contribute whatever you can and most importantly
share our campaign with your friends and followers to help spread the word.
The entire team are seasoned professionals and we will, assuming we reach our goal here, deliver an outstanding film. If we don’t reach this target, we will still complete what is called an “offline edit” of the film using the funds raised. We can then take this edit to film distributors and raise the rest of the finance required to complete post-production. But we would much, much rather remain truly independent.
We would like to assure you all that there is no possibility the film will
not be finished. We have a lot of material already “in the can” and we will finish a version of the film using whatever resources we raise during this crowd-funding effort.
Perks: It is extremely unlikely but if, for some reason, we can’t deliver some or all of the perks, we want to assure you that we will get in touch to offer you an alternative or a refund.
GEORGIA WYSS: director, producer, writer
In 2003 Georgia co-founded the Barcelona based production company, TengoTwo. Since then, in addition to her work as an editor, she has been producing documentaries and directing image pieces. In 2010 she co-produced and co-wrote the documentary “No Plorar Mai” (Never to Cry) For Catalan television. In a career spanning more than twenty years Georgia has been editing in Hamburg, Zurich, New York and Barcelona, often on award-winning feature documentaries like The Lightbulb Conspiracy and A Crude Awakening. During her time in New York, she specialized in music documentaries including the series “Where Are They Now” and a film on Aretha Franklin.
WARI OM: co-director, camera operator Wari Om is the best-known international Yoga photographer. He is exclusively dedicated to capturing the movement, the reality and grace of yogis and yoginis around the world. His insight into, and his admiration for this ancient philosophy are expressed through his visuals.
JORDI AZATEGUI: director of photography A close collaboration with the movie director Isabel Coixet as cinematographer, cameraman and editor, gave him the opportunity to make documentaries such as White Tide and Listening to Judge Garzón, winner of a Goya 2012 as best documentary; and to shoot and edit the feature film Yesterday Never Ends which won him the Silver Biznaga for Best Photography “Deluxe” and the Silver Biznaga for Best Editing at the Málaga Film Festival 2013.
RAYMOND MCCORMACK: producer With more than two decades experience, he now specializes in feature documentaries, the most successful of which is A Crude Awakening which screened at more than 70 festivals around the world, winning 8 awards and numerous nominations. Amongst these were Best Feature Documentary from Palm Beach International FF and the Green Award from the European Environmental Film Festival Network. The film was distributed worldwide.
MICK WALSH: co-producer; art director, digital mediaAs well as co-producing tasks, Mick uses his extensive experience in all things design and digital to drive and enhance the graphics and online elements of the project.
It would be really great if you could spread the word about the film and especially this crowd-funding effort, tell your family, friends and colleagues and share all our
teaser trailer and social media pages on your social media pages: for example: like, follow and share on
Facebook, shout out
www.mantramovie.com on
Instagram or
Pinterest, every little step helps. :)
Finally we would like to acknowledge the many beautiful people who have helped us get this far with the project and whose continued support is playing a huge role in making this film a reality, from the crew who have not yet said no to me in the challenges I have asked of them, to all our new friends (and old) whom we have met along the way, to the many artists we have met and worked with (so far) who have offered us their time and often more than that, namely
Deva Premal & Miten with Manose, Krishna Das, Nina Rao, Snatam Kur, Jai Uttal, Sharon Gannon, MC Yogi, Lama Gyurme, Stephan Rechtschaffen, C.C. White, MuOM, Dave Stringer, Donna DeLory, Mirabai Ceiba, Bittu Mallick, Anand Semalty, Gaura Vani, The Mayapuris, Yogi Amritram and many more.
We also wish to acknowledge the many organizations who have also helped to push the project forward and we look forward to continuing our relationships throughout the project.
Soundcheck Moments - #1
We are also excited about this a little preview series we have put together with some of our footage! These moments which we shot during the concert sound checks are special their own right and we can start to share them with you now. This first one features Deva Premal and Miten with Manose in Madrid 2013. Enjoy - and come back to this page as there are more to come.
Soundcheck Moments - #2 with Snatam Kaur
Soundcheck Moments - #3 with Mirabai Ceiba
Soundcheck Moments - #4 with Krishna Das
Peace, love and KIRTAN – your Mantra movie crew.