Hey, I'm Marcus Anderson an international contemporary jazz artist. Join me on my 17th studio album journey - The Vibe. Experience the magic of crafting a retro video that spans the 70s to today. Your passion fuels my creativity, and your trust means the world. Let's make music history together!
**What We Need & What You Get:**
To make "The Vibe" a reality, I need around $15,000. Your contributions fund everything - from musicians to mastering. Exciting perks await, including an exclusive bonus track for backers at the $10 level and up. If we surpass our goal, the spectacle grows even grander. Your support is the key to unlocking this extraordinary musical adventure.
**The Impact:**
Your contribution isn't just funding an album; it's shaping a unique musical experience. With a proven track record in projects like "Reverse," your support means the world. Join me in creating something valuable, not just for me but for everyone who loves the magic of music.
Transparency matters. While challenges may arise, my experience and commitment make me qualified to overcome them. I've got a plan in place, ensuring your investment turns into an unforgettable musical masterpiece.
**Other Ways You Can Help:**
If contributing isn't possible, help spread the word! Share the excitement on social media using Indiegogo's tools. Your support, whether financial or through sharing, is vital in making The Vibe a legendary musical journey.
Let's make history together! ✨
Here’s the breakdown of where the money raised is going:
* Mixing of the music.
* Mastering of the music.
* Vinyl Pressing.
* Music Videos
* Artwork & Design (for both the Album and Video documentary behind the scenes).
* CD Manufacturing & Shipping cost.
* Marketing.
* Musician studio cost.
* String Arrangements.
* Horn Arrangements.
* Producer cost.
* Website New Build.
* AND much more...
This is all on top of what has already been done and paid for, including:
• Pre- Production for music.
* Studio Session Musician recording.
* Pre-Artwork and designs.
* Sample Printing for Artwork and posters.
* Some Pre-Video Behind the scenes recordings.
As you see, this is a lot into completing a finished commercial release. Obviously, there is a lot more to it than just putting out another album. I've already paid for most recording costs & photo shoots (paying the musicians, recording engineer, equipment rentals, photo equipment rentals, featured artist fees, etc.) all of which is upwards of $25,000.
You can help contribute to this project via the many ‘Perks’ available to choose from starting at just $10 all the way up to $5,000 :) .
And if you can't contribute monetarily, you can still help get the word out. Please tell your friends, family, and co-workers about this campaign, and feel free to use the 'share' tools right here on the Indiegogo site. It would be so appreciated.
I would love to raise between $15-20K to maximize the full potential of the project. Once again your support, whether financial or through sharing, is vital in making "The Vibe" a legendary musical journey.
Thank you all so much for your help!
Marcus :-)