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Store your data in a unique storage on land and on the bottom of Mariana Trench for 1000+ years.

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Store your data in a unique storage on land and on the bottom of Mariana Trench for 1000+ years.

Store your data in a unique storage on land and on the bottom of Mariana Trench for 1000+ years.

Store your data in a unique storage on land and on the bottom of Mariana Trench for 1000+ years.

Store your data in a unique storage on land and on the bottom of Mariana Trench for 1000+ years.

1 Campaign |
Prague, Czech Republic
$15 USD 2 backers
0% of $65,000 Fixed Goal Fixed Goal
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The project team has not yet produced a working demo for their concept. Their ability to successfully produce a prototype may be affected by product development or financial challenges.
Lightbulb Wrench Warehouse Truck
Concept Prototype Production Shipping
Millennium is a ultra long-term archivation device. - Stores your visual and digital data - Data stored for 1,000+ years - A storage that combines art and technology - Data stored on land and on the bottom of Mariana Trench

Millennium is a ultra long-term archivation device for visual and digital data storage.

It uses state-of-the-art technology to maintain data for at least 1,000 years. Both visual and digital data capacity can be purchased and used to store your most valuable data, so that they are saved for future generations.

Millennium consists of eleven layers. Ten layers are made of printed aluminum sheets, the eleventh is a rear aluminum plate with data storage devices.

Ten layers are printed with the ChromaLuxe technology. ChromaLuxe technology is the most durable, longest lasting print method, used for top quality fine art prints. It is a sublimation-based method of printing. First, aluminum pores are opened in the thermal bath and the print color is absorbed. Printing color is not only on the surface of the material but becomes part of it. The print is characterized by its high color radiance and outstanding contrast. ChromaLuxe printed sheets are highly resistant to sunlight, scratching and chemicals. Lifetime of one sheet in indoors conditions is approximately 150 years.

Ten same ultra high quality ChromaLuxe printed sheets will be manufactured by a leading Germany producer and assambled together. The main factor determining the durability of printing is sunlight, so the bottom layers practically do not lose quality until they are uncovered. If one of the aluminum sheets reaches its lifetime limit, it is easily removed and another layer is exposed. This allows to extend the life of visual data for at least 1,000 years (1,500 years in indoors conditions).

The rear plate serves as a platform, that holds the 10 printed sheets. Above that, it  contains 17 openings into which the storage media and a harddisk with a wi-fi feature are mounted.

As a medium for ultra long term digital data archivation, the m-discs are used. M-disc (Millenniata disc) is a product of Millenniata ltd. located in Utah, USA, which is the same size as a classic CD/DVD, nevertheless uses another surface layer - a carbon compound that has similar properties to stone. The m-disk footprint is deeper and significantly harder and more resistant to external factors such as light, heat, etc. The expected life of the m-disc is 1,000 years, and can be significantly (several times) higher when the medium is properly stored. The largest disc capacity available on the market has a BDXL m-disk: 100 GB.

Where will be Millennium placed?

If the funding goal is met, a set of three same Millenniums will be manufacured.

One Millennium will be exhibited in a public gallery. It will be a gallery in one of the world major cities. There may be a vote on where to exhibit the first Millennium at a later stage of the project.

Second Millennium will be placed on the bottom of the Mariana Trench. Alternatively, the second Millennium will be placed on the bottom of the Yap Trench.

Third Millennium will be sold in an auction to a private investor.

Why three same Milleniums are manufactured and why place one on the bottom of the ocean?

A set of three same Millenniums is manuftured in order to preserve at least one, no matter what the future circumstances may be.

First Millennium will be donated to a public gallery. This will ensure accessibility to public and optimum exposure conditions (such as temperature or humidity). The optimum conditions should have a positive effect on lifetime.

Second Millennium will be placed on the bottom of the ocean. Most probably, it will be placed on the bottom of Mariana Trench or the Yap Trench.

Mariana Trench is the deepest place in world oceans. It is located in the Pacific Ocean, south of Japan and east of the Philippines. It is approximately 2,550 km long with an average width of 69 km. The maximum depth is 10,916 m (+ - 40 m).  The deepest place is the Challenger Deep - a valley 11 km long and 1.6 km wide, with a depth ranging from 10,898 m to 10,916 m. The pressure at maximum depth is 1,086 bar and is approximately 1,000 times higher than standard atmospheric pressure at sea level. Only two descents with human crew and several unmanned descents have been made until today.

Millennium will not be placed in the Challenger Deep, the deepest place of the Mariana Trench. The reason is, that this place is expected to play a significant role in future in the reasearch of life forms, that could potentially exist in similar conditions in space. The exact location of Mariana Trench, where Millennium is placed, will be specified at a later stage of the project.

As an alternative, the second Millenium will be placed in Yap Trench. The Yap Trench follows the Mariana Trench at the southern tip of the Mariana Trench. It is 650 km long and deep up to 8,527 meters. The use of the Yap Trench would be an alternative if the legislative and administrative barriers on Yap Island (ie Micronesia) or on the island of Palau (Republic Palau) were considerably smaller than in Guam or the Northern Mariana Islands (ei the locations, that would be entitled to issue the permission in case of placing the Millennium in Mariana Trench).

The reason for placing the second Millennium on the bottom of the Mariana Trench (Yap Trench) is, that this place it is almost  impossible to reach by todays means. In the coming decates or even hundreds of years, it will be safe from the civilization. At the same time, in this place Millennium will survive cataclysmatic event (like asteroid that wiped out life 65 millions ago, massive weather changes, global nuclear war). Further in the future, when the technology advances, it can be lifted from the bottom an serve as a image of our time (if terrestrial Millenniums no longer exist).

Third Millennium will be sold in an auction to a private investor. The reason is, that in case of great social changes in the future (war, change of social order), there is a better chance of preserving at least one terrestrial Millennium, if one is held in public hands and in private. The other reason is, that the project costs equals the amount asked in this crowdfunding. Selling one Millennium helps me to make profit on this project.

Differences of the Millennium placed on the ocean bottom

Millennium placed on the ocean bottom will not contain HDD. It would be redundant, given that real-time access to data has no relevancy here.

Millennium placed in Mariana (Yap) Trench will be placed in a special protective cover, so that it can withstand enormal pressure and other environmental factors.

Data capacity of Millennium

Printable area of Millennium is approximately 1.20 square meter (1.44 square yard) and the print resolution is 1440 dpi. The visual data capacity of Millennium is 3.9 GP (3,900 000 000 pixels).

Millennium contains 16 BDXL m-discs, each with 100 GB capacity. The digital data capacity of Millennium is about 1.5 TB (it is little less than 1.6 GB due to recalculation to the decimal system and some other factors).


The HDD will contain the same digital data, that will be placed on the m-discs. HDD is included to make the data accessible for everyone. The lifetime of HDD is in decades at best: at the end of its lifetime, it can be replaced by another technology, that will exist at that time and make the digital data easy to access to gallery visitors.

Why are kept both visual and digital data?

The data are always carried on a medium, which is the result of technological progress of the given time. The digital mediums will change in our lifetime and in the future. Although it is likely that even in a few hundred years there will be a device capable of reading data from m-discs, it is not certain. In case of regressive development of the society or a major disaster, there may not be a technology to read the data.

The visual data will be accessible to any future generation, no matter the direction the world is gonna go. That is why both data types are being collected and why Millennium is designed to keep both for at least 1,000 years. 

What is for sale?

Both visual data and digital data capacity is for sale.

If 5 USD and more is invested, 20 Megabytes of digital data capacity for each 1 USD is bought. That is an amount sufficient to store several books, photos or 20 minutes of music in MP3 format.

For each 5 USD, 0.3 MP (300,000 pixels) of visual data capacity is sold. That is approximately 1 square centimeter (0.15 square inch) of printed aluminum sheet. That equals to an image in SVGA resolution (640x480 pixels). Image in HD resolution (1920x1080 pixels) is about 2 MP.  In this sizes, you see the image and larger text with the naked eye, the smaller text can be read using a magnifying glass.

What digital data can be stored?

Any self-made photos, books, music, digital art, computer programs and games, personal documents etc. can be sent for archiving -  anything you consider inspiring and worthy saving for future generations. Generally, all self-made content in accordance with law and good manners can be archived.

Prohibited is this content: violent, pornographic, spreading hatered, illegal and in serious contradiction with good manners. Please consider this list unclosed. Millennium is ment to give the best of this world to the future generations and this will be a benchmark in disputed cases.

You can send content, you are not author of and state the author. Such content will be subject to legal screening by a profesional lawyer to ensure, that none laws have been violated.

What visual data can be stored?

Any self made visual content in accordance with law and good manners can be sent. The scale for assessing the admissibility of the content will be the same as for digital data.

Any photo, vector, image, quote etc. under Creative Commons Licence 1.0 can be used (eg images from,,, etc.).

Same as with digital data, if you send content you are not author of, it will be subjected to screening for possible legal issues.

What other data will be stored?

M-discs and HDD will also contain free to use programs to read all kinds of formats (DOC, PDF, MP3, MOV, AVI etc.).

All printed visual data will be included in digital form and with a detailed information about manufacturing of Millennium, so that at the end of Millennium’s lifetime, the whole Millennium can be renovated in exactly the same way, it has been manufactured.

Unused digital data capacity will be filled with free to distribute classical music and movies.        


Although legal research has been carried out on the possibility of placing Millennium on the bottom of the Mariana Trench, it is not possible to claim with 100% certainty, that placement will be permitted. There are two possible jurisdictions: Northern Mariana Islands and Guam. In part of Mariana Trench that falls within continental shelf of one of these areas, Millennium placement should be allowed (the continental shelf is the sea bottom about 230 miles from the coastal line of the state).

If Millennium placement is not  permitted in one of these jurisdictions, the Yap Trench is a second alernative. There is also a choice from two jurisdictions: the Republic of Palau and the Federated States of Micronesia (Yap Island). In these areas, another (more favorable) regulation applies, than in the previous two jurisdictions.

If it is not possible to place the Millennium in both Mariana Trench and the Yap Trench, I promise it will be placed on a substitute site on the seabed at a depth of at least a few miles.

Although Millennium is designed to be very durable, there are some risks connected to its transportation and placement on the ocean bottom. If one Millennium is damaged, the one supposed to be sold in an auction will be used to be placed in the deeps.

Note to perks

Basically, you can purchase digital and visual data capacity for any amount between 5 and 5,000 USD. You can buy several perks to compile the requested amount. If so, you will get 20 MB for each 1 USD and 0,3 MP for each 5 USD and:

  • for 5 USD - 49 USD, an e-certificate
  • for 50 USD to 99 USD, a printed and signed certificate
  • for 100 USD to 999 USD, a signed poster and a printed and signed certificate
  • for 1,000 USD to 4,999 USD, limited edition high quality print of Millennium on photopaper, numbered and signed and a printed and signed certificate
  • for 5,000 USD, limited edition aluminum ChromaLuxe print of Millennium, numbered and signed and a printed and signed certificate

What if more money is collected?

That would be great!

If less than 2 times of the asked amount is collected, the dimensions of the Millennium will be larger and both the visual and the digital data capacity will be larger as well.

If more than 2 times of the asked amount is collected, another Millennium is created for each 65,000 USD (meaning another set of three 11-layer aluminum data carriers is manufactured, one placed in public gallery, one in private hands and one on the bottom of the ocean).

My dream is to create a collection of 15 – 30 Millenniums, that would serve as a glace of future generations to our time.

What is the time schedule?

In the second half of July, August and first half of September the crowdfunding campaign will take place.

If successful, you can send data at the end of September and in October.

During October and November, the data will be processed.

In December, Millennium is manufactured and certificates, posters, prints on photopaper and aluminum chromaluxe prints are made.

Then the packages are packed and shipped. In January and February 2018, the items are delivered. If all goes well, I will try to deliver the items at Christmas 2017.

During the first quarter of 2018, the contract with a public gallery is concluded and Millennium is transported and exhibited.

Depending on the complexity of administrative proceedings, the second Millennium is placed on the bottom of the Mariana Trench (Yap Trench) in first or second half of 2018.

After placing the second Millennium on the ocean bottom, the third one is offered for purchase to private investors.

If more Millenniums are funded, the schedule can change. I will regularly update profile on Indiegogo and Facebook.


I don’t know, what resolution is my picture/I know the resolution but I don’t know, how to change it.

Don’t worry. Just send the picture and I will change it to resolution according to your perk.

What should the image aspect ratio be?

Generally, it can be any aspect ratio. I will not accept only pictures with some crazy aspect ratios like 1:1000.

What if I don’t have a clue, whether content I send interfere with others rights?

Don’t worry. Regarding the none self-made content, a screening will be made by a professional lawyer. If the data are not able to be used in Millennium, I will contact you, tell you, what is wrong and you can send another content.

I don’t want to send any data, but I like the idea. Can I still take part in it?

Yes. You can buy any perk and if you contribute 5 USD and more, you can send an e-mail, that you don’t want to contribute with digital and/or visual data. Your data capacity will used to archive classical movies and music and you will get all other stuff included in your perk.

I would like to store data in Millennium, but I want to store them only for myself. Can I do that?

You are welcome to do that. You can send digital data in a password protected ZIP or another password protected format. Then, only you and the persons you trust will have access to the data.

You can also use your data capacity for both: a part can be password protected (and accessible to you, your family and your descendants) and a part can be password unprotected (and accessible to everybody today and in the future).

What if I don’t have anything important to pass on to others?

Everyone has. Everybody is somehow important. Everyone has something important to say. You may not be significant in your job or in terms of what you own, but you can still be a great daughter, father, mother or son. You may write poems and put them to your drawer or carve wooden toys for children.

Remember, that one of the richest people on planet said: „Basically, the biggest lesson that I got is the power of unconditional love. There is no power on Earth like unconditional love. If you offer that to your child, you are 90% of the way home.“ (Warren Buffett)

I have some questions

Ask! I will try to answer all questions and post aswers to the most frequently asked questions in FAQs section.

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