This magazine brings you into the world of fantasy and horror artists,authors,directors,special fx artists,actors,game designers and photographers and much more
This magazine brings you into the world of fantasy and horror artists,authors,directors,special fx artists,actors,game designers and photographers and much more
This magazine brings you into the world of fantasy and horror artists,authors,directors,special fx artists,actors,game designers and photographers and much more
This magazine brings you into the world of fantasy and horror artists,authors,directors,special fx artists,actors,game designers and photographers and much more
This magazine brings you into the world of fantasy and horror artists,authors,directors,special fx artists,actors,game designers and photographers and much more
This project is a new magazine that captures the fun, exciting and sometimes creepy world of fantasy and horror. This magazine will feature the films, books, games that we all love and the people who create them. It will also include upcoming events such as conventions, contests, haunted houses and much more! In addition, there will be interviews and bios on the people who make all this possible. We believe this magazine will be successful because there are very few magazines on these subjects and none that cover this much material. Also, this magazine will create exposure for new Indy projects that otherwise may go unseen. We believe that everyone needs to have the chance to have their projects viewed and this is a great platform for people to discover new talent. We want to give readers the experience of a convention without leaving their house give our contributors the kind of exposure they need to be a part of something bigger for years to come and in this way you can be a part of it to.
Most magazines do well based on how much they sell at retail stores and that sets a limit on the exposure that each artist, actor, author, model, film director, game designer or business offering a service receives when they purchase an ad in a magazine. That exposure is also based on the placement of the ad, How much information is included and how well that person is known depicts whether or not readers want to read the article at first glance. So to change this, Monster Magic Magazine intends to give away digital copies to both horror and comic convention attendees through contests and by distributing the issues to convention owners or vendors.
This will take some time and funding but with your help we can get our magazine out to the more people everyday and give the creators of many types of independent projects the exposure they deserve. At the same time, the readers will get to read and experience a truly amazing magazine!
How the Magazine will be distributed:
We will be self publishing our magazine on line until we can capture the attention of a prominent publishing company who we feel will be very interested in the style and theme of our project. The ultimate goal is to have the magazine printed and on magazine stands all over the world.
In order to complete our goal we need the following :
Email & Social Media Marketing Costs : $2,000-$4,000
Travel Expenses and Hotel Accommodations : $1,500-$3,000
Our over all profit may be small after expenses but the reward of what we can contribute will be doing something large for the fantasy and horror industry and to see the smiles on our supporters faces, that makes it all worth it!!!
What if our goal is not reached?
If our goal is not reached, YOU STILL GET ALL YOUR PERKS!
We will still do our best to produce this amazing magazine
and honor all the perks. In the event that this isn't possible,
we will gladly refund your money. We respect our supporters!
We have had thousands of great supporters recently all waiting for our magazine to come out. We want to take a second to say thank you to everyone who supports indie projects from the people who are in the spotlight and the people who are behind the scenes making it possible for the authors and writers ideas to come to life and allowing us to share them with the world, We commend you and wish you great success in life.
Some people just can't contribute, but that doesn't mean they can't help:
Other Ways You Can Help Us
Share our links and contests on Facebook & Twitter :
Thanks for the support everyone and for your contributions!
By ordering a perk you agree that Monster Magic Magazine can promote the content that you submit within the magazine as a whole on their official website, on social networks, blogs and press release material as well as at conventions all over the world. By submitting, you confirm that the images/photos you submit belong to you. If you submit content it must be of a fantasy,mystery or horror or dark themed in nature. We reserve the right to screen content and reject any material that we deem inappropriate for the magazine including but not limited to full frontal nudity, hate speech or character bashing. Play nice. If you agree to the above statements choose the perks that fit your needs. Thank you.
Looking for more information?Check the project
You can keep our campaign alive with one franken dollar!
We will keep you informed via email about our magazine!
Estimated Shipping
October 2014
1 claimed
Monster Mini
$5 USD
You will receive the Halloween October edition of Monster Magic Magazine in pdf format sent to your email }:)
Estimated Shipping
October 2014
4 claimed
Monster Mash
$10 USD
You will receive the Monster Mini perk and you will also be listed in the magazine as a contributor with your first and last name or business name!
Estimated Shipping
October 2014
1 out of 50 of claimed
Monster Media
$25 USD
You will receive the Halloween October edition in pdf format and your Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram link or Username included on our Supporters Page “Who to Follow” section of the Monster Magic Magazine including a banner ad (100 x 200 px)
Estimated Shipping
October 2014
2 out of 12 of claimed
Monster Mayhem
$40 USD
You will receive the Halloween October and the November editions of the Monster Magic Magazine in pdf format sent to your email with the option to have your own horror or fantasy business banner ad (100 x 300 px ) in the October edition!
Estimated Shipping
October 2014
1 out of 20 of claimed
Early Raven Special
$50 USD
You'll be able to submit early to our July Edition that will be published in digital format and you will receive 2 images and 3 links in both the July and October editions of the Monster Magic Magazine! (Only available until June 19th)
Estimated Shipping
June 2014
0 claimed
Monster Magic DVD Submissions!
$75 USD
You will receive the Halloween October edition in pdf format and you can submit up to 2 minutes of footage to our Monster Magic DVD. This includes trailers,commercials about your fantasy or horror related project.
Estimated Shipping
October 2014
0 out of 10 of claimed
Halloween Video Special !
$75 USD
We will feature your horror, fantasy or mystery Youtube video screen capture and link in our Halloween October Edition plus enable promotional text messaging to connect viewers to your Youtube video!! ( great add on for additional perks )
Estimated Shipping
October 2014
0 out of 16 of claimed
Monster Gear!
$100 USD
You will receive the Halloween October edition in pdf format and a 1/4 page photo or banner of your fantasy, mystery or horror business including a Monster Magic T-shirt!
Estimated Shipping
October 2014
0 out of 16 of claimed
Monster Lovers!
$100 USD
You will receive a signed printed copy of the Halloween October edition along with a Monster Magic T-shirt! ( this perk is for our amazing supporters who don't have projects to advertise right now but still want to contribute)
Estimated Shipping
October 2014
0 out of 20 of claimed
Monster Review!
$125 USD
We will review your fantasy or horror products, creative work or service and feature it in the Halloween October edition of Monster Magic Magazine includes the Halloween October edition in pdf format! Also includes a quote about your website, service or product in jpg format to post on your website!
Estimated Shipping
October 2014
0 out of 5 of claimed
Monster Makers!
$150 USD
A half page ad for your fantasy or horror business in the Halloween October edition of Monster Magic Magazine ( approx.. 5.5” x 8” in) and a printed copy of the Halloween October edition mailed to you.
Estimated Shipping
October 2014
0 out of 12 of claimed
Monster Makers Mega!
$200 USD
A full page ad for your fantasy or horror business with seven question interview in the Halloween October edition of Monster Magic Magazine ( approx.. 8” x 10 “in) and a printed copy of the Halloween October edition mailed to you.
Estimated Shipping
October 2014
1 out of 5 of claimed
Monster Massacre!
$300 USD
A two page spread in Monster Magic Magazine October edition includes an article and up to 4 images and a signed copy of the Halloween October edition mailed to you plus your logo printed on our T-shirts sold at The Next Florida Comic Con!
Estimated Shipping
October 2014
0 out of 3 of claimed
$400 USD
A two page spread on pages 3 and 4 of Monster Magic Magazine's Halloween October edition with an interview also includes your logo on our T-shirt sold at The Next Florida Comic Con and a signed copy of Halloween October edition! (no nudity)
Estimated Shipping
October 2014
0 out of 1 of claimed
Monster Marathon!
$750 USD
You will receive 2 half page banner ads with 4 paragraphs with links in the next 3 months of Monster Magic Magazine! Also Includes your logo on our T-shirt sold at The Next Florida Comic Con and a signed copy of our Halloween October edition!
Estimated Shipping
October 2014
0 out of 5 of claimed
Bigfoot Banner!
$900 USD
Full Page Banner on the back of Monster Magic Magazine! This Includes the Monster Marathon perk above! (October, November or December,January editions --first come, first placement, no nudity)
Estimated Shipping
October 2014
0 out of 4 of claimed
Monster Mania!
$1,000 USD
You'll receive your photo image on the front page of our magazine for the November edition of Monster Magic Magazine! This includes the Monster Marathon perk! (Professional Images without a background only, no nudity)
Estimated Shipping
November 2014
0 out of 1 of claimed
Monstar of the Month!
$1,500 USD
You'll receive a two page spread on pages 1 and 2 of Monster Magic Magazine including your bio, links and images in the Halloween October edition with headline on the cover. also 6 months half page ad space. Also Includes your logo on our T-shirt sold at The Next Florida Comic Con and a signed copy of our October edition! (no nudity)
Estimated Shipping
October 2014
0 out of 1 of claimed
Monster Magic Master!
$2,000 USD
You will be listed as our main sponsor!! This means you will receive a full page banner in our Halloween October edition, promotional text messaging for your website link or logo and your info will be included in all our promotional materials for a full year ! You will receive 10 copies of our Halloween October edition and a year subscription to the Monster Magic Magazine!