What happens in the Land of Dreams? What is the story about...
Morx is the protector of a world called Somnoria, everyday thousands of children, teens and adults enter his world to dream. Humans use this world when they are asleep in order to create their dreams; facing their fears or having their most amazing adventure. Morx is in charge of keeping this world safe because humans can harm or even destroy it... but he's about to face a new threat, Terry the queen of nightmares, who wants humans to suffer making them wish they never dream again. She seeks an object of pure darkness that could make her virtually invincible and Morx will try to fight his inner demons in order to stop this from happening.
The evil queen has a secret, apparently she was not always bad ... and her past is closely linked to Morx's. On the other hand , it seems Morx is carrying a great guilt that burdens him and makes him weak but he desperately tries not to be affected by it, because he must stay focused on his mission… protect Somnoria.
Morx and the Land of Dreams is a traditional 2D animated film, born in Mexico, but intended for audiences everywhere.
By supporting this project, you will help promote and develop international projects, and preserve the art and magic of classic 2D animation.
The film’s creators dream of bringing you a compelling universal story with complex psychological themes, set in a rich fantasy world.
We want you to join us in making a feature film that will showcase the world of Somnoria (The Land of Dreams); your support will allow our screenwriter to finish the script with the story we have developed and start the pre-production process.
With that phase complete, we can secure funding from investors who have already shown interest, but want to see a little more progress to give them the confidence to lend their support.
Morx and the Kingdom of Dreams aims to create a story like great tales of old, rich and powerful in subconscious development, to help us learn more about ourselves through the characters and story. The film's protagonist and antagonist are a teenage boy named Morx, and a girl,Terry, both extremely powerful beings facing great conflict within (and between them), to follow a noble path, or fall for their deepest desires. We hope that Morx will serve as a positive role model and encourages us all to confront the inner demons in our own lives.
By helping fund Morx and the Land of Dreams, you will help promote and protect the art of traditional 2D animation, create a dreamworld filled with jaw-dropping stories and characters, and show the whole world that great stories can come from any little place -- and you also get lots of dreamy and really cool stuff!
We have a list of perks created just for you, the people who are interested in this story and want to see Morx and the Land of Dreams come to life.
We spent a while trying to figure out the perks we would offer and we believe we have come up with some really cool and exclusive things to give you as a token of appreciation for your support, please make sure to browse through our list of perks to see all the cool things we're offering.
In case we do not complete our funding goal we'll keep moving forward and you'll be hearing from us pretty soon for we are not giving up until we fulfill this dream, producing this film to tell our story to the world. We will use the gathered resources to pay for the script and take the pre-production as far as we can in order to show the project to investors.
Most of the money is going towards The Script and the Pre-Production process.
Selma Peña Arenzana, Co- Creator and General Director
She studied psychology in Anahuac University in Mexico city. Her first story was created for a College project that consisted on creating a publicity campaign that could help people by preventing eating disorders, so she created a short tale of a bunny and a bear that in a symbolic way could help little kids to avoid these conducts. Ever since she started writing symbolic stories and one of those was Morx and the land of dreams. Selma works in the TV industry in Mexico city and is the project leader on this film.
Alejandro Peña Arenzana, Co-creator and Director
He studied musical comedy and acting for theatre and film and has been in this industry for around fifteen years. He’s in charge of the dramatic arch in every character throughout the animation process, and he’ll take care of every face and body expression on the film. Alejandro joined Selma almost two years ago, supporting her with the story development and the creation of the world.
Enrique Peña, Co-creator.
He is a Bachelor in Computer Science and also a nerd (shocker!). He loves comic books, movies, and video games. On his free time he has been studying the craft of film-making and also just loves to over-analyze stuff, that's why he's been a great asset to the team, always bringing new ideas to the table.
Luis Vázquez Durán, Animation Director
Luis has worked in the animation industry for more than 20 years. His main achievements include: Working for one of the most prestigious TV chains in Mexico, participating in 5 mexican animated films, directing animation in Mexico’s film “La Leyenda de la Nahuala” and designing the “Chavo animado” characters.
Fernando Ruíz Rendón, Animation Director
Animator with more than 30 years of experience. He started in the year of 1985 participating in the feature film "The Little Thief" (Oliver Twist) ever since he has been involved in various projects and short films: 'La Historia de la Comunicación’, ‘Vamos a la SEP’, ‘La Señal’, ‘Los Hombres de Maíz’, ’La Visión del Halcón’, ‘El Príncipe Feliz’, ‘’El Santo contra los Clones’, ‘La Leyenda de la Nahuala’, ‘Héroes Verdaderos’.
Arturo Z. Gutierrez, Art Director
Arturo is a natural artist, he studied architecture but decided that he loved creating worlds and characters more than he liked designing buildings so he taught himself to illustrate by watching video tutorials and following great artists. Now adays he has worked on several projects as a comic book artist, concept artist and illustrator, having made covers for comics, books and music lables in an international level. He's in charge of supervising the character and environment designs, he worked on Morx’s and Terry’s final design and developed Artyh and Sohlix.
José Francisco Bravo, Creative Director
He studied animation in the Vancouver Film School, he has worked in advertising making animation for publicity campaigns. He made the first sketches of Morx and Terry and he designed the Noxies. José is a talented artist that knows 3D animation and 2D animation. The first concepts were made by him and he translated the creators imagination into profesional designs.
Elie Amiga, Producer
Elie is an entrepreneur who works in Mexico city looking for ways to help small businesses and startups develop. He is currently finding ways to fund this film, his main goal is to get the money we need after the script and pre-production is ready.