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Mueller Report Audio

Delivering the Mueller Report, in audiobook-style format, without political commentary.

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Mueller Report Audio

Mueller Report Audio

Mueller Report Audio

Mueller Report Audio

Mueller Report Audio

Delivering the Mueller Report, in audiobook-style format, without political commentary.

Delivering the Mueller Report, in audiobook-style format, without political commentary.

Delivering the Mueller Report, in audiobook-style format, without political commentary.

Delivering the Mueller Report, in audiobook-style format, without political commentary.

Dan Williams
Dan Williams
Dan Williams
Dan Williams
2 Campaigns |
Missoula, United States
$3,112 USD by 123 backers
$1,024 USD by 46 backers on May 8, 2019
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects


Audio is available via Apple Podcasts, on YouTube, Google PodcastsSpotify, FacebookCastbox, Overcast, Stitcher, iHeartRadioSubscribe on AndroidTuneIn, Radio Public, Pocket Casts, Radio.comBreaker and on the web at

The publication of the report was released April 18, 2019, and is available at


For many of us, sitting down to read through the entire report page-by-page is a challenge. Making this available in an audio format, without biased political commentary, is my goal. 

Because of the wide public interest in the document, I also believe it should be available for free for anyone who is unable to pay for it. For that reason, anyone who would like a hand in producing the audio, is asked to pay whatever amount they wish based on the value-for-value model.

"Value for Value" explained

If listening to the audio of the document saves hours of your time that you would have otherwise spent reading, you can decide for yourself what that amount is worth to you and you can choose to return that value by donating to the production costs of this effort.

If you believe there is larger value in making the report available for those unable to pay for it, because others have chosen to make a similar product but only behind a paywall, then you can choose to donate what you consider that value to be. It's totally up to you!

Now that the initial campaign is over (and Indiegogo removed the ability to choose any amount), I've set up some basic tiers based on the most common donations that came in during the first few weeks, but you can email if you would like a different tier added.

You can support in other ways by telling your coworkers, friends and family about the show, sharing the episodes on social media, and rating and reviewing the podcast on the various platforms are other ways to help return the value you get from this production effort.

Volume 1 sections:

Introduction to Volume 1

Executive Summary to Volume 1

I. The Special Counsel's Investigation

II. Russian "Active Measures" Social Media Campaign

III.A. GRU Hacking Directed at the Clinton Campaign (Russian Hacking and Dumping Operations)

III.B. Dissemination of the Hacked Materials

III.C. Additional GRU Cyber Operations

III.D. Trump Campaign and the Dissemination of Hacked Materials

IV. Russian Government Links To And Contacts With The Trump Campaign

IV.A.1 Trump Tower Moscow Project

IV.A.2 George Papadopoulos

IV.A.3 Carter Page

V.A.4 Dimitri Simes and the Center for the National Interest

IV.A.5 June 9, 2016 Meeting at Trump Tower 

IV.A.6 Events at the Republication National Convention 

IV.A.7 Post-Convention Contacts with Kislyak

IV.A.8 Paul Manafort 

IV.B. Post-Election and Transition-Period Contacts 

V. Prosecution and Declination Decisions

Volume 2 sections:

Introduction to Volume 2

Executive Summary to Volume II 

I. Background Legal and Evidentiary Principles 

II.A. The Campaign's Response to Reports About Russian Support for Trump (Factual Results of the Obstruction Investigation)

II.B. The President's Conduct Concerning the Investigation of Michael Flynn 

II.C. The President's Reaction to Public Confirmation of the FBI's Russia Investigation 

II.D. Events Leading Up To and Surrounding the Termination of FBI Director Comey 

II.E. The President's Efforts to Remove the Special Counsel (Clean Version)

The President's Efforts to Remove the Special Counsel (Explicit Version)

II.F. The President's Efforts to Curtail the Special Counsel Investigation 

II.G. The President's Efforts to Prevent Disclosure of Emails About the June 9, 2016 Meeting Between Russians and Senior Campaign Officials

II.H. The President's Further Efforts to Have the Attorney General Take Over the Investigation 

II.I. The President Orders McGahn to Deny that the President Tried to Fire the Special Counsel (Clean Version)

The President Orders McGahn to Deny that the President Tried to Fire the Special Counsel (Explicit Version)

II.J. The President's Conduct Towards Flynn, Manafort, [Redacted - Harm to Ongoing Matter] 

II.K. The President's Conduct Involving Michael Cohen

II.L. Overarching Factual Issues 

III.A. Statutory Defenses to the Application of Obstruction-Of-Justice Provisions to the Conduct Under Investigation

III.B. Constitutional Defenses to Applying Obstruction-Of-Justice Statutes to Presidential Conduct

Other Ways You Can Help

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  • Assist by getting the word out letting others know this campaign is out there.
  • Rate and review the podcast.
  • Use the Indiegogo share tools!
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Choose your Perk

Value for Value #1

$5 USD
Provide support for the effort based on the value you received from the podcast/audiobook produced
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  • Value for value donation
Estimated Shipping
May 2019
5 claimed

Value for Value #2

$10 USD
Provide support for the effort based on the value you received from the podcast/audiobook produced
Included Items
  • Value for value donation
Estimated Shipping
May 2019
21 claimed

Value for Value #3

$15 USD
Provide support for the effort based on the value you received from the podcast/audiobook produced
Included Items
  • Value for value donation
Estimated Shipping
May 2019
7 claimed

Value for Value #4

$20 USD
Provide support for the effort based on the value you received from the podcast/audiobook produced
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  • Value for value donation
Estimated Shipping
May 2019
17 claimed

Value for Value #5

$25 USD
Provide support for the effort based on the value you received from the podcast/audiobook produced
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  • Value for value donation
Estimated Shipping
May 2019
17 claimed

Value for Value #6

$50 USD
Provide support for the effort based on the value you received from the podcast/audiobook produced
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  • Value for value donation
Estimated Shipping
May 2019
4 claimed

Value for Value #7

$75 USD
Provide support for the effort based on the value you received from the podcast/audiobook produced
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  • Value for value donation
Estimated Shipping
May 2019
2 claimed

Value for Value #8

$100 USD
Provide support for the effort based on the value you received from the podcast/audiobook produced
Included Items
  • Value for value donation
Estimated Shipping
May 2019
3 claimed

Value for Value #9

$200 USD
Provide support for the effort based on the value you received from the podcast/audiobook produced
Included Items
  • Value for value donation
Estimated Shipping
May 2019
0 claimed

Value for Value #333

$333 USD
Provide support for the effort based on the value you received from the podcast/audiobook produced
Included Items
  • Value for value donation
Estimated Shipping
May 2019
1 claimed

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