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MUNBAM mostra permanente di San Nicola dei bambini

Our project is to let everyone know that Santa Claus exists, and his name is Saint Nicholas

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MUNBAM mostra permanente di San Nicola dei bambini

MUNBAM mostra permanente di San Nicola dei bambini

MUNBAM mostra permanente di San Nicola dei bambini

MUNBAM mostra permanente di San Nicola dei bambini

MUNBAM mostra permanente di San Nicola dei bambini

Our project is to let everyone know that Santa Claus exists, and his name is Saint Nicholas

Our project is to let everyone know that Santa Claus exists, and his name is Saint Nicholas

Our project is to let everyone know that Santa Claus exists, and his name is Saint Nicholas

Our project is to let everyone know that Santa Claus exists, and his name is Saint Nicholas

Gerardo Draetta
Gerardo Draetta
Gerardo Draetta
Gerardo Draetta
1 Campaign |
Bari, Italy
$591 USD $591 USD 11 backers
1% of $36,682 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Chi ha detto che Babbo Natale non esiste? Proprio per questo è nato il nostro progetto: per far sapere a tutti che Babbo Natale esiste, si chiama Nicola ed è il Santo patrono della nostra città. Who said there’s no such person as Santa Claus? That is exactly why our project was launched – to let everyone know that Santa Claus exists, and his name is Nicholas, patron saint of our city.

I mille volti di San Nicola

Bari è la città di San Nicola. Qui, dal 1087, si trovano le sue reliquie che ancora oggi richiamano devoti da tutto il mondo. Portano il suo nome chiese, strade, quartieri, strutture d’ogni tipo, perfino lo stadio cittadino. Eppure molti baresi sembrano non conoscere del tutto l’identità del loro santo patrono. Anche fuori dalla città, sono pochi quelli che collegano la figura di San Nicola a quella di Santa Claus, il santo più famoso del mondo. Il vescovo di Myra, nell’attuale Turchia, divenuto nei secoli protettore dei commercianti, dei marinai, dei farmacisti, dei sarti, dei birrai e di innumerevoli altre categorie, è sempre stato prima di tutto protettore degli innocenti e, in particolare, dei bambini. È questo che ha permesso al suo culto di diffondersi ovunque, sopravvivendo a riforme, controriforme e rivoluzioni. Questo ci ha spinto a dar vita, nel 2014, alla Fondazione Myrabilia, per la promozione di attività culturali/pedagogiche incentrate sulla figura del Santo dei Bambini. La nascita del MUMBAM, rappresenta una tappa fondamentale del nostro progetto: dotare la nostra città di una mostra-museo-laboratorio permanente, interamente dedicata a San Nicola dei Bambini.


The many faces of Saint Nicholas

Bari is the city of San Nicola, and it is here, ever since 1087, that his relics have been attracting devotees from all over the world. Churches, streets, neighborhoods, various types of facilities and even the city’s football stadium have all been named after him. Yet many people from Bari don’t even seem to know exactly who their patron saint was. And even outside the city, few people connect the figure of St. Nicholas to that of Santa Claus, the most famous saint in the world. The bishop of Myra, in modern-day Turkey, who over the centuries became the protector of traders, sailors, pharmacists, tailors, brewers and countless other categories, was always mainly a protector of the innocent – and of children in particular. That is what led to him having devotees worldwide, surviving various reforms, counter-reforms and revolutions. And that is also what led us, in 2014, to set up the Myrabilia Foundation, to promote cultural and educational activities around the figure of the Children’s Saint. Founding MUMBAM was a key step in our plan to give our city a permanent exhibition-museum-workshop, entirely dedicated to St. Nicholas and the Children.


Che cosa Ti aspetta nel MUNBAM?

Ospitato nel Castello Svevo di Bari, un monumento imponente per dimensioni e importanza storica, MUNBAM conterrà oggetti da tutto il mondo, provenienti da collezioni private come quelle dello storico barese Nino Lavermicocca, del Reverendo inglese James Rosenthal, dello svizzero Hans Peter Rust, del belga Marcel Janssens, dell’olandese Marcus Vankan. Ciascuna delle sue cinque sale sarà allestita seguendo una precisa traccia narrativa/interattiva:


What to expect at MUNBAM? 

Hosted at the Swabian Castle in Bari, a monument whose sheer size and historical importance set it apart, MUNBAM will contain objects from around the world, from private collections like those of Bari historian Dino Lavermicocca, of English Reverend James Rosenthal, of Hans Peter Rust from Switzerland, Belgium’s Marcel Janssens, and Dutchman Marcus Vankan. Each of the five rooms will have its own narrative/interactive track:


“Ti Ascolto” è la sezione dedicata alla storia di San Nicola e alle sue storie, ai suoi miracoli e alle leggende tramandate nei secoli.

“I listen to you”is the section on the history of St. Nicholas and the stories, miracles and legends that have been handed down over the centuries.


“Ti leggo” verrà riservata alle “tradizionali letterine” con promesse e desideri dai bambini di tutto il mondo

“I read you” will be reserved for the traditional “letters” to the Saint containing promises and desires from children all over the world


“Ti mangio” riguarderà le tradizioni culinarie tipiche delle feste dedicate al santo

“I eat you” will cover the culinary traditions typical of festivals dedicated to the Saint


“Ti gioco” avrà per tema giochi e giocattoli delle feste di San Nicola

“I play you” will be based on the theme of toys and games associated with Saint Nicholas festivals


“Ti re-invento” sarà infine la parte più creativa del museo. Un laboratorio in cui bambini di diverse età saranno liberi di esprimersi e di dare la loro versione di San Nicola sotto la guida degli animatori.

Finally, “I re-invent you” will be the most creative part of the museum. A workshop where children of different ages will be free to express and to present their own version of St. Nicholas, under the guidance of the animators.


Che cosa otterrai sostenendo il MUNBAM? 

Fare una donazione al donatore per antonomasia non è certo un’occasione che capita tutti i giorni. Anche perché San Nicola non ama essere ricompensato in alcun modo per la sua generosità, che è per definizione anonima e gratuita. Ce lo ricorda uno specifico episodio della sua vita, dal quale deriva il simbolo delle tre sfere dorate. Ognuna di esse rappresenta infatti il dono fatto dal Santo alle tre figlie di un padre caduto in miseria. Per tre notti Nicola, erede di una grande ricchezza, gettò di nascosto nella loro in casa un sacco di monete d’oro. Ciascuna delle fanciulle ebbe così la dote per maritarsi, sfuggendo alla miseria e alla prostituzione. Scoperto dal padre ansioso di ringraziare il suo benefattore, San Nicola gli fece giurare di mantenere il segreto finché fosse rimasto in vita. Nacque così la figura del misterioso dispensatore di doni che s’intrufola nottetempo nelle case per fare felici i bambini. Per essere coerenti con i suoi principi, non ti offriremo alcun vantaggio tangibile in cambio del tuo sostegno al MUNBAM. Possiamo invece dirti quel che diventerai: un aiutante di San Nicola in piena regola, con tanto di attestato che ti verrà consegnato dall’associazione Myrabilia. E insieme a questo, naturalmente, riceverai un immenso grazie da parte nostra, dei piccoli e grandi visitatori del MUNBAM e in ultimo, ma non per ultimo, di San Nicola o, se preferisci, di Babbo Natale.


What will you get by supporting MUNBAM? 

Donating to the donor par excellence is certainly not an opportunity you get every day. That’s also true because St. Nicholas doesn’t like being rewarded in any way for his generosity, which is by definition anonymous and gratuitous. There is a specific episode from his life that reminds us of this, and was the origin of the three golden spheres he is associated with. Each sphere represents the gift which Nicholas gave to the three daughters of a man who had fallen on hard times. For three nights, Nicholas, who was heir to great wealth, secretly threw a bag of gold coins into their home. Each of the girls thus had a dowry to get married with, thus escaping poverty and prostitution. Discovered by their father, who couldn’t wait to thank his benefactor, St. Nicholas made him swear to keep the secret as long as he lived. That gave rise to the legend of the mysterious dispenser of gifts who sneaks into houses at night to make children happy. In compliance with his principles, we won’t be offering you any tangible benefits in exchange for your support for MUNBAM. However, we can assure you that it will make you a full-blown St. Nicholas’s assistant, as proven by a certificate that will be sent to you by the Myrabilia association. And together with this, of course, you will be receiving many thanks on our part, from visitors young and old to MUNBAM and last but not least, from San Nicola or, if you prefer, from Santa Claus.

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St. Nicholas’s certificate

Currency Conversion $9 USD
€9 EUR
In compliance with St. Nicholas’s principles, we won’t be offering you any tangible benefits in exchange for your support for MUNBAM. However, we can assure you that it will make you a full-blown St. Nicholas’s assistant, as proven by a digital certificate that will be sent to you by the Myrabilia Foundation.
Included Items
  • St. Nicholas’s certificate
Estimated Shipping
January 2019
6 claimed

St. Nicholas’s certificate

Currency Conversion $31 USD
€30 EUR
In compliance with St. Nicholas’s principles, we won’t be offering you any tangible benefits in exchange for your support for MUNBAM. However, we can assure you that it will make you a full-blown St. Nicholas’s assistant, as proven by a digital certificate that will be sent to you by the Myrabilia Foundation.
Included Items
  • St. Nicholas’s certificate
Estimated Shipping
January 2019
1 claimed

St. Nicholas’s certificate

Currency Conversion $63 USD
€60 EUR
In compliance with St. Nicholas’s principles, we won’t be offering you any tangible benefits in exchange for your support for MUNBAM. However, we can assure you that it will make you a full-blown St. Nicholas’s assistant, as proven by a digital certificate that will be sent to you by the Myrabilia Foundation.
Included Items
  • St. Nicholas’s certificate
Estimated Shipping
January 2019
0 claimed

St. Nicholas’s certificate

Currency Conversion $126 USD
€120 EUR
In compliance with St. Nicholas’s principles, we won’t be offering you any tangible benefits in exchange for your support for MUNBAM. However, we can assure you that it will make you a full-blown St. Nicholas’s assistant, as proven by a digital certificate that will be sent to you by the Myrabilia Foundation.
Included Items
  • St. Nicholas’s certificate
Estimated Shipping
January 2019
4 claimed

St. Nicholas’s certificate

Currency Conversion $314 USD
€300 EUR
In compliance with St. Nicholas’s principles, we won’t be offering you any tangible benefits in exchange for your support for MUNBAM. However, we can assure you that it will make you a full-blown St. Nicholas’s assistant, as proven by a digital certificate that will be sent to you by the Myrabilia Foundation.
Included Items
  • St. Nicholas’s certificate
Estimated Shipping
January 2019
0 claimed

St. Nicholas’s certificate

Currency Conversion $629 USD
€600 EUR
In compliance with St. Nicholas’s principles, we won’t be offering you any tangible benefits in exchange for your support for MUNBAM. However, we can assure you that it will make you a full-blown St. Nicholas’s assistant, as proven by a digital certificate that will be sent to you by the Myrabilia Foundation.
Included Items
  • St. Nicholas’s certificate
Estimated Shipping
January 2019
0 claimed

St. Nicholas’s certificate

Currency Conversion $1,258 USD
€1,200 EUR
In compliance with St. Nicholas’s principles, we won’t be offering you any tangible benefits in exchange for your support for MUNBAM. However, we can assure you that it will make you a full-blown St. Nicholas’s assistant, as proven by a digital certificate that will be sent to you by the Myrabilia Foundation.
Included Items
  • St. Nicholas’s certificate
Estimated Shipping
January 2019
0 claimed

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