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My first CD as Cidny Bullens!

All songs on this new album reflect my life and experience, in last 7 years, as Cid.

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My first CD as Cidny Bullens!

My first CD as Cidny Bullens!

My first CD as Cidny Bullens!

My first CD as Cidny Bullens!

My first CD as Cidny Bullens!

All songs on this new album reflect my life and experience, in last 7 years, as Cid.

All songs on this new album reflect my life and experience, in last 7 years, as Cid.

All songs on this new album reflect my life and experience, in last 7 years, as Cid.

All songs on this new album reflect my life and experience, in last 7 years, as Cid.

Cidny Bullens
Cidny Bullens
Cidny Bullens
Cidny Bullens
2 Campaigns |
Santa Fe, United States
$3,250 USD 57 backers
32% of $10,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects
This CD, "Cid", will be an album of songs that reflect my life and experience during the last seven years--the years since 2011 --when I made the daunting decision to transition from female to male. My hope for this album is that it will not only speak to the issue of being transgender specifically, but that it will reach a broader audience, as my one person show "Somewhere Between: Not An Ordinary Life" has, to bring the human aspect of gender identity into the light.

Short Summary

This two-time Grammy nominee’s career has taken Cidny (Cindy) from singing back-up with Elton John to having eight critically acclaimed solo albums, including 1999's award winning “Somewhere Between Heaven and Earth”. Followed by “Neverland” and “dream #29” and Cid's 2010 "Howling Trains and Barking Dogs". In 2007 Cidny formed the “super-trio”- The Refugees- with songwriting greats Wendy Waldman and Deborah Holland. The Refugees released two CDs 2009's Unbound  and 2012's THREE. Both stayed on the Folk/Americana charts for many months. Since 2016, Cidny has been performing his autobiographical one person show Somewhere Between: Not An Ordinary Life  in theaters around the country, including Los Angeles, New York, and Nashville to rave reviews. In 2019,  the major documentary Invisible, directed by TJ Parsell, will be released in which Cid is featured. Also Cid will release his first album as "Cidny Bullens". He is writing and recording songs reflecting his last seven years of gender transition. In 2020, Cid's memoir will not be far behind.

What We Need & What You Get

OK Folks! I'd like to raise $10,000 (as a start).  These funds will go partly for initial recording costs that include studio and musician fees. But MORE IMPORTANTLY for the hiring of a TOP publicist--who has to have at least three months ahead of release to start promoting. (That alone is the $10K).

What YOU get is the chance to contribute to a timely, relevant project, that I hope will reach a broad audience (akin to my album "Somewhere Between Heaven and Earth"), about yet another misunderstood human element, condition, story. Being a transgender person is not a choice. We are born with the body of one gender and the brain (identity) of the other. Gender also is not binary, as we all have been conditioned to believe. But that's a long discussion. Because this reality is so misunderstood: people die. Trans people young and old, commit suicide. Or are brutally murdered. Thankfully, in the last few years, we have had known people "come out" and we've had more discussion and perhaps a bit more acceptance. But in this volatile political climate, right now, with so many other battles to fight, our progress has been limited. My story--like my one person show--is a human story. I am asking you to help me tell it in the most effective way I can. That takes money.

The Impact

Here's my hope: After my album "Somewhere Between Heaven and Earth" was released 1999, I spent the next 15 years doing workshops, concerts and seminars for bereaved parents, the medical community, the psychology and sociology communities--at colleges, universities, and conferences, all over the country and actually in several other countries around the world.

I would like to do this again, now, on the subject of being transgender, wherever I possibly can.  My experience is that education, by personal contact, with a human story, told not only in words but in music, makes the greatest impact on the heart and mind.

You can help me do this.

Other Ways You Can Help

  • If you can't help financially, believe me, I get it! But please help me get the word out about this campaign and what my goals for this album are.
  • Use  the Indiegogo share tools!

 THANK YOU WITH ALL MY HEART! As I continue to grow as a human being, and as the death of Jessie taught me (she's given me too many gifts to list), my path is to be of service in this world.

Thank you for helping me do just that.

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Choose your Perk

A mental hug and a kiss!

$10 USD
I close my eyes and give you a great big mental hug and a kiss! (Yes I will! I promise!)
Included Items
  • A mental hug and a kiss!
Estimated Shipping
January 2019
1 claimed

A new "Cid" CD!

$20 USD
You will be sent a new CD as soon as I press them!
Included Items
  • A "Cid" CD!
Estimated Shipping
September 2019
7 claimed
Ships worldwide.

A signed "Cid" CD!

$25 USD
You will receive a personally signed "Cid" CD to you or whomever you want.
Included Items
  • A signed "Cid" CD!
Estimated Shipping
September 2019
26 claimed
Ships worldwide.

A signed CD Plus...

$50 USD
Your choice of one other of my CDs.
Included Items
  • Another one of my CDs!
Estimated Shipping
September 2019
7 claimed
Ships worldwide.

A signed CD Plus...

$100 USD
A personally signed new CD to you or whomever you choose plus two other of my CDs signed and a T-Shirt.
Included Items
  • A signed "Cid" CD!
  • Plus two other of my CDs.
  • New CD T-shirt!
Estimated Shipping
September 2019
11 claimed
Ships worldwide.

A signed CD, plus...

$250 USD
A signed new CD, a new CD T-shirt, plus "Somewhere Between Heaven and Earth", "Neverland", and "dream #29", and "Howling Trains and Barking Dogs".
Included Items
  • New CD T-shirt!
  • 2 free tickets to any concert!
  • Four other CDs!
Estimated Shipping
September 2019
1 claimed
Ships worldwide.

A signed CD plus...

$500 USD
All perks plus your fave Cid song sung to you live via Skype!
Included Items
  • New CD T-shirt!
  • 2 free tickets to any concert!
  • Four other CDs!
  • Cid song sung live via Skype!
Estimated Shipping
September 2019
1 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Perks plus memorabilia item!

$1,000 USD
Along with all other perks, you will be sent an item of memorabilia from my 40 year career. We can discuss.
Included Items
  • A signed "Cid" CD!
  • New CD T-shirt!
  • 2 free tickets to any concert!
  • Four other CDs!
  • Cid song sung live via Skype!
  • Item of memorabilia from me.
Estimated Shipping
September 2019
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

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