My Story: The Origin of My Hero Toys Vinyl Figure.
I’m Tanya Tate, a cosplayer, geek blogger and toy reviewer. As a collector I am fascinated by fun, stylized vinyl figures.
The idea of My Hero Toy came to me when I wanted to make a custom figure and there weren’t any cool female blank figures.
I have seen popular customizable vinyl platforms in different sizes and shapes but none that really work for the sexy superheroes I see in comics; like my favs Ms. Marvel, Wonder Woman, Emma Frost and Susan Storm.
So, I created My Hero Toy, a vinyl figure platform that not only can be used to bring these characters to life in a fun and sexy way, but also to create new and unique characters.
With the use of markers, sharpies or paint a My Hero vinyl figure can become a video game character, comic books hero or whatever you can imagine. My Hero Toy is perfect for vinyl artists, comic creators or cosplayers. Which ever community you belong to, this My Hero figure lends itself to your benefit. As a cosplayer, My Hero can also be used to help design costumes for upcoming cons.
My Goal:
I’m looking to raise money for production costs. I have already paid for the design, sculpting and molds. This is where I need your help. Currently, I’ve had the prototypes approved and now I am moving into actual production in China.
My Future:
At this point,
with your help, the figures are going to be produced. I have been working on this for over a year and consulted with people who have established histories in the toy field. Based on your level of contribution you will be among the first to own this figure.
Here are the rewards that you will be receiving depending on your level of contribution:
Other Ways To Help:
If you can’t contribute monetarily, I can use help in promoting and marketing this figure. I am always looking for media outlets that may be interested in this story. So, if you know a cool blog, website, radio or video show...please contact Alexander@MonstarPR.com.