"NG3" Summary
I am Noah Gillispie and I was born and raised in West Virginia and have always had a knack for music. Once I realized that I could inspire others and glorify God with it though then it became my mission. My friend Alec and myself started the record company Ph.D. Records and have thrown successful music festivals since then and recorded many songs.
The funds that I receive will go towards the making of the actual CD copies of the album. I already have all the studio and production funded. All I need is your help in getting the awesome hard copies
To me this album is more than music. It is something that I can give the world to help them carry on. To inspire them to do great things. Through this I am using my talents to glorify God and I hope that you will help me out in this adventure!
What We Need & What You Get
- $400 dollars will buy 100 copies of the CD for me to give away, sign, and sell in record stores. The rest of the money would go to T-shirts and Posters. If we reach over our goal however we may give out "NG3" wristbands to all our backers and have enough funds to buy 200 copies of "NG3" instead of 100.
- Our perks are incredible. We are offering credits in the album, early releases of songs, T-shirts, posters, signed copies of the CD, and some mega perks like inexpensive house concerts! My favorite one though is the Deluxe Package. You get just about everything for only $50! It is an insane deal. Also for every $200 donated, I will release a cover video of a song!
- If we don't reach our entire goal (which won't happen because we will make it!) then the funds will go to getting as many albums as we can to ship to our faithful backers!
Risks & Challenges
There are no foreseeable risks that come after the project is funded. I, Noah Gillispie, am already working with record company Ph.D. Records which I am also a co founder of to record my music . The funding will help pay for the actual CD copies and the merchandise such as the poster. The only real risk is not getting funded to $400 but that won't happen!
Other Ways You Can Help
If you can't donate then please share this page on your social media and tell your friends! Every little thing counts and is greatly appreciated!
Thank you so much for your support! :-)