Hello Indiegogo Backers!
Thank you for taking the time to check out my campaign! This is a 108 page, fully colored, graphic novel with the best comic action in a generation and a story that goes beyond your average superhero comic. It will also be ready for print and fulfillment as soon as the project ends. Please check out more campaign info below, and consider supporting!
The Big Idea
This is my 3rd graphic novel, the second in the CARDINAL series. I make these because these are the comics that I want to read and wish were on the shelves at my local comic store. Unfortunately, for at least the past decade, mainstream comics have been lacking.
Let's face it, mainstream comics don't scratch the same itch anymore. Storytelling has been substituted with lectures, bogged down by decades of history, or is just downright boring. ACTION and EXCITEMENT are nowhere to be found, with few exceptions. The world of comics that I grew up in no longer exists, but it can! So I'm calling all:
- Comic readers who've been PUT OFF by the mainstream and stopped reading
- People who've NEVER read comics because you don't even know where to start
- Comic fans who want ACTION back in your stories
- Comic fans who DON'T just want another generic superhero story
- Comic fans who want something DIFFERENT, NEW and ORIGINAL
- Comic fans who REMEMBER how comics USED to be
This is for you!
Story Look
CARDINAL: STARR STRUCK takes place soon after the end of book 1 (CARDINAL: CULT and PUNISHMENT) where tensions are boiling over between genius Crime Lord RYAN STARR and vigilante cult leader THE DISCIPLE.
RYAN STARR has long had control over Cape City, having defeated his arch nemesis, the hero CARDINAL, decades ago. Then one day a mysterious man, THE DISCIPLE, showed up and started exacting violent justice on Starr's men, guided by his peculiar vision that allows him to see, and judge, the souls of his enemies. He garnered a following, and became a leader of a murderous vigilante gang that exists to challenge Starr's grip on the city.
Starr turned out not to be so easy to overthrow... his genius intellect, and massive fortune led to the creation of his own private military, and a collection of genetic experiments fighting by his side. The casualties grew! Death and destruction flowed through the city like never before, and the long defeated hero once again returned, unprepared for the fight ahead.
Now the two factions of STARR and DISCIPLE are in all out WAR for control, and CARDINAL is caught in the middle fighting tooth and nail to protect Cape City.
He faces MURDEROUS CULTISTS, ARMED MERCENARIES, GENETIC EXPERIMENTS, SAMURAI, MONSTERS and encounters a truth that will shape the Cardinal mythos going forward...
Book 1
If you missed book 1, the physical and digital edition can be purchased with this campaign to get you up to speed. This is recommended, but not required, as a recap is featured at the beginning of book 2
Project Details
This is a 108 page, fully colored, COMPLETE graphic novel that will be ready for fulfillment at the time of the campaigns end. It's action packed, centering around CARDINAL as he attempts to stop the deadly encounter between the forces of RYAN STARR and THE DISCIPLE... but there is more happening behind the scenes that Cardinal isn't ready for...
This graphic novel is written and lettered by me, TANNER EDDLEMAN. The interior art is drawn by JUAN PABLO CARTASSO, and is colored by JULIO ROJAS. The cover is drawn and colored by XEVIUSS, and the title is designed by NODSAIBOT and XEVIUSS.
This campaign also includes a CARDINAL SUPPLEMENTAL comic on select perks : a 36 page manga-style story that takes place during Cardinal's glory years! Join Cardinal as he investigates reports of missing persons near an abandoned subway tunnel...
Written by TANNER EDDLEMAN, Drawn and Lettered by ART KAI
CARDINAL: STARR STRUCK is the second book in the CARDINAL series, and the first book is available for purchase in a limited quantity in this campaign (check out the CARDINAL BOOK 1+2+SUPPLEMENTAL Perk), as well as the digital edition (DIGITAL BUNDLE Perk). My other graphic novel series THE DISPLACER can be purchased as well as an add-on. A breakdown of the items offered in the Perks is below:
Final Appeal
Thank you for taking the time to check out my campaign! If anything here caught your interest please consider backing, indie comics like this don't exist without customers like you. So if you want a STORY that goes beyond the cliché superhero route, if you want ACTION and EXCITEMENT in your comics again, if you want something NEW and ORIGINAL... whether you've been reading comics your whole life, or if this is your first... this is a comic for YOU! Join the ROYAL FAMILY and secure your copy TODAY!