The concept was born from love. Let me explain. My fiancé and I went to a football game party. We were new in our relationship, so we were very affectionate to each other. During commercial breaks, we were giggling and kissing a lot. We were kissing so much that someone in the room started making fun of us, tossing down their paper towel, like a real foul flag yelling, “Flag on the play!” We all laughed, but after receiving countless paper towel flags and comments, we decided that we could actually make a game out of this and that’s how this journey began. By the way…we’re still kissing!
Short Summary
Flag on the Play will give you a real-time, interactive football game experience. This game allows you to actually participate, as you watch pre-recorded or live football games, played on your TV. It gives everyone the opportunity to learn the rules, laws and regulations of football in a fun and exciting way. Even a young fan can understand the rules and instructions to this game. Want to test your knowledge of football? This game can surely do that, but don’t be too quick to think you know it all…even an amateur has a great chance of winning. Remember, it’s the first flag that goes down, that has the chance to score. So, you still have to be quick.
What We Need & What You Get
· Thank you for your donation of $10.00 or more.
· $55 gets you 1 free game including Shipping and handling.
· $110 or more gets you 2 free game, including shipping and handling.
· $150 or more gets you 3 free games including shipping and handling.
· $300 or more gets you 4 free games including shipping and handling.
· $500 or more gets you 5 free games including shipping and handling.
· $1000 or more gets you 8 free games, including shipping and handling.
The Impact
Believe it or not watching football provides both physical exercise and is good for the mind, body and spirit. Furthermore, playing any team sport, with family and friends is good for learning accountability, dedication, and leadership, among many other traits. Putting friends and family, even strangers together, by playing a sport is a winning combination, even if it’s a board game.
This unique football game will help in memorization, repetition and learning new rules and regulations to the game. It will help players, coaches, managers to teach the game and build a collective team synergy and effectively solve problems or misunderstanding of how football is played. This game brings people together, both young and old. It is the ultimate game that will bring the world together in understanding the great game of football.
Risks & Challenges
The greatest risk and challenge is, not having this game at your next football party...people might not show up.
Other Ways You Can Help
The best way you can help is, spreading the word about, "Flag on the Play!" No home should be without it. If your favorite team comes on TV, you're gonna wish either you had it or your family and friends had one.