My name is Olivia, and my ambition is to become a COMMERCIAL AIRLINE PILOT!
- Hi, my name is Olivia, and I am 18 years old. Since I was 10 years old I have always known that I wanted to be a pilot, and since my first flying lesson at only 14 years old, I have been passionate to pursue this goal. Since then I have not only been studying hard to ensure I can get in to the very best university to reach my goal, but I have also been working three jobs along side my studies to try to fund my lessons, however I have not yet been able to save enough, and it is not long now until I have to confirm my university place. In order to start raising the money I needed, I set up my own small engraving company known as Olivia's star engraving ( , however , although I still run this company, I cannot say it has funded my lessons as much as I would have hoped. I would appreciate even the smallest donation from anyone, as every lesson I can pay for means the world to me, and gets me one step closer to my ultimate goal. Eventually I aim to become a commercial airline captain for a large airline company, and i would like to be in a position to support more young females into such a predominantly male profession. However, all big dreams start with the first steps, and in this case, that means achieving my Private pilot licence.
- Where does the money go?
I estimate that I need a further 45 hours training to get my private pilot licence
This equates to 45hours at £160 an hour, totalling to £7200 ( a big chunk of the money I am trying to raise!)
I will then need to sit 9 ground exams at an average cost of £25 per exam ( totalling £225)
A medical test is also required at £170
And finally I will have a skills and RT test costing £185
- Every lesson gets recorded in my pilot training log book, and each and every lesson counts towards my licence, however having lessons irregularly for the past 4 years has just made Me even more determined to gain the funds to achieve my licence.
The Impact
Although my goal may not make much of a difference to the world, my world would be changed completely, and I would be so grateful for any donations, even if my target goal isn't reached every lesson will get me one step closer, and I enjoy every lesson more than anything in the world.
How else can you help?
Anyone who wants to help me would be helping me to achieve my ultimate career, and even if you are unable to donate financially, I would also appreciate people sharing my campaign and spreading the word about how desperately I want to achieve this goal! Thank you so much for reading my campaign and hope you are able to support me in my aspiration.