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ONYA SONYA - Sonya's Future Fund

Please donate toward life-extending cancer treatment for Sonya, contribute to saving her life!

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ONYA SONYA - Sonya's Future Fund

ONYA SONYA - Sonya's Future Fund

ONYA SONYA - Sonya's Future Fund

ONYA SONYA - Sonya's Future Fund

ONYA SONYA - Sonya's Future Fund

Please donate toward life-extending cancer treatment for Sonya, contribute to saving her life!

Please donate toward life-extending cancer treatment for Sonya, contribute to saving her life!

Please donate toward life-extending cancer treatment for Sonya, contribute to saving her life!

Please donate toward life-extending cancer treatment for Sonya, contribute to saving her life!

1 Campaign |
Wanniassa, ACT, Australia
$7,574 USD 64 backers
15% of $50,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

                     Sonya wounded goddess


Sonya’s Future Fund is an urgent appeal to raise funds for life saving treatment for Sonya Koeck.

Sonya is currently in Germany, far from her family, hoping to access more of the life -extending treatment that has helped her defy the predictions of the medical establishment.
Sonya has spent 3 more years with her children than doctors predicted.  She attributes this to the combination of alternative therapies and individually targeted, cutting-edge, treatments available in Germany;  but these treatments come at a high financial cost.
Sonya's friends and family have given all they have to help her fight this battle.
What price would you pay to spend another day with loved ones?
Sonya needs funds urgently, to get treatment, and get home quickly to her family. 
Please be part of the cheer squad and help her fight this battle.

An appeal to help save my life....

Hello my name is Sonya Koeck and I'm a 44-year-old woman with a wonderful husband and two precious children.

My son Kai-Daniel is 10, and my daughter Jada is 5 years old.  I also have two precious step children. Dean is 21 and Nicholas is 13.  I feel incredibly blessed to be mother & step-mother to these children and appreciate every single moment I have with them.

I have been trying to heal a very aggressive form of breast cancer now for five years.

I was diagnosed just after my 40th birthday my daughter was 9 months old and my son 4.  They say life begins at 40! It has been an intense and stressful journey fighting for my life and the constant undercurrent of worry that I may have to leave my children without a mother.  This is the most heart breaking thought, not to be given the opportunity to see my children blossom into the people they are as they grow, and to dance at their wedding.

I am a very positive woman and everyday I count my blessings and feel grateful to God to have the gift of each day.  The simple thought of each waking morning knowing that I'm alive, fills my heart with gratitude and love. To see the faces of my family around me brings deep peace and joy.

I have learnt so many big lessons on this journey, I do feel blessed and now I would love to share these gifts with everyone, as a very radiantly healthy woman, as an instrument of gods love, I feel I have so much to give.    

This letter is intended as an appeal to help save my life so that I can continue to be all that I have spoken of and more.

I find myself in a very challenging place.

To be honest, I am desperate for financial help so that I can live.  Yes money for me right now feels like life or death and this is a very unfortunate place to be in. I believe it is very unfair and sad that I have to even ask for such help from my community.

My problem now is that I have found the right medicine which happens to be in Germany. Unfortunately continuing to fund the costs which are incredibly expensive (this treatment is not funded by either the Australian or German government) is a constant struggle.  My family and I are supported by extended family members, friends and the community, who have kindly contributed well in excess of $300,000 trying to heal this cancer.  For some this may not sound like much, but for us it has been financially devastating!  

I now have to say no to most of the treatments that are on offer to me as we simply cannot afford them.  

I have spent many years researching how to heal cancer, and I feel that today I have a good foundation of what to do finding yourself in my situation.  To get to this place has possibly cost me my life but I pray it hasn't.  What I mean by that is in our country I have found that it is normally the western medical system versus the natural therapies route and I have been completely mislead because of this way of thinking; that it is one or the other. 

I have found in clinics in other countries such as Germany that have no prejudice from one modality to the other but rather use both forms of medicine to work together with the same goal in mind: to heal the patient, not compete against each others merits. 

In Germany you can walk into a cancer clinic and have everything from a homeopathic remedy to chemotherapy, and both are considered as important as each other.  

It took me along time to discover this way of healing in Australia.   By the time I was diagnosed I learned that the cancer had already spread and was terminal.  I believe if I knew what I know today about treatment options I would not be in the serious state of health I am in now. I know there are no guarantees but I am certain I would have had some big advantages and had a good head start on the cancer.

People are led to think that using western medicine is the only way to treat cancer. How many people do you know that have died with cancer? I can guarantee that most of them believed western medicine was the only answer as they were never told any different.   If I had have said yes to chemo at the start I probably would be dead by now as the chemo I was recommended back then (according to recent chemo sensativity tests I had in Greece)  found that out of 30 different chemo's it was one of the least effective. When chemo is not effective against the cancer but continues to destroy the immune system and that is when cancer has the opportunity to take over. This is why it works for some and not others.  I could also ask you the same question about natural healing - How many people do you know have healed cancer only with natural medicine? The odd person has success with this but it is very rare .  It makes absolute sense to have clinics that can use whatever medicine it takes, natural or man made; whatever it takes to get the person well and stay well.  My research led me to a small village in Germany which does exactly this.  They can test 30 different types of chemotherapy against your particular cancer and 30 different types of botanicals and can see by using the blood what works against your cancer and what does not, it takes the guessing game out of the equation.  This is state of the art technology in cancer research and I believe in time it will be the future of healing cancer, not just in Germany, but globally.

I have met many people along the way from Germany and all over the world who found themselves at this clinic with the diagnosis of their disease being terminal.  Some with only weeks to live, but are now still very much alive 4 years later with no sign of cancer, all tumors gone!!!  It is the inspirational stories from this clinic that gives me the strength to keep hope and faith in my heart. I pray that with the right help, I too might be able to share my story of success with others.

My appeal is to people out there that are in a position to sponsor me, is to help out in any way that you can so that I may get the medical treatment required to help save my life.

My dream is to prove to the world that I can turn terminal cancer around and live a happy, long and healthy life. I believe I can do this with the treatment I am receiving in Germany, BUT - I need financial help though to make this happen. I truely believe that your financial help would remove the huge financial stress I have and would leave more room for healing.   

I know I have what it takes to make this happen, along side the right medicine I will continue to think positively about being well, I will meditate daily, I will exercise to the best of my bodies ability, I will eat only good organic food with absolutely no sugar and lots of protein and good fat, I will continue to have a strong connection with God and trust in God's will (deep peace comes with this for me), I know these all to be crucial ingredients to my wellness. 

So please let me prove myself to the world so that I can be here for my children and family and friends , please help me to change the outcomes for many other cancer victims by giving them the courage  to believe in this work.  I hope to by bringing this form of medicine to everyone's attention that it will help save the lives of many others and also help bring similar treatment options to our own countries so that it is available to everyone!!!!

I hope that someone has the courage and generosity to believe in me as I believe in myself and this medicine.....

Thank you for taking the time to listen and to hold the vision that many lives can be saved.

Forever grateful, 




Because I now have stage 4 breast cancer it is considered terminal and actually I should according to statistics be dead by now! Instead treatments are starting to reverse the cancer but I still have lots of hard work to do before I get it into remission.  My goal is to get it into remission and keep it there forever, this will take lots of treatment and hard work on my behalf but I'm totally committed, I have a lot to live for!   With all my heart I want to be here to watch my children grow into adults and maybe even be a grandmother to their children, this would be  the  most  precious gift of life for me.  Once the cancer is in remission it's not over, yes I can breathe a little easier but it is now a life long journey for me living with the disease because it is a known and proven fact that once you are at stage four you can't get rid of the cancer cells completely, there will always be cancer cells showing up. So the trick is to keep having treatments to keep them under control.  Living with the disease is a life long journey for me now but I need help to be able to sustain the financial cost of these treatments that are currently unavailable in Australia.   

There are many treatments available to me that could help me get into remission but I have to say no to many as I simply do not have the money to pay for them.  I believe with all my heart that if I could have all of the treatments available to me I could beat this disease. I want to live a very long life as mother, wife, daughter, friend and valuable community member.

Some of the treatments I am seeking in Germany that I cannot get in Australia are:- 

  • Antibodies made from my own blood to work against your specific cancer,
  • Vaccines made from your cancer cells
  • Many different forms of botanical treatment specifically tested with your blood against your cancer cells
  • Hyperthermia / oncothermia treatment
  • Apoptosis inducer
  • IPT therapy
  • Immune system testing/ testing for viruses in the body that may be the underlying cause of disease
  • Heavy metal testing

The list goes on and on, all this combined with chemotherapy that has been custom tested against your cancer cells and many other forms of traditional medicine.

Doesn't it seem to make sense that each individual has different needs? So why should healing cancer be any different?

One day when I'm well I would like to change the way cancer is treated in our country.  I feel that even now I am bringing more awareness to people  options. Knowledge is DEFINATELY the best tool  when treating cancer, and to share this knowledge is a privledge.  I would like to share more with anyone who is interested the knowledge I have learnt from my extensive research and life experience. There are so many things to watch out for and avoid, I would love to write a book one day possibly when I'm well enough.
If you can help me get well by supporting me financially I will spend the rest of my long life helping others to have the same privileges .  Every cent helps and I appreciate your support how little or big it may be and remember it will not only help me but all of the people that I come across in my long and healthy life. Help me pay it forward!


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A priceless feeling...

$25 USD
A priceless feeling of contributing to life extending cancer treatment for Sonya and equity in to the campaign of raising awareness of the alternative treatments + brochure for centre in Germany
4 claimed

Work of art...

$50 USD
Postcard of ONYA SONYA wounded goddess art + brochure for centre in Germany
6 claimed

Music to your ears...

$100 USD
Postcard of ONYA SONYA wounded goddess art + CD of renowned Australian musician Andrew McSweeney + brochure for centre in Germany
8 claimed

Honourable perk...

$150 USD
Honourable mention (optional) on the digital platforms/communications + Postcard of ONYA SONYA wounded goddess art + CD + brochure for centre in Germany
2 claimed

Amazing soul

$1,500 USD
Honourable mention (optional) on the digital platforms/communications + Postcard of ONYA SONYA wounded goddess art + CD + brochure for centre in Germany
0 claimed
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