Who We Are
We are Jessie Komitor and Max Bisantz – two NYU/Tisch grads and New York-based performers. Our popular short, “Q Train Connection” was picked up by Time Out New York, Refinery 29, and promoted by Zooey Deschanel at HelloGiggles. Most recently it won the Toobie Award for Best Original Video.
We’re working together on a new idea. And we’re really excited to hit it outta the park.
What We're Doing
"Humans of New York" is a popular blog that chronicles city residents through photos and interviews. Your aunt probably loves it. Your hipster roommate probably 'likes' it.
We’re going to destroy it.
Imagine "Humans of New York", or HONY, as a documentary series. Now imagine each character played by the same person in the style of “Summer Heights High.” Now imagine that that documentary is actually a mocumentary. We are "People of New York" or …PONY.
Over the next few months, we plan on releasing five comedic shorts inspired by the characters that make up this metropolis. Jessie is set to play all five. Our crew is ready.
But we need your help.
What We Need
In order to make our series come to life, we need $3000 for 5 episodes.
Let's break it down roughly...
$1,000 SOUND
$350 LIGHT
Want to contribute? We love you already! We’ve come up with a few great perks to show you just how much your help means to us.
The Impact
We have already built a network and a foundation for getting our work out there. "Q Train connection" got picked up by various media outlets, all of whom want to see more.
We are hoping to push our scope even further.
Aside from creating a series for the web, we are also going to be using this first season as a pitch to many networks including HBO and Comedy Central.
This project means so much to us. We are hoping it can help kick start our careers in the right direction. We think this is something fresh that could really gain momentum if given the opportunity.
If You Broke
Us too! Thanks for reading this far. If you have no cash but would love to help, something you can do is spread the word of our campaign. Here's how you can share:
• Show us some love on Facebook
• Tweet it
• Use the Indiegogo share tools
• Send this page to your friends and family
Thank you so much for any and all of your help.