Thank you so much to those who pledged! Because of you, I am on my way to attending the Writers Workshop in Paris.
Visit my blog for updates on my trip.
Almost three years ago, I was diagnosed with Trigeminal Neuralgia, a rare nerve disorder that causes debilitating pain. Last November, thanks to my wonderful neurosurgeon, and the support and love of my family, I got my life back after undergoing a successful brain surgery. With all that behind me, I am ready to embrace life and chase my dream of becoming a published writer.
Hi. My name is Corey. I am a stay-at-home mom, writer and blogger. I wrote my first poem at 14 years old. Poetry was my first love. Years later, I discovered my passion for writing stories. I’m currently in the process of editing my first novel and in the midst of writing my second one.
For the last two years, I have been dreaming of going to Paris to attend a Writers Workshop and to finish writing my second novel, which takes place in the City of Light. I am excited to announce that now that I am pain-free, I am finally going to Paris this June, but for a limited time and on a limited budget. I still need a little more support, which is why I created my writing campaign called, Poetry for Paris.
Poetry for Paris aims to help me raise funds to make this writing trip happen. The idea is I will write a poem for each person who pledges at least $25. Each poem will be featured on my blog at:
Where the money goes:
The money I hope to raise will go towards the workshop fee (650 Euro = approximately 850 in US Dollar). I am hoping to raise $800 before June.
If I exceed my goal, the rest of the money raised will go towards editing services for one of my books.
The perks!
Depending on your pledge, the perks could include a poem written by me, especially for you, or a dvd of my favorite movie, Midnight in Paris and/or a book from Shakespeare and Company with a personal dedication from me, and/or I name a character in my book after you!
Aside from attending the workshop, any free time I get during my short stay in Paris, will be dedicated to finishing my second novel, Hearts and Errors. I am hoping that a glimpse of the city, a quick stroll along the Seine river, a few cups of coffee at Café de Flore, possibly a nightcap at the Shakespeare and Company bookstore, will be all I need to fill the holes in my story.
Hearts and Errors is about a hopeless romantic from Manhattan who flees to Paris in search of a Matchmaker she read about in an old magazine article.
Leaving everything behind, with nothing but a suitcase and a broken heart, she desperately walks the streets of Paris hoping to find what she thinks she is looking for, but fate has other plans.
May I write you a poem?
If you pledge at least $25, I will write a poem, especially for you. Just give me your first name and one word (maybe your favorite word, or any word). All poems will be featured on a page on my blog called, Poetry for Paris. Look for your poem under your name.
Although I have not written a poem in years, I am willing to take a risk and pour my heart out in order to reach my goal. Any pledge would mean the world to me. Thank you for your support.
Check my blog for updates on my upcoming trip.
“Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.”
T.S. Eliot