The first three seasons of Pound House were paid for by outside corporate funding. That funding no longer exists so we are now an independent, Mom and Pop organization. This is our first ever crowdfunding campaign, so let’s dream together.
What will we achieve?
For this season, we would like to have bigger scenes with more locations and actors. We also want to utilize multiple cameras to better capture all the improv that takes place on set. Editing is a big part of this show too, so we plan to enlist a bigger post production team than seasons past, plus, using crowd funding will give us complete creative control. Omar is thinking about your pledge, he really hopes you will support us and become part of Pound House history.
How much do we need?
We would like to get at least 3k per episode, which would come out to 18k total. That is a smaller budget than we had for season 2, which was 20k.
Who is involved?
As always, Doug and Brent will be writing, directing and performing in Pound House season 4. Doug will do most of the editing and some music as well. We have brought on Madeline Power to produce this season. ZZ Satriani is the DP and there might be some guest directors and musicians involved too. Will we have incredible guest stars like we have had in seasons past? Of course we will. All this is possible, but it depends on how much we can raise.
Doug meets a sketchy new friend who sends him down a dark path, so Brent must once again step in to help. Brent will teach Doug how to be beloved like he is... but does Brent have ulterior motives? Find out in Season 4.
Where does the money go?
Your dollars will go toward paying the expenses associated with Pound House such as cast and crew pay, practical and digital FX, music creation and licensing, locations, props, editing and cinematography, lunches, director and producer pay etc. We aren't getting rich here but we'd like to pay ourselves something because this takes a lot of time and hard work. Now is your opportunity to help us get sprayed.
What if we don't make our goal?
If we do not reach our goal, the show will go on, just on a tighter budget. This may mean fewer scenes filmed on location, smaller crew, smaller cast and possibly fewer episodes.