Hi, we’re Project: Girl!!
We are creating a film series where each film follows a moment in a girl's life that has impacted her and her idea of what it means to be a woman. For the past several months we've been collecting stories from women detailing moments from their adolescence that have stayed with them in some way. Why adolescence? For us, it's when our identities become truly wrapped up in the world around us. We want to create power in telling these stories, talk about them without shame, and jumpstart the conversation on girlhood.
What have we done?
We have successfully completed our first 5 films, finished drafts of 5 more screenplays, and have many more personal stories ready to be adapted. We see this film series expanding to a collaborative project among girls and women where sharing of even the most personal stories is encouraged and protected.
Our first five films premiered at HBO's ITV Fest to much acclaim and have continued to pick up steam with mentions from The Huffington Post, Howl Magazine, and more.
What do we need from you?
We need help getting making our project sustainable! This means money to support us and a platform or partnership that can give us access to a larger audience.
We are making these films so that they are seen, and the complexities of girlhood and growing up female can be acknowledged and talked about.
Right now, money would go towards shooting our next 2 films as well as helping us build a brand that is more attractive to a larger platform, such as a media company or brand.
Please e-mail us at projectgirlseries@gmail.com with any questions.