In the highlands of Bolivia lies the mysterious ancient site of Puma Punku. Once an architectural marvel, precision-cut blocks weighing many tons now lie scattered over the desolate landscape, its builders and their construction methods unknown. With your help we hope to create the first-ever complete 3D model of the site. And release it for free online.
Modeling Puma Punku in its entirety, block-by-block, will bring us one step closer to solving this ancient puzzle. The finished model, created with Google Sketchup, will be released for free download as a resource to archeological professionals and the general public alike. From there, we believe the collaborative power of the Internet will make great strides in putting the pieces back together.
Creating a 3D model of Puma Punku will include the following steps:
- Identify all variations of stone blocks at site. This includes not only the famous "H" blocks but hundreds of others
- Categorize by size, shape, architectural motifs, etc
- Take on-site measurements to ensure accuracy of scale
- Create precise, digital versions of all blocks
- Arrange blocks accordingly (as they lie at site)
The final deliverables of the project will be to:
- Make complete model available for free download in Google's 3D Model Warehouse. Here it will be accessible to millions of people for personal study, educational use, 3D printing, etc
- Implement as a hub for those interested in virtual reconstruction efforts (will host model, images, and discussion forum)
Your contributions make possible the following necessities of the project:
- Travel fees to-and-from Puma Punku, Bolivia. (First trip was made in 2015 to film our video and demonstrate proof-of-concept. Need to return).
- An estimated 100+ hours of computer labor (on-site in Bolivia / United States)
- Basic web design and implementation of
*The goal of $3000 is our most conservative estimate for completion of the project. If goal is surpassed, thank you! All additional funds will be used to strengthen the quality and detail of the final deliverable
Custom-designed stickers Architectural Print 3D-printed "H" block
1. Has this ever been attempted?
No. The "H" blocks have been modeled in the past but there has never been a comprehensive effort to model the site in its entirety. The H blocks represent just eight stones out of several hundred in total. Modeling all blocks is key to understanding how they fit back together
2. Why virtual / 3D?
Virtual reality is a useful environment in which to study Puma Punku. In the "real world" stone blocks weigh many tons, whereas in virtual reality they are weightless! This presents a unique opportunity to experiment with digital reconstruction.
3. Can a complete model of the site really be achieved?
Yes! It is a tedious and time-consuming undertaking, but it is achievable. We have demonstrated proof-of-concept with initial work that began after our first visit in 2015. With your help we can do it!