PROJECT OVERVIEW (what’s it all about)
This is a fund raising campaign asking you to pre-order my new 15 song CD. There are many investment levels to choose from that include merchandise, tickets to the CD release party with VIP seating (fall of 2016), BONUS songs only available online, video clips of the actual studio recordings, an up and close personal concert with just me and my guitar, or my band performing live at a venue of your choice. When you pre-order, you’ll be helping us get back in the studio to get the songs recorded, mixed and CDs manufactured. The details of which I talk about in the BUDGET section below.
BUDGET (what does it cost to record this CD?)
Typically, in this market recording costs can range between 1500.00 & 2,000.00 per song to record a CD and include the manufacturing of 1000 CD’s. It helps to have done this before with the Foster Martin Band, so I have a good idea of costs.
I started pre-production for this project over a year ago. Writing, recording rough demos which meant paying musicians and studio time. Countless rehearsals with the band trying out songs that may or may not make the album. Photo sessions, video recordings and editing, web site design, CD design, social media preparation and so on…..
So up until now, I’ve spent about 7000.00 slowly putting the final list together and now we’re ready. 15 brand new real country songs are ready to hit the studio, not to mention 3 BONUS songs already recorded, and I believe we can finish it for about 7500.00. That’s the pre-order fund raising target goal. Last but not least, I would not be doing this project but for the grace of God, therefore a portion of all funds raised will be donated to a charity which supports the homeless. My new CD will be called Real Country, so please "select a perk" and help us get this new album completed. Thanks, Ray Martin