This campaign is closed

Real time video frame rate conversion for PC

A Windows desktop application for frame rate conversion in a majority of media players.

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Real time video frame rate conversion for PC

Real time video frame rate conversion for PC

Real time video frame rate conversion for PC

Real time video frame rate conversion for PC

Real time video frame rate conversion for PC

A Windows desktop application for frame rate conversion in a majority of media players.

A Windows desktop application for frame rate conversion in a majority of media players.

A Windows desktop application for frame rate conversion in a majority of media players.

A Windows desktop application for frame rate conversion in a majority of media players.

Konstantin Dondoshanskiy
Konstantin Dondoshanskiy
Konstantin Dondoshanskiy
Konstantin Dondoshanskiy
1 Campaign |
Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation
$36,408 USD by 2,816 backers
$30,212 USD by 2,279 backers on Aug 24, 2015

Thanks to all contributors for such a great campaign results!

25 February 2016: SVP 4 Linux Preview available now
08 November 2015: SVP 4 Pro released! Purchase now
08 October 2015: SVP 4 Free released! Download link 

Summary of campaign updates

Update 1: the main goal is met, what plans we have for the near future?
Update 2: new stretch goal - $17000 for creating mpv-based Mac OS and Linux versions.
Update 3: SVP 3.1.7 released!
Updates 4+5: SVP 4 release dates, editions and pricing (scroll to the bottom of "Story").
Update 6: SVP 4 Technical Preview is released! (find download link in the update text)
Updates 7+8: Inviting all the "Co-authors" to get first developer build.
Update 12: SVP 4 released to the public.
Update 15: SVP 4 Linux released!

Please note that "$10 Forever Free" perk is only about Windows edition!

What is SVP

"SVP" stands for "Smooth Video Project". 

We at SVP Team are fighting against an ancient 24 frames per second (FPS) movie standard.

For several years we've been developing and supporting the application that we believe is a must-have for anyone watching movies on PC. It converts any video up to 60 FPS and even higher rates in real time right in your favorite video player - and it has remained completely free all this time.

You can find much more information on the frame rate conversion benefits on our web site and you are welcome to try the current SVP 3.1 yourself.

Some say that frame rate conversion is as bad as image upscaling, others say it introduces a "soap opera"-like effect which they hate.

But they are all wrong! Based on the extensive community feedback, we know that anyone who actually watched at least three movies at high frame rate never goes back to the old-fashioned 24 FPS.

This video was converted to 60 FPS with the help of SVP core engine.

Don't forget to switch YouTube to 60 FPS mode and open it in full screen!

Please note:

  • you need YouTube HTML5 Player to play it,
  • depending on hardware it may play not so fluently in a browser window as in a standalone media player.
And here is a special message for anime fans: due to extremely low source frame rate it feels much more natural when converted to the high frame rate.

Where we are now

During the last several years, we have been continuously improving hardware requirements, image quality and overall usability. Nowadays more than 50000 people all over the world use SVP on a regular basis.

Unfortunately, at some point it became very clear that we can't move forward anymore without dropping existing SVP Manager UI.

It was started many years ago by two non-professional developers using an ancient Delphi 7 and now it is just a huge bunch of obsolete code no one can dig into.

So we really need to rewrite it from scratch using modern software tools and development patterns, which will take several months for a professional developer and a lot of testing.

TODO list

The choice is whether to keep "Next Gen" SVP free of any charges and ads or not.

Main goal is to rewrite SVP Manager core functionality. Depending on the amount of collected funds, we will implement features that include but are not limited to:

  • Improving usability for media center users,
  • Complete integration with LEDs backlight engines (see our SVPlight side project),
  • 64-bit video players support,
  • VLC Media Player plugin,
  • And more...
Please give us your ideas about SVP features!

More technical details

Feature SVP 3 SVP 4
Platform Delphi, Windows only Qt 5, potentially cross-platform
Main menu Huge and wired Logical
Settings auto-detection Very poor Better :)
Video profiles selection By resolution only A lot of conditions
Localization to other languages Not usable Easy
Saving high frame rate videos Script only A plugin for one-click solution
Auto updating,
issues reporting,
No Yes
Control it from other apps No Yes
Multiple videos handling No Yes
64-bit support No Yes
(but is a subject to 3rd party dependencies)
FRC performance
(not directly related to SVP 4)
Good :) Up to 40% better
(released as a part of SVP 3.1.7)

SVP 4 editions and pricing

Please note that following information is preliminary and may be changed in future.
  SVP 4
Technical Preview
SVP 4 Free SVP 4
Platform Windows Windows Windows Linux MacOS
Developer builds
(available to the "co-authors")
  August August >= October >= November
Release date July >= September >= October >= November >= December
(+ lifetime updates)
Free Free $15 Free $25
(includes Windows license)
Free for Indiegogo funders donated... Anyone Anyone $10 or more Anyone $15 or more
Video options auto-detection yes yes yes yes yes
GPU acceleration yes yes yes yes yes
Basic video pre-processing yes yes yes yes yes
Advanced video preprocessing
(custom crop, resize, etc)
no no yes yes yes
Localization no yes yes yes yes
Handling of stereo videos no yes yes yes yes
Outer lighting no TBD yes yes yes
User defined options no no yes yes yes
Control multiple videos no no yes yes yes
Manual video options adjustment no no yes yes yes
User defined conditions for video options selection no no yes yes yes
Support for 64-bit video players no TBD TBD yes yes
Support for additional modules
(LED backlight, video conversion, etc)
no no yes yes yes
Processing of Hi10p videos in 10-bit mode no no TBD TBD TBD
Other cool features no TBD TBD TBD TBD
Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
Need more information
Let us know if you think this campaign contains prohibited content.

Choose your Perk

Add "SVP 4 for MacOS" license

$5 USD
This perk is for funders who have already donated $10 and want to get an additional license for "SVP 4 for MacOS" when it will be released.
Estimated Shipping
January 2016
42 claimed

Forever free

$10 USD
You will get full unlimited version of "Next-Gen" SVP no matter what. Your name / nickname / etc will be shown on the Credits page on website.
2218 claimed

MacOS Edition

$15 USD
Additionally to the "Forever Free" Windows version you'll get a license for "SVP 4 for MacOS" when it will be released.
Estimated Shipping
January 2016
176 claimed

Second Part of the Team

$26 USD
Additionally your name will be mentioned in About window in the app.
Only 11 left

Second Co-author

$101 USD
You will get early access to all developer's builds of SVP and other software developed by SVP Team. Your name will be on top of the Credits list.
Only 2 left
sold out

Part of the Team

$25 USD
Only -2 left
sold out


$100 USD
30 out of 30 of claimed
Tags for this project

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