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refuBees Swarm Trap: Help & Enjoy Local Honey Bees

Recover healthy honey bee swarms with our refuBees Swarm Trap™ from the comfort of your backyard.

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refuBees Swarm Trap: Help & Enjoy Local Honey Bees

refuBees Swarm Trap: Help & Enjoy Local Honey Bees

refuBees Swarm Trap: Help & Enjoy Local Honey Bees

refuBees Swarm Trap: Help & Enjoy Local Honey Bees

refuBees Swarm Trap: Help & Enjoy Local Honey Bees

Recover healthy honey bee swarms with our refuBees Swarm Trap™ from the comfort of your backyard.

Recover healthy honey bee swarms with our refuBees Swarm Trap™ from the comfort of your backyard.

Recover healthy honey bee swarms with our refuBees Swarm Trap™ from the comfort of your backyard.

Recover healthy honey bee swarms with our refuBees Swarm Trap™ from the comfort of your backyard.

Jeff Nelson
Jeff Nelson
Jeff Nelson
Jeff Nelson
1 Campaign |
Cincinnati, United States
$1,845 USD 17 backers
2% of $68,500 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Local. We manufacture, source, assemble and package a product locally that allows you to attract healthy honey bee populations and reintroduce them into your community all while building lasting relationships with neighboring beekeepers. Easy. For both you to set up and the beekeeper to transfer into existing hives.

Frequently Asked Questions

How soon will swarm traps ship?

Retail and fully assembled units are NOW shipping!

Are honey bees included?

No, they are not.

That would defeat the purpose of the product, right?  All perks involving the trap will contain what you need to catch local, healthy honey bee swarms, leading to a cheaper alternative to bee packages.

Why is my swarm trap a different color?

As we are continually improving our product, the color and texture of your refuBees Swarm Trap™ may vary slightly from the pictures and videos online.  Think of it as a "2nd gen" purchase.

When is swarm season in my area?

It varies by your location.

We'll give you the answer a college professor gave us as we researched the product early on...

The Ruby-throated Hummingbird

Because this hummingbird has zero body fat, it requires the nectar flow to begin in an area before it can migrate north.  What does this mean in relation to honey bees?  They'll start foraging once sightings of the ruby-throated hummingbirds start regularly in your area.

Swarm season is generally delayed a week or two after this, but keep a close eye on the map, around then it is a good idea to have your trap ready if not hang and bait it.  (Other types of bees, like bumble and mason, will begin to forage before honey bees, another indicator swarm season is approaching.)

(Note: If this particular hummingbird does not migrate to your area, consult with a local beekeeper.  He or she should be able to give you info about swarm season for your region.)

How often should I bait the swarm trap?

Every 7 to 10 days AND right after an extended period of rain.  Not only does the rain wash some of the swarm lure off the trap, after a good rain is also prime time to catch a swarm.

Remember not to overdo it (or you might run out of swarm lure), and use your cotton swab to apply the lure around the entrance and as much inside the trap as possible.

Hooray!  I caught a swarm, now what?

First, make sure it's a swarm and not just scouts.  Easiest way to tell is to check the trap around sundown, because scouting activity will drop off with the decrease in temperature.  If you can see (or hear) the bees inside chances are you've got them.

Second (and because you're sure), congratulations.  It feels good, doesn't it?

(Remember not to lose track of time!  It's easy to get caught up watching the bees come and go from the entrance, or walk your property locating the current hot spot they're foraging.)

Now it's time to reach out to a local beekeeper.  If you don't know any, and turned up zero results via friends and family, a localized search on the internet for "swarm removal" should get you what you need.

Explain you have the honey bees in a swarm trap with medium frames, and make sure to be available to the beekeeper during the early morning or late evening hours.  This ensures most of the bees are inside the trap, and we don't waste good honey bees!

Also please explain you'd like the trap back once the beekeeper has taken the 24 hours or so before transferring the bees into the new hive.

(Transferring the swarm into the hive too early could result in part or all of the colony absconding to the trap's original location.)

How long does swarm season last?

Not long enough!

For Ohio, where we're located, it starts mid to late spring and runs (maybe) until the end of June depending on the weather.

Although it's possible to occasionally catch a "summer swarm" your best bet is in the spring.

Any additional tips to catch a swarm?

Along with the swarm lure, it's a good idea to provide the honeybees with a water source.  Bees require water for everything from nutrition to regulating the temperature in the hive.

A water source can be natural like a nearby stream or pond, or man-made like a shallow birdbath or a simple cup of water refilled regularly.

Another little trick we use is to make a simple sugar solution in a spray bottle.  Before reapplying the swarm lure we'll spray sugar water just inside the entrance to the trap a few times and wait a few minutes before swabbing the entrance with the swarm lure.

By doing this, the bees are attracted to the lure, but grab a quick bite as they drink the simulated nectar.  Bribing the scout bees isn't a crime in this instance.

How many traps should I hang on my property?

It might go against our corporate self interest, but being truthful (and wanting every supporter to be as successful as possible), the fewer options the better.

If you're on an acre or less, one trap (maybe two tops) will work.

The issue is the more traps you hang and bait regularly, the more choices the scouts have.  This may seem like a good idea, but it actually backfires, because an overwhelming majority of scouts is needed to agree on a single location before the swarm will settle for good.

Too many choices will confuse and divide them.

Where should I hang the trap?

Near the edge of your property and approximately 6 feet high.  This isn't so much for the bees as it is for your human friends and family.

Kids especially may be "too interested" in the trap which could lead to a variety of problems.  It's also a good idea to discuss the product with your neighbor so they're aware, and take into account any feedback they may provide, specifically allergies.

CAUTION: Remember honey bees are live creatures and can sting!  It's strongly suggested you observe them from a distance and let an experienced beekeeper remove the swarm once it's settled.

Our journey...

After discussing the plight of pollinators around the world with my sister, and the work she was doing with the staff at the Cincinnati Zoo for her Master's degree, it was my responsibility to help.  Like most of us though, I didn't want to wear the whole suit and wasn't allowed to keep bee hives in my subdivision.

What we needed was a "hang it and forget it" style hive, that was easy for any and all homeowners that wanted to help.

Unfortunately, hives have to be maintained and monitored, so the idea evolved into a swarm trap.

What started as a crude drawing morphed into a 3D model (thanks to a college buddy), then a 3D printed prototype that worked, and finally a plastic injected part.

We did the ground work, now it's your turn to join in.

Funding Needs and Perks

Leveraging our house to purchase a plastic injection tool, we're turning to the Indiegogo community to generate sales of our product in order to pay that back in addition to raising the costs of initial inventory.

When you purchase the $50 retail perk and above, you're purchasing the actual product not a concept.  It's not donating to the idea of helping honey bees in your area, it's a tangible good you'll assemble and hang with your own hands.

For a $50 backing you get the opportunity to observe local swarms scout and then possibly settle on your property, watching as they forage the early spring blossoms.  The sense of accomplishment that comes from catching your first swarm is contagious, and why we went from "We'll never wear a bee suit" to operating several hives on nearby farms.

Once you have a swarm, it's then that you can begin to build a relationship with a local beekeeper, who will be more than willing to come and retrieve the bees from you and talk your ear off over what they do.  Some may be so excited they'll give you honey and/or wax from their apiary as a "thank you."

One thing we pride ourselves on is our parts are manufactured in the USA, and for the most part Ohio MADE, meaning they're produced, sourced, assembled, and packaged in the state of Ohio.

A problem worth solving.

You'll be taking a small step towards improving the environment.  If that doesn't interest you consider that honey bees play a crucial role in the production of the food we eat.

Honeybees, and other pollinators, are essential to agriculture in not just the US, but globally. Unfortunately beekeepers are experiencing increased losses of colonies, particularly after the winter months.

With honeybees dying and/or absconding, beekeepers need to maintain full hives to market and sell their honey, wax, etc. Currently they have three options, buy packages of bees, use current swarm traps on the market, or retrofit old hive boxes and hope they can lure bees into it.

Our refuBees Swarm Trap™ allows you to help beekeepers by providing them local, healthy honey bees in a product that's easy to transfer without losing any of the bees' hard work.

What's the downside?

Unfortunately there's no guarantee you'll catch a swarm.

Like we mention in our video, honey bees are fickle creatures, and it is somewhat of a gamble.

Having said that, please review the tips we include in our FAQ above to tilt the odds in your favor, and remember to have patience.  If you've got scouts checking out the trap you're in good shape, and remember to reapply the swarm lure to the entrance every 7 to 10 days.

CAUTION: Remember honey bees are live creatures and can sting!  It's strongly suggested you observe from a distance and let a local, experienced beekeeper remove the swarm once it's settled.

Other Ways You Can Help

If you can't currently contribute, that doesn't mean you can't help!

Indiegogo makes it simple to share this campaign with friends and family via the social media icons above.

So don't be afraid to go out there and make some noise for us!

Special Thanks...

Whether the campaign is a success or not, we wanted to individually thank those who have helped us get to this point.

They include (in no particular order):

Tim O. for having the patience and knowledge to turn an idea into a working design that can be prototyped and then manufactured.

Bill and Tammy G. and Brad M. for working out a heck of a deal that allowed us to 3D print prototypes.

Chia L. and Chase B. for providing guidance and hives for the early swarms we caught.

David A. F. and Alex C. for helping us protect the idea.

All the wonderful folks at Custom Molded Products who helped take our swarm trap past the prototype stage.

David and Cathy F., Judy O., Juli and Brandon E.Patrick and Cathy T. for providing space to test the finished product.

Elizabeth S. for composing the video's music.

Marissa B. for assisting with stock photos and video.

And all my family and friends who act as a positive influence not just with business, but in everyday life.

Lastly, I want to thank "The Boss" who not only gave us three beautiful, talented children, but no matter how "hair-brained" the investment sounds, always takes time to listen and provide support.  Sometimes that's the space to flush out and then develop the idea myself, or the "gentle reminders" to focus on something else. 


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Choose your Perk

Friends and Family 1

$40 USD $60 USD (33% off)
$10 off and FREE SHIPPING in the US on our retail unit. This gets you the trap, two vials BEE BAIT swarm lure, and the 4 nut/bolt combos. Hurry! Limited time discount! (NOTE: Honey bees not included.)
Included Items
  • Retail refuBees Swarm Trap™
Estimated Shipping
March 2018
7 out of 25 of claimed
Ships to United States of America
Pro Beekeeper Special

Pro Beekeeper Special

$50 USD $60 USD (16% off)
Now we're talking. In this retail kit you'll receive the pieces for one trap, four nut/bolt combos, and two vials BEE BAIT swarm lure. If you know what a swarm trap is, before visiting this page, and have caught swarms before this is the package for you! (NOTE: Honey bees not included.)
Included Items
  • Retail refuBees Swarm Trap™
Estimated Shipping
March 2018
4 claimed
Ships to United States of America

Friends and Family 2

$80 USD $120 USD (33% off)
$200 of and FREE shipping in the US! Assembled trap with everything the retail unit has PLUS 6 plastic frames and 2 elastic bungee cords to hang it on your property. If you're new to bees and beekeeping, this is the package for you. Hurry! Limited time discount! (NOTE: Honey bees not included.)
Included Items
  • Assembled refuBees Swarm Trap™
Estimated Shipping
March 2018
1 out of 25 of claimed
Ships to United States of America
"Bee Steward" Complete Trap

"Bee Steward" Complete Trap

$100 USD $120 USD (16% off)
New to beekeeping or just looking to help? This trap comes fully assembled! Not only do you get the items in the Retail Perk, we insert six plastic frames and include two 24" bungee cords to hang it with. All you'll need to do is apply the swarm lure when it's time! (NOTE: Honey bees not included.)
Included Items
  • Assembled refuBees Swarm Trap™
Estimated Shipping
March 2018
2 claimed
Ships to United States of America
Commercial/Dealer Offer

Commercial/Dealer Offer

$1,000 USD $1,500 USD (33% off)
25 of our "Pro Beekeeper Special" perk! If you're a dealer, own a commercial orchard, or perhaps just a business or organization looking to improve your local area, this is for you. This perk yields a $40 price point on the Retail refuBees Swarm Trap™ package, a $20 savings off each unit. (NOTE: Honey bees not included.)
Included Items
  • Bulk - refubees Swarm Trap™
Estimated Shipping
March 2018
1 claimed
Ships to United States of America

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