Restaurant Rescue
Restaurant Rescue
Restaurant Rescue
Restaurant Rescue
Restaurant Rescue
A SCAD Graduate Thesis Film
A SCAD Graduate Thesis Film
A SCAD Graduate Thesis Film
A SCAD Graduate Thesis Film
This campaign is closed
Restaurant Rescue
A SCAD Graduate Thesis Film
A SCAD Graduate Thesis Film
A SCAD Graduate Thesis Film
A SCAD Graduate Thesis Film
A SCAD Graduate Thesis Film
Hello everyone! My name is Matt Rymarczyk and I am the co-writer/director of the upcoming short film and what will serve as a graduate thesis project, Restaurant Rescue.
A little bit about myself, I was born and raised in Buffalo, NY (Go Bills!). I currently attend the Savannah College of Art and Design, where I, along with my team, will be graduating this year with a Master of Fine Arts degree in Film & Television. I personally completed my undergrad studies at Emerson College with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Media Production. Both institutions are celebrated as top film schools in the United States, consistently popping up on lists distinguishing them as such from esteemed film/entertainment publications such as The Hollywood Reporter and Variety.
This campaign is dedicated solely to raising a budget for my team's next film, Restaurant Rescue, a script that I am passionate about. My team and I are working meticulously to ensure that the film that your contributions will help make into reality will be a good one. We've worked hard to study film for years and we're on the cusp of getting our degrees. But we have one final hurdle to clear and it is a BIG ONE.
Here's the gist of the project: Restaurant Rescue is an absurdist parody of an episode-recap for an unscripted/reality restaurant-rescue show (similar to something like Kitchen Nightmares or Restaurant: Impossible with hints of comedy that you might find in the work of Tim and Eric, I Think You Should Leave, The Eric Andre Show, Key and Peele, etc.). In this film, Chef Thomas Wellington attempts to rescue a pizzeria/family entertainment center (think Gordon Ramsay goes to rescue Chuck E. Cheese) while things around him become more and more chaotic.
Now that you have an idea of the content you'd be paying to help make, let's get back to the campaign and why it's important. Any true cinephile knows that most good films need high stakes. Well, the real-life stakes in this situation are that a thesis film is required to receive our degrees. Well, not only is 'a' film required, but 'a good' film is required, because, you know, grades and such. We have a full team of graduate students who are counting on this film to succeed, and that's where we need your help.
To put it plainly, this film cannot be made, or at least, cannot be made well, without a modest budget.
With your contributions, not only will we be able to fund the film that will help me and my team get our degrees, but it may well be the film that helps launch our careers. If this film gets into festivals, it could be a massive opportunity for everyone involved to start working in the ultra-competitive film industry. Please consider donating if you can! Thank you!
Now we understand that some folks just won't be able to contribute to our production and that is absolutely okay!!! We love you all, too! If you can't contribute, please feel free to share this campaign around to friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, your mailman, your lawyer, your rich boss, the person who watches your kids when you go to concerts, whoever! Just please, get the word out! Maybe, just maybe, somebody you share it with will be able to contribute!
Share it on social media! Text the link to people! Email it (if you still use email)! Type out the link or URL or whatever it's called, print it and send it in the mail! Put it on a floppy disk and ship it to someone who's secluded in a forest with no contact to the outside world! Whatever! We're incredibly grateful to know that you care about making our dreams a reality.
Well, that was a lot. I think I covered everything. Thank you for taking the time to look at our campaign. Whether you donate $0 or $10 or $10,000, we love and appreciate you all and we're thankful to have been able to pitch to you. Have an excellent rest of your day, whenever that may be (I don't know when you're reading this) and go Bills! Unless you're donating and you're a fan of another team, then go that team! But mostly go Bills! Okay, I'll shut up now. BYYYYYYYYYYYYE!