Risk at First Bite
presented by No Nuts 4 Me
When I developed life threatening food allergies at the age of 21 after being able to eat everything as a child, my life was turned upside down. Imagine suddenly having a meal that you have had many times in the past but suddenly going into anaphylactic shock. And then eating something else a week later and going into anaphylactic shock again.
That is when my food allergy exploration began. I saw multiple doctors, got many tests done, joined support groups on Facebook, and tried to continue living my life normally. What I experienced was shocking.
The lack of awareness at restaurants, on airplanes, in schools, among my friends, within my own family was huge. No one seemed to understand just how life threatening food allergies can really be. No one seemed to understand that you can go into anaphylactic shock from basically any food - not just peanuts. The worst part is that most restaurants didn't seem to understand that soy is not gluten. Or that eggs are not dairy. Or that almonds are in fact a tree nut.
Not only did my new normal in life change drastically, but I was determined to "fix this". Why did this happen to me? Why is it SO difficult to live with food allergies? Why don't the doctors have answers?
After being seen by various doctors and getting different explanations from each one of them, I decided I was going to find out the "truth". I went on a mission to seek out and interview the top allergists from around the United States on what causes food allergies, if there is anything we can do to prevent them, and if we can somehow cure them.
I flew to Boston, I flew to Denver, I utilized my home city of Los Angeles, and I got to work. I attended physician only conferences where I got to listen to top researchers speak and I got to interview top allergists on the food allergy epidemic. I attended food allergy conferences and got to talk to children and parents and adults with food allergies.
If you have food allergies, this is a film that you are not going to want to miss. But it's not enough to just show it to those with food allergies - it's even more important to show this to people who don't have food allergies because that is who we are trying to educate. And we can't do that alone. We need your help.
Your support today could help increase awareness and in turn help save a life.
What Your Funding Supports:
- Completing the production of the film (which is 90% complete as of now)
- Creating and adding animations
- Post-production editing of the film
- Theatrical release
- An agressive PR strategy
- Online target marketing
- Advertising
- Events to raise awarness
- Qualify for film festivals and awards
The Impact
We must all unite around this film in order to raise awareness and educate the world in an effective, efficient, and entertaining manner. We need to improve the way food allergies are handled in public places so we can save lives, especially the lives of children while at school.
Each and every one of you plays an essential role in exposing the truth about life-threatening food allergies. This will help restaurant managers, school teachers, airplane flight attendants, and many more educate themselves on this epidemic that is only growing.
Support now and see your name in the credits of the film - a once in a lifetime experience that lasts a lifetime!
The challenge of producing this film is that we must have the support of the community to ensure that this film, and message, gets to reach it's actualization of creating massive awareness to the public. We have to achieve this together as ONE, and your support is the reason we will continue to see this success come to be.
Thank you for your support and for sharing everywhere!
Your support goes beyond the great perks you receive. Your support also includes sharing this campaign and film everywhere and with everyone you know. Great ways to achieve this is through the Indiegogo share tools provided, Facebook, Twitter, and of course word of mouth!
Again, YOU are the reason this is all happening, so...