Since moving to Nashville from my small town in West Virginia nearly two years ago, I have learned so much about the music industry! I've cowritten with dozens of other writers and written more songs than I can keep count of. I'm so excited about the direction my music has taken. I have always known what kind of music I enjoy and which artist influence me but I finally feel like I've landed in a place where my music really "fits" me. This is why I'm ready to take the next step and record a CD. This has been something I've wanted to do, and have attemped to try on occassions, for years. While I hate I have not been able to release music thus far I am somewhat glad I've waited. Now I have the opportunity to skim through all the songs I've written and choose 7 or 8 that I want to put on the album. Releasing this project is something very important to me but I'm not just doing it for myself. I'm doing it for ya'll! I have be so incredibly blessed over the last few years with support from family, friends, and fans and well, thank you all.
Here's what is happening...
Recording costs add up super fast. In order to complete this project I've decided to launch this IndieGoGo Campaign so ya'll can help me raise the money! The overall estimate of the recording process will be approximately $5,500.00. It involves...
- Renting a stuido
- Hiring numerous musicians; guitar, bass, drums, mandolin, banjo, dobro, etc.
- Back-up vocals
- Hiring a producer
- Hiring an engineer
- Hiring someone to mix the final product
- Hiring someone to master the final product
- Finding a company to manufacture physical copies
What YOU are going to get in return for donating,
- Autographed CD
- Personalized Thank You Card
- Booklet of information that includes things like stories behind the songs, how I chose the songs for the album, making the project, and a special thank you to everyone that donated. (Names will be listed)
- A personalized youtube video cover of your choice
- SAT Original T-Shirt
Please note that ALL perks will be distributed at one of the CD release shows during LATE SUMMER.
There will be TWO CD RELEASE SHOWS held in:
- Nashville, Tennessee
- Bluefield, West Virginia
Dates are currently TENTATIVE but will be announced as soon as confirmed. If you are unable to attend, please speficy that you would like your perks mailed to you.
If you donate enough to receive a youtube video, please speficity three songs you would like covered and one will be chosen.
If you donate enough to reveive a SAT Orignial T-Shirt, please specify a size.
Here's what else I'm doing,
Videos released throughout the project for every $500.00 earned
Songs on the album will be released once half of the funds are raised
Additional things that will be announced randomly
So what if you can't make a donation?
That's okay! You can help by spreading the word on your facebook, twitter, instagram, etc. Word of mouth can do SO MUCH! Don't forget to use IndieGoGo's share tools listed below this content section! Keep in mind, I'm not asking for larger donations. $5.00 here and $10.00 there adds up FAST. Any amount donated will be greatly appreciated.
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU. I love you all so much and I appreciate your love and support!