Crinkling News is read and loved by tens of thousands of kids in schools and homes across the country each week. We have inspired young people to start newspaper clubs, launch their writing careers, voice their opinions, and establish their own papers.
We are developing the next generation's love for quality news and current affairs.
But we need your help
Despite steadily growing readership, we need funds to secure the newspaper's future.
This is not a tale of woe or financial mismanagement, just urgency.
Crinkling News continues to attract new readers and subscribers every day. We have simply run out of seed funding just short of becoming a sustainable business.
We have worked hard to attract funding for the past year, but our time has been extremely limited because we put out a 16-page national newspaper each week with a very small team - and the deadline always takes priority!
We need the funds to invest in the business development we don't have the time or expertise to do. In other words, your generous contribution goes to making Crinkling News stronger and secure its future, not to prop it up.
With your help, we can get there!
We are so close to becoming a self-sustaining publication. But unless you help now, we will close next week.
Your generous donation will be used to take us that final step. It will bring in the key expertise needed to establish Crinkling News as the foundation for our kids' life-long love of quality news.