Save Robomongo
Save Robomongo
Save Robomongo
Save Robomongo
Save Robomongo
Support Robomongo development for 1 year
Support Robomongo development for 1 year
Support Robomongo development for 1 year
Support Robomongo development for 1 year
This campaign is closed
Save Robomongo
Support Robomongo development for 1 year
Support Robomongo development for 1 year
Support Robomongo development for 1 year
Support Robomongo development for 1 year
Support Robomongo development for 1 year
I'm creator of Robomongo and I'm taking my last attempt to rescue the project. My goal is to create a team of C/C++ Developer and QA Engineer who can work on the project at Paralect office without being distracted to anything else for one year.
I bet Paralect reputation on fulfillment of our promises.
We are planning to address 7 major features in first 6 months:
From version 3.0 MongoDB introduces new pluggable storage architecture and WiredTiger storage engine. Currently Robomongo only supports MMAPv1 storage engine. From version 3.2 MongoDB starts to use WiredTiger by default. We plan to add support for WiredTiger first and work on other storage engines, such as In Memory and Encrypted storages right after.
At the moment, Robomongo is based on SpiderMonkey JavaScript engine. Since MongoDB 2.3.1, JavaScript engine was changed from SpiderMonkey to Google V8. But starting from 3.1.9 MongoDB is based on SpiderMonkey again. To support all versions of the MongoDB we need to implement V8 JavaScript engine and this is quite a lot of work. MongoDB 3.2 soon will be a production-ready release and we plan to focus on that release first, while still considering support for all versions of the MongoDB.
Supporting connections to the Replica Sets is one of the most awaiting features. This feature, along with two above, is our first priority and should cover needs of the major part of the Robomongo community.
We think, that in place edit is a one of the best UX improvements we can make. This improvement should make use of Robomongo more efficient than it ever was.
Copying documents, collections and databases are operations which are used very often in development and production. We want to add proper support for them.
We want to add a quick way of sharing MongoDB data with others. While initially we planning to add basic import/exports support, later we plan to more deeply integrate with MongoDB tools.
While we think that GridFS is not the feature that is used by most MongoDB users, but we still plan to implement fast files view with abilities to create, edit and delete files.