There’s so much ‘disposable horror’ out there right now. You pay your money, you crap your pants and you move on. Fair deal I guess. But what happened to Horror films that were just good films? Original ideas, believable characters with depth. Greats like Rosemary’s Baby, Don’t look Now and The Shining follow you home from the cinema and stay with you long after.
Scopia is an intelligent, classically inspired, high concept film designed to make the audience think. A sci-fi horror for grownups. Think Donnie Darko meets The Butterfly Effect, meets The Shining. The best of modern and classic combined.
“Scopia” is an original feature, written and directed by Christopher Butler, and produced by Steven Flynn with Kevin Shaw as Executive Producer. Despite budget limitations the film is shot in real big screen quality. Christopher Lloyd Hayden of Florence and The Machine has teamed up with Steve Carr of Francis Neve to create an original score and soundtrack for the film, which will compliment the powerful imagery.
Set in London, “Scopia” follows ordinary white-collar office worker, Bashia (played by Polish actress, Joanna Ignaczewska), who after suffering mild depression undergoes hypnotic regression with specialist Dr Edward Stanton. No sooner do these treatments start (somewhat unorthodox in nature) that Bashia’s flashbacks caused during regression appear to be not only of a troubled childhood but also of troubled past lives. As these “memories” gush forth, the vivid and warm memories of her young mother’s kindness subside and start to give way to dark forces that seek to disrupt and destroy her. As Bashia struggles to hold these dark forces from breaking through into her present, she increasingly struggles to retain her sanity and the ability to fight back. There is a way out but it is hardest path to take, shaking her humanity to the very core.
We’re so close to completing the film, painfully close…but we need your help. To date we have raided all our savings to bring this unique film to life – and shooting just over half the script is no mean feat. With your help, whatever we raise we’ll convert that into shooting days. So far we have around 15 shooting days left, and as each day costs approximately $2000, the more we raise the more we get done. And considering on that we have to re-create historical period pieces (Japan, India and France) – every penny counts!
If our film has inspired you to help – have a look at our pledges. We would love for you to become part of our extended supporter family. You will be instrumental in helping "Scopia" get finished! In most cases the cost of a DVD or a night out you could in fact become part of the action, as opposed to a mere passer by – and isn’t thats so much cooler? And for those of you who feel the passion for supporting the movies then our Mogul package is perfect, Its not all vanity about your name on the screen (ok a little of that), you are helping us finish the film. You can even sponsor your very own scene where we’ll give you a framed copy of the script page with your name. It could also make the perfect gift for a loved one.
And even if things are tight for you at the moment (we know we feel it too), then if you like what we are doing, send a tweet or facebook or simply forward this link to your friends and share the word. The nice people at Indie GoGo also have share tools on the site – so get clicking.
Love and respect…
Christopher Butler,