A message from Coach Baxter
The Simi Valley Boys' Volleyball program
is getting ready for what is sure to be an exciting season. After a challenging
2013 season, the boys have gained invaluable experience in what is arguably one
of the toughest leagues in the country. With the experience received, combined
with the leadership of our upperclassmen, we expect to have many successes in
the upcoming season!
How can you help the Pioneers
Boys Volleyball Team?
The accomplishments we have made as
student athletes, coaches, and an organization take hard work, effort and
resources. Unfortunately, high school athletics are sparsely funded by our
school or our county. The large majority of our program's funding continues to
be generated from the student athletes, their parents, and the support and
generosity of the community.
As our players work hard this season on
the court and in the classroom, we respectfully request your financial
assistance as we continue our efforts to provide our student athletes the
most rewarding experience possible. Additionally, the contributions we receive
will allow us to cover the costs of new balls, nets, antennas, a medkit, travel
expenses, jump training equipment, stat programs, locker room repairs, and
other items that come up throughout the season. Most important of all, your
generous donation will provide our players and coaches with the support needed
to develop strong, disciplined young athletes of character and integrity.
Thank you for your support!
Coach J.C. Baxter
Simi Valley Boys Volleyball