Lavishly illustrated by the late, great Adrian Sibar and Preston Asevedo, this 96 page trade-paperback includes both issues #7 and #8, plus brand new issues #9 and #10 that bring the LONG DAYS OF VENGEANCE arc that began in Vol. 1 to its explosive conclusion!
VOL. 2 Trade Paperback Cover by Preston Asevedo
Here are the first eight pages:![]()
"A really good Western. I really enjoyed it. It's a page-turner!" - CHUCK DIXON (Batman, Nightwing, The Punisher)
"Majestic!" - MIKE BARON (Nexus, Badger, The Punisher)
"It don't get much better than this, Pal. A rootin--tootin' six-gun shootin', Western adventure that makes me run off at the adjectives. Wonderful stuff." - JOE R. LANSDALE (author of Bubba Ho-Tep , Hap and Leonard, Cold In July)
“ has real weight and emotion… a well-crafted western that just happens to have a gun-toting gorilla as the main character. If you like westerns, gorillas, crazy concepts, or just plain ol’ good comics, then this is one worth checking out.” - COMIC BOOK THERAPY
“…an indie book that deserves to play with the big boys.” - GEEKASM
"Who can say no to a well-executed western starring a ferocious six-gun wielding simian? ...a really good comic-book." - THE COMIC AGE
“Together with artist Adrian Sibar, writer Brian Christgau has revised and changed-up the classic Six-Gun Gorilla pulp tale, blending it with beloved old school western cinematic tropes that make it an ingenious cross between Clint Eastwood’s Pale Rider and a wild Twilight Zone episode.” - NERDVANA
“Read this comic book. I’m dead serious. Find it, buy it, and enjoy how SIX-GUN GORILLA: LONG DAYS OF VENGEANCE succeeds as any good comic book should.” - COMIC BASTARDS
"...a work of art that pushes the classic notions of a true western with modern ideals and updated storytelling providing a cohesive product that is a ride to read and pleasure to look at." - - PULP CULTURED
This is an extension of that campaign, but since you fine folks backed when I had no original art to show and have been waiting for your books, I’m to hook you up with something special that only you original backers will be getting. I love and appreciate all of my backers and deeds speak louder than words. You will be getting prints of both the Adam Miller piece *and* a print of Dillard's cover.