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Small Scale Armies From Vanguard Miniatures

Let's fund some small scale armies!

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Small Scale Armies From Vanguard Miniatures

Small Scale Armies From Vanguard Miniatures

Small Scale Armies From Vanguard Miniatures

Small Scale Armies From Vanguard Miniatures

Small Scale Armies From Vanguard Miniatures

Let's fund some small scale armies!

Let's fund some small scale armies!

Let's fund some small scale armies!

Let's fund some small scale armies!

1 Campaign |
Plymouth, United Kingdom
$14,416 USD $14,416 USD by 538 backers
$12,734 USD by 474 backers on Jan 3, 2018
Let's fund some 6mm scale Armies!

Who Are Vanguard Miniatures?

Vanguard Miniatures is an established wargames company with its own range of metal and resin miniatures, as well as plastic bases.

In order to ensure this campaign runs smoothly, Vanguard are teaming up with collaborators Troublemaker Games to help run this campaign, as having run five successful Indiegogo Crowdfunders they're pretty good at knowing how this button-pushing bippety-boopety computers lark is supposed to work.


What We Need & What You Get

Our 6mm scale models in this funding campaign are intended to reinforce our Defeat In Detail range of models, by adding more models to the existing ranges.

As we cross stretch goals, we'll be unlocking more models, some of which can be seen in silhouette below...

We have many designs already sculpted, and without a crowdfunding campaign it would be another year or even two before we could afford to put them all into production, so your interest and support at this stage means we can put out more metal models at a much faster rate than would otherwise be possible.

The Models

All of the models in this campaign are to be METAL models, unless otherwise stated.

Most of the models have already been Matter Printed and are awaiting a trip to the casting foundry, whilst other models only exist as-yet in CAD form - your support now will ensure they become real tiny toy fighty models!



Novan Elites Pathfinders

Novan Elites Pathfinders are highly trained and equipped with the very best armaments and reconnaissance assets.

Each set of Novan Elites Pathfinders contains:

4 x Sprue A

4 x Sprue B


Novan Elites Sparta

The Sparta is a light APC, used by the Elite Pathfinders.

Each set of Novan Elites Sparta vehicles contains 6 x Spartas, 6 x double sided rear hatches, plain on one side, fleur-de-lys on the other.


Novan Elites Tainted - Affray Squads

Operating on the fringes of Novan space these renegade Elites of a fallen great house have turned to piracy and raiding to survive. Alongside the remaining regular human forces from the same house and various allies of  unknown origin these so called Tainted are becoming an existential threat to the Novan Hegemony.

Each Novan Elites Tainted Affray set contains:

8 x Sprues 


Novan Elites Tainted - Characters & Specialists

Tainted armies maintain a warped semblance of the Leadership structure of their loyal Novan origins,

Each Novan Elites Tainted Characters & Specialists set contains:

4 x Sprue A

4 x Sprue B


Tainted Decimator Heavy Tank

The Decimator Heavy Tank is a new design of super-heavy war engine utilised by Tainted Novan Elites forces - the origin of this unusual vehicle and just who manufactures them remains a mystery.

Each Tainted Decimator Heavy Tank set contains one multi-part super-heavy vehicle model.

Height 5.4cm, Width 6.8cm.


Tainted Hecate Interceptor

Maneuverable and well armed, Tainted Interceptors are powered by nuclear cells, such that even in death their pilots may bring woe.

Each Tainted Interceptor set contains 4 x Interceptor models.

Length 5.6cm


Tainted Charon Ground Attack Fighter

A variant of the Hecate interceptor the Charon has been designed as a light ground attack aircraft capable of rapid response and with a surprising amount of firepower for it's size.

Each Tainted Charon fighter set contains 4 x fighters.

Length: 5.6cm



Skinner Drop troops

Skinner armies are known to use Drop Troops equipped with rocket packs as special forces, deployed from the air they encircling the enemy and attacking from unexpected directions.

Each Skinner Drop Troops set contains:

2 x Leaders Sprues

8 x Drop Troopers Sprue A


Gobblers Light Field Guns Set

Skinnerz utilise a wide variety of light artillery pieces to support their armies, these are commonly towed by fast tractors enabling them to be rapidly deployed on the battlefield. 

Each Gobblers light artillery set contains, 4 x Tractor Vectors, 4 x Field Pieces (1 of each ) and 20 x Gobblers crew figures (2 sets of 10). 

Note that there is still some detail work to do on these yet and the rocket model will be a separate casting from the carriage.

Skinnerz Heavy Artillery Set

Less common than the Skinnerz field artillery are these heavy ordinance pieces deployed mostly in support of major assault operations on enemy cities, they can also be found defending Skinnerz military bases and installations. 

Heavy Cannon (5 part kit)

Beam Cannon (5 part kit)

Long Range Missile (6 part kit)

Each Skinnerz heavy artillery set contains, 3 x Tractor Vectors, 3 x Gun Limbers, 3 x heavy artillery models one of each variant.

Note that should funding allow we can create an individual Limber for each weapon type. Also the possibility of Skinnerz crew figures exists.


Novan Tribune (Hector Variant)

Novan Regulars field various configurations of Tribune Heavy Tank; The most commonly found among the ranks of the Novan hegemony are the Hector Variant. Festooned with multiple cannons and anti-personnel heavy machineguns, they are a fearsome all-round vehicle, capable of taking on both enemy tanks and infantry mobs with confidence.

Each Novan Tribune (Hector Variant) set contains 3 x multi-part Novan Hector model kits.

Length 4.5cm


Novan Tribune (Achilles)

The Achilles variant of the Tribune tank replaces the standard tanks twin cannon in the turret with two long barrelled anti-tank cannon, designed to engage enemy armour at extreme range they have proven most effective in this roll. Used primarily on the flanks of and armoured attack it is not uncommon however to also see them leading spearhead formations in the shock assault roll.

Each Novan Tribune (Achilles variant) set contains 3 x multi-part Novan Achilles model kits.


Novan Tribune (Turnus)

The Turnus yet another variant of the Tribune heavy tank this particular version has been created to address the infantry and light vehicle wave tactics often preferred by Skinnerz armies. The turret contains two large calibre heavy rotary cannon that can throw out a prodigious amount of fire power, devastating to even the most heavily armoured infantry and shredding light vehicles with ease. 

Each Novan Tribune (Turnus variant) set contains 3 x multi-part Turnus model kits.


Novan Firestorm Heavy Flamethrower tank

The "Firestorm" variant of the churchillian tank has been specially modified to bring cascades of flaming napalyde raining down upon the enemies of the Commonwealth.

Each Novan Firestorm set contains 3 x multi-part Novan Firestorm tank model kits.


Novan Convent Redeemer

The Novan Convents are often believed by outsiders to engage in the forbidden arts known as "Religion", but in truth they are merely appropriators of ancient titles and attitudes, using the rituals and practices of the mystics of old Earth to hone their minds and bodies into facilitators of the King's Justice.

A combination of capable army and secret police, the Convents are fearsome opponents.

It is unknown as to whether the pilots of the mechs known as "Redeemers" are in conscious control of the vehicles they ride to war, or if they are criminals sentenced to a fatal destiny by the harsh order of the King's covert lawgivers.

Each Convent Redeemer set contains:

- 3x Redeemer body A

- 3x Redeemer body B

- 6x Left Arm

- 6x Right Arm




Novan Regulars in Urban Combat Uniform

Each Novan Urban Regulars set contains:

8 x ten man squads



Novan Urban Regulars Specialists

Each Novan Urban Regulars set contains:

4 x Command sprues

4 x Heavy Support sprues




Eloi Phase Walkers

Each Eloi Phase Walkers set contains 80 x Eloi Phase Walker infantry models.


Tainted Heavy Elites

Each Tainted Heavy Elites set contains 80x Tainted Heavy Elites infantry models.


Tainted Heavy Elites Command

Each Heavy Elites Command set contains 21 x command infantry figures, 3 of each sculpt.


Novan Female Political Officers

Each Novan Female Political Officers set contains 10 x infantry models, 2 of each sculpt.




Novan Elites Gladiators, Mk2

Each Novan Elites Mk2 Gladiators set contains 6x Mk 2 Gladiators three leg poses, 2x of each weapon arm (16x weapons, total), and 4x Dorsal Missile Pods.


Tainted Rampager Light Tanks

A light support tank the Rampager is assumed to be manufactured from the same source as the super heavy Decimator this vehicle can be seen escorting it's heavier sibling into battle as well as operating independently in attack swarms formations.

Each Rampager set consists of 4 x multi-part Rampager tank models.




Backers' Rewards:

For every £200 you spend we will give you £20 of credit to spend either on further models from this campaign, or models from the Vanguard Miniatures website.

We are also looking at possible backers freebie character figures for late in the campaign.

Stretch goals funding path:

£2700 Tribune heavy tanks (Achilles and Turnus) variants released. GOAL ACHIEVED.

£2850 Eloi Phase Walkers and Elites Gladiators Mk2 released. GOAL ACHIEVED.

£3000 Female political officers released. GOAL ACHIEVED.

£3200 Tainted elites in heavy armour released. GOAL ACHIEVED.

£3500 Tainted Rampager light tank released. GOAL ACHIEVED.

£3800 Tainted Elites heavy armour command released. GOAL ACHIEVED.

£4300 Skinnerz Vector gun tractor and towed weapons set released. GOAL ACHIEVED.

£4800 Tainted Charon ground attack fighter released. GOAL ACHIEVED.

£5600 Skinnerz Heavy Artillery Battery released. GOAL ACHIEVED.

Further campaign goals under development.




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Choose your Perk

Female Political Officers

Female Political Officers

Currency Conversion $3 USD
£2 GBP
You will receive a set consisting of 10 x Novan Female Political Officers
Included Items
  • Female Political Officers Set
Estimated Shipping
February 2018
21 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Tainted Elites Command Set

Tainted Elites Command Set

Currency Conversion $9 USD
£7 GBP
This set contains the following Tainted Elites Heavy Armour Command Figures, 6 x officers, 3 x champion berzerker, 3 x standard bearer, 3 x priest, 3 x mystic and 3 x Hierarch.
Included Items
  • Tainted Elites Command Set
Estimated Shipping
February 2018
33 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Convent Redeemer

Convent Redeemer

Currency Conversion $10 USD
£8 GBP
You will receive a set consisting of six multi-part Convent Redeemers.
Included Items
  • Convent Redeemer Set x 6
Estimated Shipping
February 2018
44 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Novan Elites Gladiators

Novan Elites Gladiators

Currency Conversion $10 USD
£8 GBP
You will receive a set consisting of 6 x multi-part Elites Gladiator models, 8x Left Arms (from 4 different arm types), 8x Right Arms (from 4 different arm types), and 4x Dorsal Missile Pods.
Included Items
  • Novan Elites Gladiators set
Estimated Shipping
February 2018
30 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Novan Firestorm Tank Set

Novan Firestorm Tank Set

Currency Conversion $12 USD
£9 GBP
You will receive a set consisting of 3x multi-part Novan Firestorm tanks.
Included Items
  • Novan Firestorm x 3
Estimated Shipping
February 2018
18 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Tainted Rampager Light Tanks

Tainted Rampager Light Tanks

Currency Conversion $13 USD
£10 GBP
You will receive a set consisting of 4 x Tainted Rampager Light Tanks.
Included Items
  • Tainted Rampager Light Tanks
Estimated Shipping
February 2018
12 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Novan Elites Sparta Set

Novan Elites Sparta Set

Currency Conversion $16 USD
£12 GBP
You will receive a set consisting of 6x Novan Elites Sparta APC's, and 6x reversible hatches with plain details on one side, and a Fleur-De-Lys hatch on the reverse side.
Included Items
  • Sparta APC x 6
Estimated Shipping
February 2018
12 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Novan Urban Regulars

Novan Urban Regulars

Currency Conversion $16 USD
£12 GBP
You will receive a set consisting of 80 x Novan Urban Regulars.
Included Items
  • Novan Urban Regulars Set
Estimated Shipping
February 2018
11 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Eloi Phase Walkers Set

Eloi Phase Walkers Set

Currency Conversion $16 USD
£12 GBP
You will receive 80 x Eloi Phase Walker Infantry models.
Included Items
  • Eloi Phase Walkers Set
Estimated Shipping
February 2018
16 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Gobblers light field guns set

Gobblers light field guns set

Currency Conversion $16 USD
£12 GBP
You will receive a set consisting of the following models: 4 x Tractor Vector towing vehicles, 4 x Field artillery pieces (one of each design), 20 x gobbler crew figures (two of each sculpt).
Included Items
  • Gobblers light field guns set.
Estimated Shipping
February 2018
11 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Novan Elites Pathfinders

Novan Elites Pathfinders

Currency Conversion $18 USD
£14 GBP
You will receive a set consisting of 80x Novan Elites Pathfinders.
Included Items
  • Novan Pathfinders Set
Estimated Shipping
February 2018
28 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Tainted Elites - Affray Set

Tainted Elites - Affray Set

Currency Conversion $18 USD
£14 GBP
You will receive a set consisting of 80x Tainted Novan Elites Affray Squad Troopers.
Included Items
  • Tainted Elites Set
Estimated Shipping
February 2018
8 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Tainted Interceptor

Tainted Interceptor

Currency Conversion $18 USD
£14 GBP
You will receive a set consisting of 4 x Tainted Interceptors, and 4 x clear plastic flying stands.
Included Items
  • Tainted Hecate Interceptor x 4
Estimated Shipping
February 2018
14 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Novan Urban  Specialists

Novan Urban Specialists

Currency Conversion $18 USD
£14 GBP
You will receive 88 x Novan Urban Specialists models
Included Items
  • Novan Urban Specialist set
Estimated Shipping
February 2018
8 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Tainted Charon Fighter

Tainted Charon Fighter

Currency Conversion $18 USD
£14 GBP
You will receive a set consisting of 4 x Charon Ground Attack Fighter models and 4 x plastic flight bases.
Included Items
  • Tainted Charon Fighter x 4
Estimated Shipping
February 2018
8 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Tainted Elites in heavy armour

Tainted Elites in heavy armour

Currency Conversion $19 USD
£15 GBP
You will receive a set consisting of 80 x Tainted Elites in heavy armour.
Included Items
  • Tainted Heavy Armour Set
Estimated Shipping
February 2018
26 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Tainted Elites - Specialists

Tainted Elites - Specialists

Currency Conversion $21 USD
£16 GBP
You will receive a set consisting of 80 x Tainted Novan Elites Characters, Specialists, and Heavy Weapons Troopers.
Included Items
  • Tainted Elites Specialists Set
Estimated Shipping
February 2018
8 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Skinner Drop Troops Set

Skinner Drop Troops Set

Currency Conversion $21 USD
£16 GBP
You will receive a set consisting of 10 x Skinner Drop Troop leaders, and 80 x Skinner Drop Troopers.
Included Items
  • Skinner Drop Troops Set
Estimated Shipping
February 2018
36 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Tainted Decimator Heavy Tank

Tainted Decimator Heavy Tank

Currency Conversion $23 USD
£18 GBP
You will receive a set consisting of 1x Tainted Decimator Superheavy Vehicle.
Included Items
  • Tainted Decimator
Estimated Shipping
February 2018
9 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Tribune (Hector) Heavy Tanks

Tribune (Hector) Heavy Tanks

Currency Conversion $23 USD
£18 GBP
You will receive a set consisting of 3x multi-part Novan Tribune Heavy Tanks.
Included Items
  • Novan Tribune (Hector) x 3
Estimated Shipping
February 2018
12 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Tribune (Achilles) Heavy Tanks

Tribune (Achilles) Heavy Tanks

Currency Conversion $23 USD
£18 GBP
You will receive a set consisting of 3 x multi part Novan Tribune Heavy Tanks
Included Items
  • Novan Tribune (Achilles) x 3
Estimated Shipping
February 2018
8 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Tribune (Turnus) Heavy Tanks

Tribune (Turnus) Heavy Tanks

Currency Conversion $23 USD
£18 GBP
You will receive a set consisting of 3 x multi-part Novan Tribune Heavy Tanks.
Included Items
  • Novan Tribune (Turnus) x 3
Estimated Shipping
February 2018
7 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Tainted mixed Squadron Deal.

Tainted mixed Squadron Deal.

Currency Conversion $28 USD
£22 GBP
You will receive 4 x Tainted Hecate Interceptors, 4 x Charon Ground Attack Fighters, and 8 x plastic flight stands.
Included Items
  • Tainted Squadron Deal.
Estimated Shipping
February 2018
18 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Tainted Wheels of Death set

Tainted Wheels of Death set

Currency Conversion $31 USD
£24 GBP
You will receive a set consisting of 1 x Decimator Super heavy tank and 4 x Rampager light tank models.
Included Items
  • Tainted Wheels of Death set.
Estimated Shipping
February 2018
17 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Skinnerz Heavy Artillery Set

Skinnerz Heavy Artillery Set

Currency Conversion $31 USD
£24 GBP
You will receive the following multi part heavy artillery set consisting of, 3 x Tractor Vectors, 3 x Limbers, 3 x Heavy Artillery models one of each of the following, 1 x heavy cannon, 1 x beam cannon and 1 x long range missile.
Included Items
  • Skinnerz Heavy Artillery Set
Estimated Shipping
February 2018
23 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Sparta Recon APC Deal

Sparta Recon APC Deal

Currency Conversion $39 USD
£30 GBP
You will receive 18 x Sparta APC's.
Included Items
  • Sparta APC x 6 (3)
Estimated Shipping
February 2018
6 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Decimator Heavy Tank Deal

Decimator Heavy Tank Deal

Currency Conversion $39 USD
£30 GBP
You will receive 2 x Tainted Decimator heavy tanks.
Included Items
  • Tainted Decimator (2)
Estimated Shipping
February 2018
7 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Tribune Heavy Tank Deal 1

Tribune Heavy Tank Deal 1

Currency Conversion $39 USD
£30 GBP
You will receive 6 x Tribune heavy tanks.
Included Items
  • Novan Tribune (Hector) x 3 (2)
Estimated Shipping
February 2018
7 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Gobblers Light Artillery Deal.

Gobblers Light Artillery Deal.

Currency Conversion $39 USD
£30 GBP
You will receive a set consisting of, 12 x Tractor Vectors, 12 x Light Artillery models (3 of each type) and 60 x Gobbler crew figures (6 x sets of 10 figures).
Included Items
  • Gobblers Light Artillery Deal.
Estimated Shipping
February 2018
12 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Novan Urban Army Deal 1

Novan Urban Army Deal 1

Currency Conversion $57 USD
£44 GBP
You will receive 1 x Urban regulars specialist set, 3 x Urban regulars Infantry sets.
Included Items
  • Novan urban Regulars Army Deal
Estimated Shipping
February 2018
22 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Tainted Elites Army Deal 1

Tainted Elites Army Deal 1

Currency Conversion $71 USD
£55 GBP
You will receive 160 x Tainted Elites, 80 x Tainted Elites specialists and 80 x Tainted Elites in heavy armour and 21 x heavy armour Command figures.
Included Items
  • Tainted Elites Set (2)
  • Tainted Elites Specialists Set
  • Tainted Heavy Armour Set
  • Tainted Elites Command Set
Estimated Shipping
February 2018
24 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Tribune Heavy Tank Deal 2

Tribune Heavy Tank Deal 2

Currency Conversion $78 USD
£60 GBP
You will receive twelve multi-part Tribune models. Set consists of: 6 x Hector 3 x Achilles 3 x Turnus
Included Items
  • Tribune Heavy Tank Deal 2
Estimated Shipping
February 2018
9 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Tainted Elites Army Deal 2

Tainted Elites Army Deal 2

Currency Conversion $84 USD
£65 GBP
You will receive 160 x Tainted Elites, 80 x Tainted Elites specialists, 4 Tainted Hecate interceptors and 1 x Tainted Decimator heavy tank.
Included Items
  • Tainted Elites Set (2)
  • Tainted Elites Specialists Set
  • Tainted Decimator
  • Tainted Hecate Interceptor x 4
Estimated Shipping
February 2018
11 claimed
Ships worldwide.

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